The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 39 Call Me 'The Curator'

These three people are either powerful or decisive masters.

Compared with them, Lin Jin must be worse in every way, but now, they are in their own museum, alert and afraid, especially when they hear the results of their beast pet identification easily, the expression is simply unparalleled. Even ghosts are scary.

Looking at the twenty wooden doors below, Lin Jin knew that since the museum opened to visit the living room, at least twenty people from all over the world would be invited to come in as guests.

Just imagine, if every time they come, they bring some rare beasts' hair, blood or other things, then the number of rare beasts recorded in the museum will increase.

Previously, ten rare beasts had been entered, and the museum rewarded the first article of the Beast Refinement Judgment. Lin Jin read it, and if he wanted the second article, he had to enter more than fifty rare and strange beasts.

I am alone, weak and weak, and I live in a small place like Hongye City, so I can find fifty rare beasts in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Up to now, the number of rare beasts that he has entered has not exceeded twenty.

But if there is this visiting living room in the future, it will be different.

These people may come from all over the world, or even from thousands of miles away. They must have come into contact with more rare and strange beasts than themselves. This time, I will give them a 'disappearance', calm down first, and then give some The good thing is that they have to obey obediently, regardless of whether they are princes and nobles or peerless masters.

Lin Jin smiled brightly when he thought of what he was proud of, and because he knew that his face had long been covered by the black mist in the museum, Lin Jin smiled recklessly.

After talking about the identification results of the three beast pets, He Qing, Hei Ya, and the third person who had been invisible all the time were all shocked.

Needless to say, He Qing, whatever she thinks, will show on her face.

But Hei Crow is different. He is a killer who kills people like numb, but he doesn't have any expression on his face, but at this moment, the shock on his face can't be hidden at all.

That's because his Black Feather God is blessed with special 'spells', let alone seeing with his eyes, even if he uses some special beast identification methods, he shouldn't be able to see anything.

But the guy on the second floor actually said everything about Hei Yu Shen easily, which made He Crow feel like he was stripped and left in the crowd.

This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable. If he is uncomfortable, he will be unhappy. If he is unhappy, he will kill people.

"Fake it, I don't care who you are, and you don't even know who you are provoking, but don't worry, I will let you know immediately what the consequences of provoking the wrong person are."

The black crow said in a savage voice, and then immediately activated the magic formula. The black feather god on his shoulder flew up directly, and black air came out of his body, condensing into a huge crow-shaped black shadow. At this moment, the fourth-order black feather god The power of beast pets burst out.

Darkness is the attribute of the God of Black Feather.

Obviously, this attribute is very rare, and the actual combat ability is very terrifying.

Black Crow has 100% confidence in his beast pet. This confidence comes from the battle that has been tempered and tempered, as well as the power of the fourth-order hidden bloodline beast pet to slaughter the city and destroy the country.

"kill him!"

Hei Crow reached out and pointed to Lin Jin on the second floor, and Hei Yu Shen immediately screamed and flew towards him like a dark god of death.

At this moment, He Qing was frightened by squatting on the ground, holding her head with both hands. Even if she is smart and clever, she will be afraid when she encounters such a truly terrifying fourth-order beast pet.

Lin Jin on the second floor was also taken aback.

Although he has the power to deter beasts at the primary level, it is only for the third-order and lower, fourth-order beast pets he can't handle.

So, he was also very nervous.

But at this moment, there was a wave of deterrence on the wooden sign in his hand that said 'curator'.

The fluctuations swept away, and when he looked at Hei Yu Shen again, he stopped as if electrocuted, then fell to the ground, and fell to his knees, facing Lin Jin on the second floor.

The hideous expression on the black crow's face froze.

Even, he still maintained the action of reaching out to the second floor, but because of the huge shock and blow, he forgot to think.

what happened?

His Black Feather God has a very arrogant temperament. Even as his master, he has to be polite and treat him equally. Even if his words are harsh, Hei Feather God will play a temper. Sometimes, Hei Crow thinks that he is the best It is the 'pet' of Kuroba God.

But now, the arrogant Black Feather God is like a human, kneeling on the ground, crawling to the ground.

The somewhat blank head that was hit by reality began to recover at this time. At the same time, a wave of fear appeared, and a layer of sweat was already on the black crow's forehead.

Lin Jin was also in a cold sweat.

Tier 4 beast pets are indeed terrifying. If it wasn't for his boldness at the time, if it was someone else, he would have been paralyzed on the ground in fright. Fortunately, the situation has reversed.

The curator's wooden sign directly suppressed the Black Feather God.

Lin Jin held the wooden sign tightly and breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered his voice and asked the black crow, "What do you want to do?"

This question is both joking and angry.

"I, I..." Hei Crow's hands trembled and stuttered a little. He controlled the fourth-order beast pet, and he was a peerless killing god in the eyes of others. This is how people are, ignorance can be fearless, only those who stand on a high place can Will know their own 'smallness', will know how to fear.

Now the black crow has reacted, he has provoked the wrong person.

The man on the second floor is much more powerful than he thought.

All of a sudden, the original anger, pride, and murderous aura were shattered in an instant, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on the head.

He is really crazy, he clearly knows that the master here is not simple, and being able to pull himself into this place speaks for itself, but he still thinks foolishly that he can use Heiyu God to fight him.

Looking at it now, it's a pretty stupid plan.

Black Crow doesn't want to die. He is a killer who has harvested the lives of many people, but such a person who doesn't take life seriously is very afraid of death.

How to appease the anger of the man on the second floor is Black Crow's primary purpose at present.

He was rather straightforward, stammered for a long time, and his heart was stunned. He actually knelt on the ground and said a reason he didn't believe: "I was just joking, don't take it seriously."


He Qing couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Lin Jin wouldn't really treat the other party. After all, he had no way to restrain and act, and he only relied on the curator's wooden plaque in his hand to deter the other party's beast pets.

Lin Jin felt that the curator's wooden plaque definitely had a medium-level power to deter beasts.

"Okay, it's just this time, it won't be an example next time."

Lin Jin waved his hand, and the black crow seemed to be amnesty. After getting up, the original arrogance and spirit were gone, and the black feather god changed back to the form of a crow, also shrinking on the shoulders of the black crow, honest and well-behaved.

"Speaking of business, welcome the three of you to the Beast Museum. Here, you can ask everything about beast pets. Remember, you can only ask about beast pets. You can ask any questions, and I will give you the answers. Of course, this kind of Answers are not free, every time you ask a question, you have to provide me with a copy of the hair or blood of some kind of exotic beast, and now you can ask questions."

Lin Jin said solemnly.


Lin Jin was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

He Qing, who was staring at her with big eyes, looked around at this time, and then raised her hand beautifully.

"What do you want to ask?"

Lin Jin looked at each other.

He Qing pointed to her pet, then plucked a pet's hair and asked, "Excuse me, how can my pet be advanced in the shortest time?"

This question was not at all difficult for Lin Jin.

Regarding this four-winged butterfly dragon, there are more than four advanced methods. Lin Jin chose a relatively easy one, wrote down the method, and threw it to the other party.

He Qing picked up the piece of paper, looked at it, and immediately became excited. Obviously, she could see that this appraisal book was absolutely worth ten thousand gold.

Not far away, the curious Black Crow really wanted to know the contents of the book. He leaned his neck to read it, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything, but he was not blind. tier method.

In addition to fear, the black crow has more curiosity.

"I, there is one more question." He Qing thought for a while, and took off a necklace from her fair neck. On the necklace, there was a piece of colorful scales.

Obviously, these are the scales of some rare beast.

Throwing the necklace to Lin Jin, Lin Jin thought that the other party was asking about this scale, but He Qing asked another question.

"Senior, can you tell me... who are you?"

This question is somewhat against the rules, and he is not a beast pet, but Lin Jin still thought about it seriously, and then replied: "You can call me, curator!"

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