It can be seen that He Gan has made up his mind. Although Yu Xiang is unwilling, he can't disobey, and can only lead the order to retire.

When he got outside, Yu Xiang's face was cloudy and uncertain, he didn't stop, and immediately went to the Jade Dragon Temple.

In the house, He Gan lowered his head in thought.

What I just said, although there are some motives, He Gan knows that he can't just give in to the Dragon God, and he is not wrong.

The Jade Dragon Royal Family got benefits from the Dragon God, and even got shelter, but in the same way, the Dragon God also got the sacrifices of the four princesses, and strictly speaking, each got what he needed.

Why should your Dragon God get into trouble and have to solve it yourself?

Or, the so-called incomparable Dragon God is nothing more than that.

As an emperor, He Gan sometimes has to focus on the overall situation, and what should be discarded can only be discarded, just like his daughter He Yu. Just know her fate.

Rao is so, He Gan can't change anything, even, can only acquiesce to this happening.

After all, this jade dragon beast soul curse was a contract signed between his royal ancestors and the dragon god. In each generation, a princess was chosen to sacrifice to the dragon god, and the dragon god gave the royal master jade dragon beast pet to keep the jade dragon safe.

But He Gan is not blind, let alone a fool. The Dragon God did give the Jade Dragon beast pet, but it suppressed the power of the blood pact. In other words, if he were to fight the Dragon God one day, he would definitely rebel on the spot. The power of the blood pact cannot be controlled.

As for the so-called protecting the tranquility of the Jade Dragon, it is a lie. If the Jade Dragon is in trouble, it is the Jade Dragon who solves it by himself. The Dragon God only enjoys the royal incense in the temple. Apart from bestowing some Jade Dragon beast pets, there is nothing else to do.

From a psychological point of view, He Gan was dissatisfied with this early, just because the dragon god was too powerful and controlled the jade dragon beast pet, so even if he was dissatisfied, there was no way to do it.

But now, He Gan keenly felt a trace of breaking the game.

It is that red leaf city forest is exhausted.

At first, when the other party came for the first time, He Gan knew it, but he didn't care.

After all, over the years, Lu Bin has recovered so many so-called famous doctors from outside. Almost all of these people are helpless to He Yu's curse power. Very few can adjust their bodies and make He Yu feel a little better, but it is a drop in the bucket.

But only this Lin Jin, on the first day of his arrival, had an immediate effect. He actually suppressed the curse of the beast soul directly. He never thought of such a thing.

That night, the Dragon God sent his clone to come, and he was severely injured. Although this matter was secret, he knew why. Since that time, He Gan has started to pay attention to Lin Jin from Hongye City.

This kind of concern is not as simple as asking Yuxiang to investigate. In fact, He Gan's concern for Lin Jin is far more than what he has shown. Besides, He Gan's understanding of Lin Jin is better than others imagine. more.

"Come on!"

He Gan said a word at this time, and an inner guard came in immediately.

These inner guards are He Gan's confidants.

"Your Majesty, please order!" The inner guard knelt down and saluted.

At this time, He Gan was playing with something in his hand. If you look closely, you can see that it is the golden ring.

"General Lu has been in the sky prison for one night, right?" He Gan asked.

Neiwei nodded: "Reporting to Your Majesty, General Lu smashed all the food he sent, and he didn't sleep all night."

"He's worried, that's all, after all, the Lu family has contributed to the Sheji, I'll go and see him." After He Gan finished speaking, he grabbed the golden ring in his hand, got up and said, "The Imperial Guard of the Palace, the Imperial Physician is here. , Without my order, no one is allowed to step into the courtyard of the Sixth Princess, and those who violate the order will be killed without mercy."

The Heavenly Prison, right next to the palace, is where the royal family and court ministers in the palace who have made mistakes are imprisoned. Although it is not necessarily dark, it is also heavily guarded. Just the fine iron prison gate requires three entrances and three exits. He Gan was secretive this time, and only a few inner guards followed. He came in all the way and went straight to the cell where Lu Bin was being held.

At this time, Lu Bin, although sitting, was already very anxious.

He didn't know what was going on outside, but he saw the situation of the sixth princess from yesterday, and he knew that it was a lot of mischief. When he said something unpleasant, Lu Bin knew very well that, like that kind of situation with a face of death, he might not survive. Black, that is to say, the sixth princess may have died last night.

This possibility made Lu Bin despair, but he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

That was the golden needle that Lin Jin gave him yesterday.

Lin Jin told him at the time that if there were any accidents, he must leave the gold needle in the place closest to the sixth princess. At that time, Lu Bin did as he did, although he was also curious about what effect a small gold needle could play. , Could it keep the dying sixth princess from dying? Although it seems a little incredible, Lu Bin can't do anything other than pray and be useful at the moment.

Just when he stayed up all night and waited anxiously, why did the emperor come.

Because it was a secret visit, there was no announcement. Lu Bin saw several inner guards approaching, and only then did he find out why he was here.

To say that what Lu Bin hates most now is what the emperor does.

Seeing him coming, Lu Bin gritted his teeth in hatred. An inner guard reprimanded in a low voice and asked Lu Bin to pick him up, but Lu Bin ignored it at all.

"Okay, you are all guarding outside, and you are not allowed to come in without my order." He Gan waved his hand, and the inner guard saluted and stepped back.

This time, only He Gan and Lu Bin were left around.

He Gan knew why Lu Bin was like this. Back then, Lu Bin was the general of the Yulong Kingdom, and he resigned from office when he was in the limelight. Although there were some reasons, the other party's temper was the main reason.

So in the first sentence, He Gan said, "Yu'er, she's not dead yet."

Sure enough, Lu Bin's face softened a little, and he finally couldn't help but ask, "My lord, is she awake?"


He Gan shook his head when he heard this title: "I didn't wake up, but it seems that my life will be worry-free in a short time."

Lu Bin was anxious again at this time: "Why, if you still treat her as your daughter, and give her a life, I will ask you, is the so-called throne really so important?"

He Gan stood with his hands behind his back and sighed: "Lu Bin, if there is a choice, I would rather use the throne in exchange for Yu'er, but in this world, not everything is satisfactory, especially the king of this country, who seems superficial. Scenery, in fact, this guy is not easy to sit, there are too many last resorts."

After speaking, He Gan said again: "Lu Bin, you call Yu'er your master, which means you haven't forgotten what Princess Xin entrusted to you back then. Princess Xin was kind to you, and since then, you have served her Lord, sometimes, you are more like Yu'er's father, but I am a little incompetent."

Lu Bin was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Back then, the Valley Master fell in love with you, and was even willing to be trapped within the palace wall because of you. Although it was not your fault that you died because of the birth of your daughter, you did not protect the sixth princess well. Saying that you are unsatisfactory, hahaha, whoever is not like this, even I, Lu Bin, is also a lot of regrets, and my biggest regret is that I gave you the owner of the valley."

Inside the Heavenly Prison, it was obvious that the smell of gunpowder was very strong at this moment.

After a long time, He Gancai said, "Let's forget about the past. I came to see you today because I wanted to chat, have a chat, that Sensei Lin Jian."

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