"No accident, the person who killed your son and Chu Gong was Lin Jin." The black envoy said a name at this time.

Zhou Weng and Elder Ye were both stunned.

"Isn't this Lin Jin in the Jade Dragon Kingdom? Hall Master Chu called us to deal with him," Zhou Weng said at this time.

"Then Lin Jin arrived at Tianxuan King City a few days ago. You don't know about this, but it is clear that the other party has already set his sights on Chu Gong and your young master for some reason, and he is even stronger." Hei Bring anger in your voice.

When Zhou Weng and Elder Ye saw this, they knew it was time to make a statement.

The two immediately bowed and said, "Lord Black Envoy, the two of us will kill that Lin Jin and avenge Hall Master Chu."

The black envoy waved his hand: "You can't kill him, then Lin Jin's skills are not weak, Chu Gong is nothing, your son's martial arts skills are not ordinary, and this time even his master Shi Yuandao also died. Knowing that Shi Yuandao, even if I want to kill him, it is extremely difficult, Lin Jing can use one-on-two, this person must have means we don't know."

Zhou Weng and Elder Ye also gasped when they heard this.

Shi Yuan said they knew.

He was a well-known expert in the evil way, and he was able to rank in the top ten just by virtue of his martial arts cultivation.

Such a Martial Saint-level master actually died?

Obviously that Lin Jin was more powerful than they thought, and this time Zhou Weng and Elder Ye didn't dare to say a word, and now this matter has exceeded his expectations.

"You don't need to worry about Lin Jin's affairs. He will hand it over to the envoy to take care of it himself." The black envoy said something at this time, and Zhou Weng and Elder Ye hurriedly flattered when they heard it: "If the black envoy comes forward, then Lin Jin will There is no doubt that he will die, his ability is naturally not the opponent of the black envoy."

The black envoy sneered: "You should be less flattering. What I want is people who can do things, not people who are full of mouths. If you can't do things, there is no need to keep you."

The expressions of the two changed, obviously frightened enough.

"It just so happens that this envoy has another thing for you to do. This thing is also very important and must not be missed." The black envoy walked in at this time and said in the ears of the two: "I want you to set off immediately, go to A trip to Julu Country..."

After giving some orders, Zhou Weng and Elder Ye's expressions changed, and then they bowed together: "Don't worry, Lord Black, I will definitely handle this matter."

"Remember, you must never go out of business. If you go out of business, the two of you will definitely die." The black envoy's tone was full of murderous aura, and the two hurriedly responded.

At this moment, only the black envoy was left in this ordinary house.

He muttered to himself: "Kill Lin Jin, why do I need to do it myself, just borrow a knife."


The night was getting darker.

Moyu Laolong in the Peach Blossom House is still fascinated by what he said, which is different from what he said when he was on the road. It is quiet and undisturbed, and you can carefully ponder the mysteries of Taoism.

Lin Jin saw Mo Yu Laolong as motionless as a statue, without disturbing him, but slowly got up and looked elsewhere.

When the white snake came, Lin Jin had already noticed it, as was the big carp.

In addition, there was a hawk on the eaves, and a crane squatted on the courtyard wall.

The eagle falcon should just be passing by, but I saw the crane forest during the day. It is a wild bird in the inner lake that is stocked by the academy. There are actually several of them. Four uninvited guests.

At this moment, these four uninvited guests are also like Mo Yu Laolong, falling into a kind of meditation, just because of this, Lin Jin knows that these four guys are not ordinary.

At least you can understand people.

Otherwise, there would be no such reaction.

It's not surprising that the big carp is so ignorant. After all, the other party already has some Taoism and cultivation. The fish said it himself, and he has a teacher. The white snake is the fish's friend and is dedicated to the Tao. That big crane, who has always lived in this academy, can hear all kinds of reading sounds and pedantic voices all day long. On the contrary, the eagle falcon, who didn't know when it flew, could understand it. It was indeed a real fate.

Lin Jin guessed that this guy was passing by and overheard his lecture by chance, so he fell to listen and fell into meditation.

"If you can hear and understand, even if it's fate." Lin Jin didn't bother these four, just like he said, it's fate.

It's like when Sheng'er brought a litter of foxes and accidentally heard the sound of Taoism outside the Taoist temple in the deep mountains. It was impossible for the people inside to not find Shen'er and them, but they did not drive them away, and they still preached every day. Only then did she open up her wisdom and cultivate into an adult.

If others can do it, so can Lin Jin.

"It's been a long night, I don't want to sleep!" Lin Jin could only laugh helplessly when he heard Fan Yuan's snoring. He looked up at the moon, and was about to continue to sigh when he heard someone say, "Since Lin Jianshi can't sleep, why don't he? Chat with me."


Lin Jin was taken aback.

You must know that from the beginning, his perception and spiritual sense have been spread out, otherwise it would be impossible to detect the white snake, the big carp, the big crane and the eagle.

Even Lin Jin can detect it outside. He doesn't think there is someone outside. Even now, on the premise that he has heard someone speak, Lin Jin still does not detect the other person's breath.


Lin Jin wants to say that he has seen the world, but he has never encountered such a thing. Fortunately, after he has learned a lot, his mood will be stable. Even if he is frightened, he can pretend to be calm on the surface.

Following Lin Jin's question, Lin Jin heard a light cough from behind him.

"Behind?" Lin Jin turned his head suddenly, but saw a thin but immortal old man standing behind him. Lin Jin had seen this old man before, and he saw it in the animal-monitoring pavilion last night. At that time, the other party asked him how to recognize beasts. Got fooled by myself.

At that time, Lin Jin guessed that this old gentleman was definitely a powerful senior in the academy. Now it seems that this is definitely the case.

This will not work.

If things go on like this, there will be no secrets in the future.

"Master Lin Jian, since you can't sleep, how about we have a chat with Yue?" The old gentleman sent another invitation, but Lin Jin did not refuse, and he was also very curious about this old gentleman.

Let’s just chat, are you still afraid?

"After learning Lin Jin, I don't know what the old gentleman's name is?" Lin Jin bowed his hands, not in a hurry, not in a hurry, not in a panic, and the old gentleman smiled and returned the salute: "My surname is Shu!"

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