The night is getting darker.

On the roof not far from Lin Jin's house, a few people in night clothes jumped and hurried.

Beside them, followed by all kinds of beast pets.

Some are big bats, some are black spiders, and some are ferocious apes.

When they arrived nearby, a few people stopped. Although one of them was wearing black clothes and covering his face, but he was fat, he said at the moment, "They are all professionals, I won't say anything else, just ask for a little bit, and I'll be there in a while. Place, teach me a hard lesson to that kid, it's best if he beats his mother so that he won't recognize him, as long as he doesn't cause any fatalities."

Speaking of this person, there is a sense of hatred.

He was Dong He, the logistics department manager, who was placed with Lin Jin during the day.

Lin Jin smashed the spiritual energy stone in public, which impressed him a lot. The most important thing was that the other party made him lose face in front of the person he liked, Jia Qian, and even took away the valuable fire spirit crystal.

Because of this incident, Dong He decided to find someone at night, first beat Na Lin Jin hard, and then take away the fire spirit crystal.

The few people he found all nodded: "Don't worry, it's not the first time for our brothers to do this kind of work, just take a look."

"Okay, but I have another request. When I beat him, strip off his clothes. I want to watch. I want to watch this kid cry and cry. It's a shame." Dong He said fiercely.

"Okay, we'll go in first, you listen to our signal, and then go in." The thug agreed.

Anyway, it is to collect money to work, what the employer wants to do, they just need to cooperate.

Arrived outside the courtyard.

"It's here." Dong He had already inquired about Lin Jin's residence.

A few thugs nodded, and without exploring the way, they filed straight in.

Dong He had told them a long time ago that the person to be beaten was weak and the beast pet was only first-order. If so, what else is there to do.

After a few people entered, Dong He began to wait.

In the house, Xiaohuo's advancement continued, and now Lin Jin looked at Xiaohuo and rubbed his hands in excitement.

Xiaohuo's newly grown red fur is shiny and glowing with a scorching heat, which is completely different from the previous earth dog, and its size gradually increases.

At the beginning, when it grew to the size of an ordinary wolf beast, it was already quite powerful. Lin Jin thought it was almost the same. Who knew that Xiaohuo would continue to grow.

The broken fur turned into fly ash, and new ones grew, including its sharp claws, teeth, flesh and bones, which kept falling off, growing, and becoming harder and sharper. Lin Jin hurriedly took a few steps back, secretly saying that the medicine was fine. , it's more powerful than taking hormones.

At this time, the flames surged, and Lin Jin discovered a problem.

Xiao Huo's claws snapped, and the floor collapsed. Not only that, but the roof of his house was about to burn.

At this moment, the wooden door of the house was suddenly knocked open, and a gibbon monkey rushed in first, followed by a large bat and a spider the size of a washbasin.

Not only these beast pets, but also a few people rushed in with a grin.

Lin Jin was stunned.

Those people and beast pets were also stunned.

The originally aggressive pets immediately shivered when they saw Xiaohuo now.

Sometimes, beasts are more sensitive than people. Although Xiaohuo has not completed the advanced stage, his momentum is already extraordinary. At this moment, Xiaohuo's eyes swept away in the flames, and several beast pets immediately fled in a hurry.

"The deterrence of the beast king has a certain chance to make other beast pets fear, and it will not be controlled by the blood contract for a short time."

Seeing this scene, a word popped into Lin Jin's mind.

As a beast appraiser, he knows that high-level beast pets have such a powerful deterrent force against low-level beast pets. In such a case, the other party has no chance of fighting back.

After all, the pets have been scared away, how can they fight?

The few thugs who rushed in didn't have time to say a word, and they were overwhelmed by this scene.

what's the situation?

Why did it end before it started?

They are not stupid either. This wolf beast is almost the size of a bull, covered in flames, which is beyond their business scope.

So they turned around and wanted to run.


Lin Jin came back to his senses at this time. In the middle of the night, these guys who were not good people at first glance rushed in, specifying that they were not at ease and did not ask clearly what to do.

Several people really stopped.

There is no way, other people's pets are too terrifying, it is estimated that they will run, but they will not run far.

He was timid, sweated like rain, and knelt on the ground, without having to ask Lin Jin, he did all the tricks.

"Someone hired you to beat me? And you have to take off your clothes and beat me. It's very cruel."

Lin Jin didn't get angry when he heard it.

When I asked them who their employers were, these people said honestly: "A fat man, I know him, he is from the Beast Appraiser Association, his surname is Dong, I really don't know what his name is, and they haven't told him."

"Dong He?" Lin Jin immediately guessed that it must be him. He had a conflict with the other party today, and he was the fat man of the association. Who is this guy?

Lin Jin looked bad, pointed at Xiaohuo, and asked those people, "Do you want to die or live?"

"I want to live, I want to live, big brother, we are wrong. You have a lot of people. Let us be a horse and be a cow and a horse in the future. It's just your words."

A few people who are on the road are obviously very good.

Lin Jin nodded: "That's fine, you go out and beat the person who hired you. Remember, don't beat and cry, don't stop."

When the few people heard it, they nodded quickly.

One is a weak fat man, the other is a vicious man with a powerful pet, what should I do? And that Fatty Dong lied to them, the uncle in front of him is called weak? That bull-sized wolf beast covered in flames is called a first-order beast pet?

I blame him for the uncle, if it wasn't for the brothers kneeling fast, I'm afraid they wouldn't even be able to save their lives, so without Lin Jin's instructions, they all wanted to teach each other a lesson.

At this time, the fire could no longer be stopped, and it was too late to save it. Xiaohuo continued to grow in size and was even bigger than a bull. As a wolf beast, it was already quite terrifying to grow into this size.

The scorching heat hit his face, and several people hurriedly exited. Lin Jin only had time to rescue some books and clothes. As soon as he ran out, his house collapsed.

Outside, Dong He, who heard the signal, had already run in, and while running, he said, "Why did the house burn down, but it's fine, who let that kid mess with me?"

Before he could finish speaking, he was knocked down with a punch.

After that, his fists fell like rain, and Dong He was directly beaten. He didn't react, and his clothes were pulled out one by one. He wanted to resist, but his pets wouldn't come in.

His face was aching and his whole body was aching, and there was nothing left of his clothes. This sudden blow made Dong He tremble and feel ashamed, but instead of crying, he kept wailing, almost like killing a pig.

Lin Jinting was upset, he waved his hand and asked the thugs to drag them away.

Those few people dared not to obey, and they were desperate, so they immediately covered Dong He's head with clothes and dragged them out.

The sound of slaughtering a pig was inaudible.

In the alley in the distance, a few thugs dragged Dong He, and there was a small voice: "Let's run!"

The other shook his head: "That one is not easy to mess with, let's not take risks, let's keep fighting until we cry."

"Today is so unlucky!" Several thugs sighed.

They made up their minds that they must leave the city overnight to hide for a while. Fatty Dong is not easy to mess with. This time, he beat him against the water and broke the rules. They must avoid the limelight. I won't dare to provoke in my life.

That beast pet with murderous eyes, they will never forget it in this life.

Dong He, who was unbearable to be beaten, did not cry, and fainted directly under his fists.

"I'm dizzy, what should I do?" A thug was worried.

"What can I do, run away!"

The thugs immediately dispersed, leaving only Dong He, naked, lying in the alley.

On the other side, Lin Jin looked at the ruined house, turned his head to look at Xiao Huo, who had returned to his normal size, and touched its head.

"Tier 3 Fire Wolf Beast!"

Just from these few words, Lin Jin knew that it was worth burning ten houses, let alone burning one house.

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