The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 204 Let's go to Mangzhou

The wicked scholar's eyes also lit up.

He knew Heiyu God very well. Since the other party said so, he must have intentionally wanted to help him.

Because his white cat is only Tier 3 at the moment, he wants to advance to Tier 4, but he has been stuck for several years.

"Okay, I'll talk about it later. What's the latest news? Show me the newspaper." Black Crow said at this time.

The extremely evil scholar seemed to think of something at this time, and said, "By the way, in the newspaper this time, someone signed a name for you?"

After speaking, ask someone to pick up a copy.

Black Crow was taken aback: "Is someone looking for me? Still signed?"

The extremely evil scholar nodded: "Yes, and not only looking for you, but also looking for a ghost baby, this ghost baby, is it the terrifying ghost baby lady in Nannan?"

Hei Crow's heart jumped when he heard this: "Where's the newspaper, bring it to me quickly."

It is rare to be anxious.

You must know that the black crow was so hungry just now, and he walked and talked in a hurry, but when he heard the name of the ghost baby, he was in a hurry.

Next, the black crow almost reached out and grabbed the newspaper and read it carefully.

The extremely evil scholar on the side is puzzled: "The person who signed the name is the curator, the strange name, the content is to let you and Guiying go to Mangzhou to shock the Snake Country, the Snake Country, I have heard that, although it is not a big country, it is also medium The kingdom is not bad in Mangzhou, at least there must be a lot of fourth-order beasts, especially Mangzhou beasts are inherently fierce and difficult to deal with. Black Crow, you will definitely not go, besides, this is not your temper, How can you black crow be ordered to do things, it's just ridiculous..."

Before he could finish speaking, Hei Crow got up and said, "Scholar, how do you get to Snake Country?"

The wicked scholar was stunned.

After a while, the black crow had already pulled the scholar out of Jiaowei Mountain.

"Scholar, let's get on the back of Hei Feather God in a while and get to the Snake Country as soon as possible, this time I will bring you here, one is that I don't know the way myself, and the other is that I will give you a chance, don't say I don't take care of our brothers You, this time, you have to seize it." Black Crow said on the road.

The wicked scholar was dumbfounded.

"Black Crow, what's the origin of that curator?" The extremely vicious scholar is not stupid, and he can make Hei Chou get up and go to Mangzhou thousands of miles away in one sentence.

"I can't explain a sentence or two. In short, it was the first time that the person came to me with an evil newspaper, which means that the curator can't wait for the next visit to the living room to open. Specifically, I will tell you on the way." Black Crow was in a hurry. .

He could not wait to rush to Mangzhou Snake Country immediately.

The wicked scholar thought for a while: "The Snake Country is not easy to mess with, do you need to call the old poison?"

Black Crow shook his head: "Let's talk about it next time. If the ghost baby goes, then she can suppress the Snake Kingdom by herself."


Somewhere in the wilderness.

There are many dead trees here, and the dead air is full of life. For the past few decades, this place has been regarded as a mass grave by the people nearby, and the unnamed corpses are generally thrown here.

After a long time, the grass in this land is not long, the trees are dead, and it is difficult to find animal traces.

Next to a mound, Mrs. Ghost Baby stood quietly.

She has been standing for three days and three nights.

Three days ago, she used the method taught by the curator to bring the coffin bearer here, found this place, dug a pit, cut off the secret method of co-living between the coffin bearer and the corpse fear, and then took the coffin bearer together with the coffin. , buried together.

It's been three days now.

Gui Ying was convinced of what the curator said, because the curator was her savior.

At this moment, a figure flickered in the distance, and there were still a lot of people, but those people were 100 meters away, so they didn't get close.

The ghost baby just squinted at these people, and then turned his attention to the mound in front of him.

A hundred meters away, there were at least twenty people, all of them masters with various pets.

Bounty Hunter.

Mrs. Guiying is a key criminal who has offered bounties from many kingdoms in the Southern Continent. Over the years, the accumulated bounty is already an astronomical amount. Although everyone knows that Mrs. Guiying is not easy to mess with, sometimes, there are still people who do not believe in evil and want to be executed. Mrs. Guiying Infant, exchanged her head for a bounty that would never be spent in her lifetime.

One day ago, when a nearby villager came to throw the corpse, he saw Mrs. Ghost Infant, so the news spread like this. These twenty people are all good players and their pets are strong, so they plan to use more to bully the less and join hands to deal with the ghost baby. lady.

The one who took the lead among these people touched his beast pet and said, "Everyone, that is Mrs. Ghost Baby, if you kill her, the bounty will not be spent in a lifetime even if we share it together, so this time, everyone, Make sure to do your best, without any hesitation.”

"That's right, Madam Guiying's strength lies in what she is holding in her arms, and her body is not strong. After a while, we will fight the east and west, and some people will hold the monster in her arms, and the other people will attack its body with all their strength. I believe It can be done in one fell swoop.”

"Okay, but let's talk about the ugly, you have to make an unreserved shot for a while. I don't need to tell everyone how strong Mrs. Ghost Ying is. Although we have a lot of people, we may be killed by her if we are not careful. Use all techniques, and give me any medicinal herbs. In short, you must do your best to be successful.”

These people are ready to start.

At the same time, the sky was overcast, thunder was rolling, and soon the rain fell and crackled.


These people were divided into two groups and rushed forward together from the front and rear.

The rain in Nannan is often said to come, and to leave as soon as it is said.

Same this time.

The rain stopped.

Mrs. Ghost Baby patted the swaddling clothes lightly, and the expression on her face was the same as before.

Just around, the more than 20 bounty hunters just now fell to the ground and wailed. Basically, their arms and legs were broken.

What happened just now, many bounty hunters didn't even see clearly. Obviously, this time they underestimated Mrs. Guiying and overestimated themselves. Some people were looking for their hands in broken hands, and some were directly in pain. of fainting.

The scene was quite tragic, but Mrs. Guiying did not kill anyone.

The rain carried blood and formed streams, which flowed to low-lying places.


Mrs. Ghost Baby said softly, and those bounty hunters who lacked arms and legs all hurriedly left with the help of each other.

There was still a lot of residual value scattered on the ground. At this time, Mrs. Guiying saw something on the ground. She reached out and grabbed the object, and found that it was a straw roll of paper.

Apparently it was left by the group of bounty hunters just now.

"Evil Dao Newspaper!"

Obviously, Mrs. Guiying also knew this. She also knew that the first evil Dao newspaper was published by the legendary Daoist. Today, it has a history of hundreds of years.

She waited here for three days and was very bored, so she opened it and took a look.

Halfway through, her pupils shrank, and she saw the message signed by the curator.

"Black crow, ghost baby, go to Mangzhou Snake Country to suppress, curator!"

After Mrs. Guiying finished reading, she looked down at the mound, then squatted down and reached out to pat the mound and said, "Old coffin, hurry up and come out before you die, there is something urgent!"

The dirt begins to move.

Clearly, something wants to crawl out from below.

Madam Ghost Infant took a few steps back and watched the coffin bearer squeeze out the dirt and climb out.

This time, the coffin-carrying man did not carry the coffin, because the secret technique of co-birth had been cut off, it might be because he had been carrying the coffin for a long time, and his back was still a little hunched.

It's just that even with his waist hunched and covered in mud and rain, the coffin-carrying man looked excited and excited.

"Ghost baby, your method really succeeded."

After suffering for decades, the living person is not like a ghost or a ghost. At this moment, he is out of the sea of ​​misery, and the coffin-carrying man can't hide his excitement.

At this time, Mrs. Guiying shook her head and said, "It's not my way, it's the curator's way. Besides, Lao Coffin, you have to accompany me to Mangzhou."

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