At this moment, Ouyang Tong was shocked except for being grateful.

He himself knows how difficult it is to advance an inferior beast. After all, he is an official beast appraiser himself, but Lin Jianshi actually advanced an inferior beast that was impossible to advance with a wave of his hand. This shock, It is even more shocking than seeing the third-order promotion to the fourth-order.

From this moment, Ouyang Tong had already raised Lin Jin's status to a very high level.

"Those idiots questioned Lin Jianshi's three-ring qualification. Now it seems that they are a bunch of idiots. Lin Jianshi's methods are more than three-ring. In my opinion, even if it is rated as four-ring, it is true. Well deserved." Ouyang Tong thought to himself at this moment.

For Ouyang Tong, the wild boar advancement is of great significance. Right now, he is extremely respectful to Lin Jin, and he is even more determined to follow him no matter what.

This is not only to repay gratitude, but also to make plans for their own future.

The smart Ouyang Tong saw that Lin Jin didn't say anything, just tasted the dishes carefully, he knew about it, Lin Jianshi didn't want to discuss too much, so Ouyang Tong didn't say anything more about this matter, he got up after salute , and then poured the wine for Lin Jin.

After drinking for a full hour, it was late at night.


Lin Jin put down the wine glass.

This meal was very good.

After eating, it is natural to start doing business.

Seeing Lin Jin get up, Ouyang Tong also stood up immediately, as if he was ready to fight.

Lin Jin was stunned: "Ouyang appraiser, what are you doing?"

Ouyang Tong hurriedly said: "Master Lin Jian, I'm going to help, you went to the black jail so late, there must be something wrong, I, Ouyang Tong, are not very skilled, but if something happens, even if I risk my life, I don't even blink. "

This is Ouyang Tong's heartfelt words now.

Lin Jin shook his head and looked at the starry sky: "The moon is beautiful tonight, why don't appraiser Ouyang drink tea and appreciate the moon here?"

Ouyang Tong understood.

Lin Jin didn't let him go, which means that going to the black prison tonight is absolutely no trivial matter. When Ouyang Tong went to Du's house today, he realized that something was wrong.

The reason is very simple. When he went to the black prison to find a familiar jailer, he actually saw Yang Qing's appraiser. Later, when he asked the familiar jailer, he also confirmed this.

At that time, Ouyang Tong had more insight and asked a few more questions. Only then did he know that Yang Qing, the teacher, often came back to the black prison to visit the evil Taoist teacher.

Ouyang Tong has been hesitant to talk about this matter, but at this moment, he has not hesitated, and now he is to tell the matter.

"Lin Jianshi, this is a strange matter. I will accompany you, so I can take care of you." Ouyang Tong said.

After Ouyang Tong finished speaking, he found that Lin Jin glanced at him, this look had an unquestionable meaning, Ouyang Tong was startled, then lowered his head and said no more.

Speaking of which, Ouyang Tong wanted to help with sincerity. At this time, he remembered another thing. He looked up and was about to say it, but he was stunned. There was still Lin Jianshi in front of him.

Ouyang Tong was dumbfounded, this person was clearly in front of him just now, how could he disappear in the blink of an eye.

He glanced at the wild boar. The latter hummed, and probably didn't see it clearly. Then Ouyang Tong ran to the window and looked out, and faintly saw a cloud falling towards the city's black prison.

Seeing this, Ouyang Tong was stunned for a long time.

Lin Jin didn't mean to show off his skills, but just now, he suddenly felt that the silver needle left in Du Lianxi's body had changed. It was obvious that someone noticed the silver needle and wanted to force it out.

It is also because of this that Lin Jin quickly swept out and performed the technique of cloud and mist, but instead of going to the Du family, he continued to go to the dark prison.

This time, it was quite a battle with others, and the fight was all about techniques and means. The other party wanted to force out the silver needle in Du Lianxi's body, but Lin Jin was absolutely confident that the other party couldn't do it.

So he didn't need to go to Du's house, but made up his mind to continue going to the black jail.

He is going to meet the evil Taoist appraiser to see if things are as he expected, that the evil Taoist forensics is strategizing in prison, or that the evil Taoist forensics is just a 'pretence', someone borrowed his name to come here Dark hands.

Since Lin Jin has been involved, let's find out.

Ouyang Tong said that when you get to the black jail, you just need to talk to the gatekeeper and find Jailer Zhang.

Lin Jin fell from the cloud, and right in front of the black cell door, he saw a guard with a lantern.

This is also normal, guarding this errand all day long, and anyone else will be bored.

Lin Jin stepped forward, and the guard immediately became alert and said, "This is the place where the city's prison is located. The official's family is important, and the people who come here will stop."

The momentum is instantly there, coupled with the long knife on the opponent's waist, and a black prison dog pet that comes out behind, most people will definitely not dare to rush in.

Lin Jin cupped his hands, revealing his three-ringed animal sleeves, and said at the same time, "I'm looking for Jailer Zhang."

The guard obviously got the letter early, so he calmed down at the moment, but he still looked Lin Jin up and down before saying, "He's inside, in the room on the left side of the courtyard."

Lin Jin thanked the other party and stepped forward. As he passed the black prison dog, he smiled at the beast. The latter immediately bowed his head and tucked his tail in fright, groaning in fear.

The guard has never seen such a situation before. You must know that the black prison dog is a special breed. Although it is not high in rank, it is definitely the kind of beast that dares to fight with beasts much stronger than it, even if it knows If it is lost, the black hellhound will not be afraid of death. This kind of beast does not know what it means to be afraid and withdraw.

But at this moment, this black prison dog was actually scared like this.

Leaving behind the baffled guards, Lin Jin stepped into the courtyard.

Different from other houses, this courtyard has high walls, thick wooden doors, and iron-barred windows. There are many black prison dogs patrolling the courtyard. When Lin Jin came in, these black prison dogs looked over together. Gloomy eyes.

In the room on the left, Lin Jin knocked on the door, and an old jailer walked out. His official uniform was also somewhat worn.

"Jailor Zhang?"

The old jailer nodded.

"Ouyang Tong asked me to come."

After Lin Jin finished speaking, the latter grinned, seeing that his front teeth were missing, presumably they were missing.

"Ouyang appraiser told me, what is the name of this appraiser?" the old jailer asked with a smile.

"My surname is Lin!"

"Oh, Master Lin Jian, come with me." The old jailer didn't ask any more questions, and walked out with a lantern. Lin Jin glanced at the room at this time.

Inside was a very old-looking black prison dog, seemingly listless, the old jailer saw Lin Jin's eyes and said, "That's my animal pet, it's been with me for more than 30 years, and I The same, old, if not for the power of the blood contract, it would have died of old age, it is like this on weekdays, no energy, like to sleep, when I have nothing to do, don't disturb it, let it sleep."

Lin Jin nodded and said nothing.

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