The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 354 Going straight to Huanglong (2)

Elder Song even thought that if Elder Zhou and the others failed this mission, they would be applauded.

But he couldn't say it directly.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound from outside.

"What's going on?" Elder Song frowned, and then someone ran in outside to report: "The boatman's beast pet is back, but something is seems to be crazy."

The boatman is from Elder Zhou's side.

While speaking, there was another loud noise.

"Go out and see what's going on." Elder Song had a fierce look on his face. No matter what the reason, it would be unforgivable to manipulate beast pets to spread wild here.

The Evil Dao Appraisal Society also has rules. Violation of the rules will result in severe punishment.

Everyone walked out of the hall and soon reached the shore. After all, Turtle Island is too small, and you can see the other end from one end.

At this moment, the lake water over there has been stained with blood, and a lake catfish the size of a small boat is madly crashing into the boat. Several boats around have been smashed into pieces, and the lake is full of wooden boat fragments.

"What are you doing, the boatman?" When Elder Song saw it, he was immediately furious. The catfish had smashed all the boats on the island, so they couldn't even leave Turtle Island.

The others looked at each other, bewildered.

"Elder Song, I saw the big catfish come back, but the boatman didn't see it." Someone stepped forward and said.

Elder Song is also decisive: "Stop this catfish first, and then deal with him when the boatman returns."

At the moment, there was an evil Taoist appraiser who came forward, but before he started, the big catfish turned his belly and died.

At the same time, a voice came from the clouds in the distance.

"A man-eating beast, it is entangled in a hostile spirit and opens its spiritual eyes with a spiritual talisman. It can be easily seen that this catfish eats too many people, and it will die."

The people on the island were immediately startled.


"Pretend to be mysterious, get out."

Someone grabbed a harpoon and threw it suddenly in the direction of the sound. The harpoon flew past like a sharp arrow, but it disappeared into the fog, and not even a single sound came back.

For a while, the quiet needle drop could be heard at the scene.

Elder Song's expression was solemn. He looked forward and said, "I don't know where the Holy Spirit is coming to Turtle Island, why don't you show up and see it?"

The voice scattered around, and it could be seen that Elder Song's own cultivation was not bad.

A figure appeared in the fog in the distance.

"Why don't you see the boat?" Someone on the island couldn't help but say, the front is the lake, and there are thousands of piranhas raised around the island. It's not a boat that has been soaked in special potions, so it's impossible to get close. What's more, the other party didn't seem to be on the boat at all.

Without a boat, could it be said to be walking on the water?

Piranhas are not decorations. Once they find an intruder, they will immediately swarm up and devour each other.

As the figure approached, Elder Song and the others on the island saw it clearly, and all of them immediately showed a look of horror.

The man did not take a boat, but he did not walk on the lake, but floated about a foot away on the lake. Every step he took, the surrounding fog would actively gather to form a pedal-like thing. Step by step , As if a fairy walks, it is a hell.

Looking at this person again, it seems to be ordinary, but there are differences. Although there is only one person, it makes the dozen or so Evil Dao appraisers on the island feel enormous pressure.

The person here is naturally Lin Jin. He tracked the boatman's beast all the way and found the Turtle Island hidden in the depths of Jiuqu Lake. I have to say that this place is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to come to. There is natural danger in the lake, and there is fog. Shrouded, there are even more merman-eating beasts underwater. If it wasn't for me today, if I were someone else, I would definitely not be able to find it. Even if it were found, there would be no way to use this group of evil Taoist appraisers.

However, this could not stop Lin Jin.

Having mastered the technique of cloud and fog, Lin Jin can use the surrounding clouds and fog for his own use. If there are piranha beasts underwater, then it's fine if they don't go into the water. Moreover, even if they do, Lin Jin can deter beasts with the power of Lin Jin, and no piranhas dare. Approaching, stepping on the clouds came, firstly to shock and deter, secondly, Lin Jin did not want to get wet and stained his clothes.

At this time, he stopped ten meters from the shore and looked at the many evil Taoist appraisers on the Turtle Island.

"Here, is the general meeting of Evil Dao appraisers?" Lin Jin asked.

It doesn't feel like it, after all, this Turtle Island is too small, maybe it's just a branch.

Lin Jin didn't know much about the Evil Dao Appraisal Society, but he only knew that it was a group of people who did all kinds of evil and were spurned by the Right Way Appraisers.

Moreover, looking at the situation on the island, it was smoky, and I don't know how many people were harmed. It's fine if I didn't encounter it. Since I encountered it, Lin Jin didn't care to come to act for the sky once.

Anyway, these people together are not their opponents.

"This is not the general meeting, but one of the eight branches of our Evil Dao Supervisory Committee. Who is your Excellency? Why did you come here?" Elder Song was now unsure of where Lin Jin came from, so he asked.

According to their way of doing things, they are generally able to act and never speak up, but if they move their mouths, it means that they have no chance of winning. Now, although there are many people in the Evil Dao Appraisal Society, they are at a disadvantage and are suppressed by Lin Jin's momentum.

Not only Elder Song, but also other evil Taoist appraisers on the island are all ready to attack at any time.

"Branch? It's actually one of the eight major branches, isn't it the general meeting?" Lin Jin was also taken aback. Of course, he also knew that if there were only so many people in the Evil Dao Appraisal Association, it would indeed be a bit of a pediatrician, but whether it was What, he plans to eradicate this place today.

At this moment, two evil Taoist appraisers on the island looked at each other and suddenly made a trick. The next moment, a cloud of water burst out from under Lin Jin's feet, and a freshwater predator opened its mouth full of fangs and directly Biting towards Lin Jin.

It is always the style of the Evil Dao Appraisal Society.

On the contrary, Elder Song was surprised. He did not expect his subordinates to be so reckless, but it was too late for him to stop him. He just hoped that he could succeed.

Only the dead will not be a threat.

However, the big crocodile didn't bite Lin Jin after all. Lin knew what was happening under the water as soon as possible. After all, he was a genuine three-ring appraiser, and he could smell the breath of beasts just with his nose.

So when the big crocodile opened its mouth, Lin Jin's force of the beast's coercion was like a flood. Consciousness, fainted in the lake.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Jin didn't move, and the crocodile beast fainted to death. No one had ever encountered such a scene.

The man who controlled the crocodile was dumbfounded. No matter how he used the spell, the crocodile would remain motionless.

"Since you're here to find fault, then don't blame us for being rude." Elder Song also saw it. After speaking, more than a dozen evil Taoist appraisers called beast pets.

Water snakes, eels, spider venomous insects, the beast pets of these evil Taoists are also more ferocious than each other.

"White Ape!"

Lin Jin shouted, and the next moment, he heard the sound of turbulent water, and then from a distance, a behemoth waded into the water. It was the white ape that showed its original size, and it was several meters taller than its body.

At this moment, the white ape is like a hill, more than ten feet high. Even if one steps into this Jiuqu Lake, at most half of his body will be submerged into the water.

Seeing the white ape, all the evil Taoist appraisers on the island were already frightened. Their pets couldn't compare with this white ape, and the gap was too big.

Without needing too many words, a fight begins immediately.

Elder Song and the others thought at first that this would be a close battle. Even if they could win, it might be a tragic victory, but soon, reality told them that their previous thoughts were just their wishful thinking.

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