Bingchan Huaxue Dan is a precious medicine, and they didn't carry it with them. They could only go to the pharmacy to get it, hoping that time would be enough.

"Don't wait." Wang Jianshi knew that it would take a lot of time to go back and forth. Now, among these beast pets, the poisoning situation is different, and the deep one cannot be delayed any longer.

He immediately took out a set of silver needles. As a beast appraiser, this silver needle is a must-have item and must be carried with him. The set of silver needles by Wang Jianshi has obviously been used for a long time, and the outer layer of the wrapped leather case has been ground 's glow.

At this moment, Cao Jianshi also understands that the two of them re-identified together just now, and it is basically determined that they have been poisoned by Sanye Jiedusan. Although they are puzzled or even unbelievable, the facts are the facts.

He thought for a while and said, "I just take the Ice Toad Blood Transformation Pill right now, but it doesn't completely detoxify it. It also needs to be accompanied by acupuncture techniques to suppress the toxin. Master Wang Jian, I will also help."

Cao Jianshi also took out the silver needle, but he was a little helpless. There were five poisoned beast pets, and he and Wang Jianshi could not be rescued. Come.

At this time, he looked at Lin Jin and Ouyang Tong over there.

Lin Jin also knew what the other party was thinking, but he didn't hold any grudges or wanted to see other people's jokes. He didn't need the other party to speak.

"I'll help too." Ouyang Tong followed closely.

"Okay, thank you!" Cao Jianshi's momentum was also weak at this time. He understood that Lin Jin was not wrong about what happened before, and he didn't mean to make trouble, but now is not the time to say this, the four of them are dealing with five Being a pet is still a bit difficult. After all, doing acupuncture at acupoints requires concentration and no distraction.

"If it doesn't work, I can divide the two beasts by myself." Cao Jianshi just finished speaking, but he saw Lin Jin raised his hand and pierced several points on the two beast pets into the silver needles. The accuracy of the hole can be said to be unprecedented.

Master Cao Jian has also been immersed in the technique of acupuncture for many years. He can see at a glance how the technique is, and his eyes lit up immediately after seeing Lin Jin's technique.


The technique of puncturing acupoints is nothing more than three words, fast, accurate and stable.

As for Lin Jin's acupuncture points, he did not make any mistakes at the same time, nor did he hesitate at all. From this, he knew that others were at least better than himself in acupuncture.

Now Lin Jin took the initiative to take the poison of the two beast pets' thorns, which naturally solved their biggest problem. Cao Jianshi also immediately performed acupuncture on one beast pet, as did Ouyang Tong over there.

For a while, the scene was silent, and President Liu and others over there were watching from the beginning to the end. They had already figured out what was going on.

It turned out that the two appraisers really made a mistake before, and now this is the key, so although they were a little annoyed, they didn't dare to bother.

Lin Jin can acupuncture two beasts by himself. In fact, he is more than capable, let alone two beasts. Even if these five beasts are together, his pulse-seeking acupuncture technique can handle them.

But sometimes, it's better not to show too much, if that's the case, it's a real slap in the face.

Of course, he is also paying close attention to the situation of the other three people. If they can't figure it out, Lin Jin will help immediately. Speaking of which, there are several ways for Lin Jin to solve the poison of Sanye Jiedusan, not necessarily The Ice Toad Transforming Blood Pill, just relying on the Pulse-seeking Needle Art, can dissolve the toxin.

At this moment, Lin Jin did just that.

He pinched a magic formula, and a few silver needles immediately disappeared into the bodies of two beast pets. These two beast pets are both good-looking beasts. To ordinary people, they are very valuable and have good potential. No wonder the owner is so care.

Here, Lin Jin performed acupuncture, and this move was seen by Ouyang Tong and Cao Jianshi over there. After all, Ouyang Tong was only a one-ring appraiser, and his knowledge was still lacking. He couldn't understand why Lin Jianshi had two on his side. No silver needles on beast pets?

After all, Master Cao is a second-ring appraiser. He is also qualified and knowledgeable. When he saw Lin Jin's technique, his heart skipped a beat and he muttered to himself, "This, this is the inner needle technique."

The technique of acupuncture can be divided into external acupuncture and internal acupuncture. Naturally, these two acupuncture methods have different levels of difficulty, and may even be said to be very different. Many people know how to use external acupuncture, but the internal acupuncture methods are different.

Anyway, Cao Jianshi has only seen it in the book. In the Wangcheng General Association, there is no Jianshi who knows the internal acupuncture method.

So seeing that what Lin Jin performed might be the legendary inner needle technique, Cao Jianshi was immediately taken aback.

He took a deep breath, the expression in his eyes changed, and finally came to a realization.

"No wonder, His Majesty the Emperor will let Lin Jianshi be promoted to the third ring."

Cao Jianshi smiled and did not look any further, but concentrated on acupuncture.

There are acupuncture points to seal off the toxins, slow down the flow rate, and buy precious time. Someone there brought the ice toad blood-turning pill, and gave it to the other three beast pets first, and then the two of Lin Jin's side should take it. At that time, Lin Jin thought about it and waved his hand: "These two are no longer needed."

"Why?" The apprentice was puzzled, but Cao Jianshi already knew that Lin Jin's skills were superb. At this moment, there was no more contempt at the beginning. He glanced at the two pet pets that were diagnosed and treated by Lin Jin, and the signs of poisoning were clearly gone.

It seems that the toxins are eliminated.

Not only has the toxins been eliminated, but the situation has improved completely.

Even if he is not convinced in his heart, he didn't say it at this time. Facts speak louder than words, not to mention whether they are qualified to be promoted to the third ring, but at least the means are much better than him and Wang Jianshi.

There is no doubt about that.

Wang Jianshi also noticed this, but he was not as indecisive as Cao Jianshi, and he came over immediately to check the situation of the two beast pets.

As soon as he got started, Wang Jianshi's face changed, and then he got up and looked at Lin Jin, and he actually bowed.

"Master Lin Jian, Wang Hu was confused just now, and he has offended him a lot, so I won't pay you back here."

Lin Jin hurriedly stopped him, but this Wang Jianshi had a stubborn temper, so he just bowed. Wang Jianshi was like this, and Cao Jianshi knew that there was no need to put on an air.

To be honest this time, it was Lin Jin who helped them a lot. If the other party didn’t say anything, it would be a problem if the five pets didn’t say anything, but in all likelihood, one or two would die. The reputation of the two of them is also ruined, and it will also affect the entire Wangcheng Association.

So strictly speaking, Lin Jin has a big favor for them.

As for Lin Jin's technique, it can be seen from the fact that they rescued two dying beast pets with ease. The most important thing is that they did not use ammunition, and they did it directly by the technique of acupuncture.

Neither Wang Jianshi nor Cao Jianshi could see it, they could only say that the realm was too different.

The previous dissatisfaction was all dissipated at this moment. With Wang Jianshi taking the lead, Cao Jianshi naturally stepped forward and apologized.

Of course Lin Jin didn't bother to compare, and bowed his hands at the two appraisers: "Two appraisers, Lin Jin was also blunt before, please don't take offense."

In a few words, it was completely revealed.

"Lin Jianshi came here late at night, is he in a hurry?" Cao Jianshi asked at this time. Now that the relationship has been eased, they are also curious and asked.

Lin Jin didn't hide it this time, and directly stated what happened to the Evil Dao Appraisal Society in Weicheng: "The Evil Dao Appraisal Society shouldn't give up, so I was a little worried, so I came late at night to check the general meeting. On the other hand, the file about the Evil Dao Appraisal Society."

"I see." Wang Jianshi and Cao Jianshi looked at each other. The Evil Dao Appraisal Association, they naturally knew that it was a tumor in the circle of appraisers.

"Lin Jianshi, even if you look at it, there are indeed a lot of files here. I will settle these beast pets first. Later, if Lin Jianshi is not in a hurry, I will invite Lin Jianshi to drink. "Wang Jianshi has a straight temper, he was unconvinced before and picked on all sorts of things, but now he is convinced and sincere.

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