The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 493 The fish becomes the essence, the snake seeks the way

At this time, Lin Jin strolled to the pond in the backyard. The pond here is not big, much smaller than the lake outside the academy. The water in the pond is light green and slightly turbid.

"No fish?"

Lin Jin looked a little surprised at the calm pool face.

But after thinking about it, Wang Xin said that although this Peach Blossom Residence is elegant, it has not been distributed to other teachers for a long time. Since there is no one living there, even if there are fish raised, no one will take care of it, so it is right to have no fish.

It's just that this pond is not like a pool of stagnant water, there is no odor, and it is very clean.

"Find a few fish to put them in another day." Lin Jin muttered to himself, just as he was about to leave, the water in the pond seemed to be rippling.

Lin Jin glanced at this scene out of the corner of his eyes, and immediately stopped and turned to look.


But the ripples do exist, as if someone had just thrown a pebble into it.

Lin Jin is not an ordinary appraiser. His perception is extremely strong. At that moment, he clearly felt a very weak aura.


If it wasn't for Lin Jing's confidence in his nose, he might think that the feeling just now was an illusion.

Obviously not.

Other things can be mistaken, but this kind of demonic qi, Lin will never make a mistake. Among the exercises he cultivates, there is a ventilation hole in the method of absorbing qi. He has already opened it, especially the demonic energy. Not a trace escaped his nose.

"There is actually a demon in the academy? What a courageous person." Lin Jin muttered to himself.

He is naturally curious. After all, this is Tianxuan Academy. There are more than 20 four-ring beast appraisers here as teachers. As for the three-ring appraisers, there are hundreds.

These are all masters. Any one has a third-order beast pet, and even more have fourth-order beast pets. Here, there are hidden monsters and monsters hidden, I have to say that this monster is quite courageous.

Lin Jin pretended to leave at this time, but he used a blinding method to sneak back, and observed the pond not far away.

After a while, Lin Jin saw a fish figure slowly emerge from the bottom of the pond, and then a big blue-scale fish showed its head. This is a carp, but it is the largest one that Lin Jin has ever seen. It is more than five feet long. Generally speaking, in a pond this big, it is logically impossible for such a big fish to survive.

What's more, it is this kind of carp that already has a demonic aura.

"What is it going to do?" Lin Jin was a little curious at this moment. He now has many questions, such as how this carp essence survived in Tianxuan Academy.

You must know that there are experts here, and the other party can hide for a day or two, but it is absolutely impossible not to be discovered all the time. Those four-ring appraisers in the academy are not decorations.

This question cannot be answered for the time being, but Lin Jin is not in a hurry. He looks forward to the decryption process as if he had discovered an interesting thing.

After all, in Lin Jin's eyes, the strength of this carp spirit is simply not enough. It seems that this carp spirit should only be at the third-order level. If Lin Jin is willing, he can subdue it in minutes, or even kill it directly.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Jin saw a snake coming from far away.

The white-scaled snake is seven feet long and swims extremely fast, and it can be seen that this white snake has a rather thick body, and there should be something hidden in its stomach.

The white snake swam to the shore, but when the carp in the water saw the white snake, it waved its tail excitedly and splashed a lot of water.

It seems that the carp essence is very much looking forward to the arrival of this white snake.

Soon, Lin Jin knew why.

When the white snake opened its mouth and spit out a few mice, these should have been swallowed by the white snake not long ago. Although it was dead, it was still very fresh. The big carp opened its mouth and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

It's for eating.

Interestingly, it was actually a snake that fed it. This white snake obviously already has some spiritual wisdom, otherwise it would not have come to feed the carp spirit, but it is not called a demon. If you look at Taoism in terms of cultivation, it is far worse than the carp spirit.

The carp essence may have been full, it swam fast in the small pond, shaking its fat body, and then, it spoke.

Lin Jin was not surprised.

A third-order carp essence is not bad in terms of cultivation, and it is somewhat similar to Moyu Laolong. He has already refined the horizontal bones, but he still does not understand the art of transformation.

Normally, it is impossible for such a beast to be able to comprehend the Dao alone, that is to say, the carp essence has a 'inheritance', whether it is a formal apprenticeship or someone randomly ordered, there must be an expert guidance.

Coincidentally, there is no shortage of experts in the academy.

On the contrary, the white snake only has a little intelligence, no cultivation, and no refining, and the realm is far from the carp essence.

At this moment, the carp essence speaks vaguely, a bit like talking with water in its mouth.

"Bai Lian, since you give Lao Yu me delicious food every day, I will teach you a few formulas. Listen carefully. As for whether you can enter the Dao or not, Lao Yu I don't know. Now, let's see your good fortune." The old god of the carp essence looked at ease, but at this time, he actually started to speak.

That should be the most basic magic beast cultivation art, it is not esoteric, compared to the five beasts qi cultivation art that Lin Jin has completed so far, it is simply vulgar, and there is no comparison at all. However, the white snake listened to it with fascination. Obviously, it had first become psychic and could understand human speech.

The big carp hummed for a long time before he said: "That's all for now, next time you want to listen, you have to get me some food. The teacher said that the fish in the lake are not allowed for me to eat, but Some small shrimps are not enough for me to eat, that is, you can give me a full meal."

This is obviously a complaint, and it can be seen from this sentence that the big carp and the white snake have a good relationship, and of course they each get what they need. The big carp needs to eat more to fill its stomach, while the white snake wants to practice the exercises. , enter here.

In addition, Lin Jin also heard a key point.

The big carp mentioned the 'teacher', in other words, it was just as he guessed, it had a teacher. Moreover, this pond is connected with the big lake in the academy, which is indeed very surprising. Of course, it is not difficult to verify this, just go into the water and see. Others may not be able to do it, but Lin Jin is pregnant. Water Treasure Armor can perfectly control the surrounding water, so it is not difficult for him at all.

Lin Jin didn't bother the white snake and the big carp.

Strictly speaking, this pond is the home of the big carp, and the white snake is also committed to the Tao, and has not done anything evil. Lin Jin will not trouble them for no reason.

At this time, the big carp said again: "Bai Lian, you go back, this gentleman who lives in an academy in Peach Blossom Curie today is quite young. I have seen him secretly before, and you have to be careful when you come again, don't let others see it. If he does, I won't be able to save you if he kills you."

He was actually trying to persuade the white snake to be careful.

The white snake could understand it, so it nodded again and again, and then swam and left. The big carp also bubbling, then dived into the water and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Jin removed the blindfolding technique, and he was also quite curious and interesting.

In this pond, Lin Jin definitely intends to investigate to see if it really penetrates the inner lake of the academy outside, but not now.

Lin Jin's eyes and ears were keen, and he had already heard the footsteps of people outside the Peach Blossom House. It sounded like Li Xinqi and his disciples had arrived.

In the teacher's residence, students are responsible for tidying and cleaning. This is also the rule of Tianxuan Academy. In addition, students also need to take care of the teacher's food and daily life, or even live in the teacher's yard.

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