The Mutant God in American Comics

Chapter 78 Humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb, angry Iron Man

Although the White House's usual work efficiency is very low, in the face of unstoppable death threats, the White House has shown surprising work efficiency.

After only one night, they settled a series of compensations and gave Richard a very sincere explanation.

Richard vaguely remembered that the total assets of the Wesley family were only about 300 million US dollars.

Although there is no way to compare with a billionaire like Tony Stark, or even with the overseas savings that Black King Xiao "sent" to him and the liquidity of the Hellfire Club, the Wesley family is still an undoubtedly wealthy family.

He asked for three times the compensation, but the White House has now offered at least five times the compensation.

While proactively increasing the amount of compensation, he also killed all employees of the Department of Mutant Affairs who had come into contact with the original father.

Whether it's face or arrogance, the White House has shown enough sincerity.

Richard did not go to get the documents Natasha put on the table, and he was not worried that those guys in the White House would use fake documents to fool him. He said unhurriedly:

"I am not an unreasonable person. Since they have shown sincerity, I don't mind showing kindness."

"Go back and tell them they can sleep peacefully tonight."

"As long as they don't mess with me, I won't visit them for no reason."

After hearing what Richard said, Natasha quickly said:

"Okay, I'll tell them exactly what you said."

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave now."

After saying that, Natasha stood up and prepared to leave the apartment.

However, at this moment, Richard continued: "Wait a minute, there is one more thing."

"What's up?"

Natasha sat down again and asked with a respectful expression.

"Does Tony Stark know that Rogers was killed by me?"

After hearing his words, Natasha showed a surprised expression.

Although she didn't know what Richard was planning, she didn't hesitate and replied immediately: "We haven't informed him yet. In addition, we haven't informed him yet that Bucky Barnes killed his parents." Tell him."

"It seems that you and Barton don't regard him as a real friend. It's been almost 24 hours and you don't plan to notify him."

"Thanks to him, he has to bear all the expenses of the reunion alone. You guys are so ungrateful!"

Richard said to Natasha.

If the person mocking her now is not Richard, but another man, Natasha doesn't mind letting him know why her title is "Black Widow".

But it's a pity that the person who is mocking her now is Richard, who neither she nor SHIELD can compete with.

Just when Natasha was about to explain, Richard continued:

"There's nothing else, you can leave."

"By the way, let me give you a suggestion. If you don't want to see Tony Stark die in my hands, you'd better tell him the truth."

"If he foolishly came over to avenge Rogers, I can't guarantee that he would be able to come back alive."

From a personal perspective, he does a good impression of Tony Stark.

In his opinion, among the six giants of the first generation of Avengers, there are only two and a half people who can make him less aggressive.

Tony, Thor, Hulk!

Of course, this cannot be done in a specific way and is only for general situations.

If Tony, Thor, and Hulk were his enemies, even if he admired them, he wouldn't mind killing them.

After a few seconds of silence, Natasha said slowly:

"Okay, I understand. I will tell him the truth when I go back."

After saying that, Natasha stood up, bowed slightly to Richard, turned and left the apartment.

After Natasha left the apartment, the White Queen came to Richard and said softly:

"The matter between your father and the Department of Mutant Affairs has come to an end. What are you going to do next? Set up an organization like your father to help those weak mutants?"

"You are thinking too much. If I had such thoughts, I would not disband the Crimson Manor that my father built, let alone set fire to the manor with my own hands."

"There are too many weak people in the world. I have no interest in becoming a Holy Mother. I will only help the people I want to help."

"I plan to enjoy the decadent life of a billionaire."

Richard said with a smile.

Although most people in the outside world don't know what he did yesterday, the sudden press conference issued by the White House last night still made him the headlines today.

When major news stations and newspapers reported him as headlines, the Internet was also filled with a lot of discussions related to him.

If ordinary people were just curious about what he had done, the White House could actually hold a press conference to announce in public that the S-class wanted order on him had been cancelled.

Then mutants, especially the younger generation of mutants, generate not only curiosity, but also all kinds of admiration and envy.

From its establishment to the present, the Department of Mutant Affairs has only issued two S-class wanted notices.

As we all know, once a wanted order is issued, it will not be canceled easily.

Normally, the wanted order will only be canceled after the wanted target dies or is captured.

Now, not only has the S-class wanted order on Richard been cancelled, it has also been canceled by a special press conference held by the White House.

In the eyes of the younger generation of mutants, he not only broke the myth that the Mutant Affairs Department could not compete with his actual actions, but also proved one thing with facts.

That is, as long as he is strong enough, both the White House and the Mutant Affairs Department will become "friendly".

If it is said that after the Los Angeles branch incident, only about one-fifth of the mutants living in the United States regarded him as an idol.

Then now, the number of mutants who worship him as an idol has directly reached an astonishing two-thirds.

Richard guessed that his number of fans would become more.

But after seeing the skyrocketing number of members on his personal website and forum and the statistics of major media, he found that he still underestimated his influence on mutants.

According to previous statistics from the Mutant Affairs Department, the number of mutants in the United States is about 7 million, and there is 1 mutant in 50 people.

If other countries are included, the total number of mutants is about 16 million.

Although Richard didn't know how the Mutant Affairs Department came up with the statistics, the total number of mutants was around 16 million, which perfectly matched the data he saw in the comic event "Genosha Massacre".

In other words, in the United States alone, there are now more than 4.5 million mutants who worship him as an idol.

If you only look at the numbers, 4.5 million fans are not a lot.

After all, many Internet celebrities have tens of millions of fans.

But the impact he can now have is greater than that of all Internet celebrities in the world combined.

While browsing posts on the forum established by fanatical fans, Richard saw a very interesting post.

The post was posted by a senior member named "Data Analyst".

In the post, "Data Analyst" made a detailed statistics of his well-known battles.

Through the analysis and calculation of the on-site environment and damage, "Data Analyst" gave a conclusion that was impeccable on the surface.

Humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb!

To be precise, it is a humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb with an explosive equivalent of 30 million tons of TNT, which can be repeatedly exploded in a short period of time!

In order to let others understand more clearly what the explosive equivalent of 30 million tons of TNT is, the "data analyst" also specifically gave various data after the Tsar bomb with an explosive equivalent of 50 million tons of TNT was detonated.

The radius of the explosion fireball reached 4,600 meters, and the mushroom cloud was about 64 kilometers high and nearly 40 kilometers wide.

The explosion shock wave spread over a range of 1,000 kilometers, and the Eurasian continent moved 9 mm southward because of the explosion.

Although from the perspective of explosive equivalent, Richard is not as good as the famous Tsar bomb.

But compared with the Tsar bomb that can only be detonated once, his humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb can be detonated multiple times.

This post not only caused a frenzy of discussion in the forum, with more than 3,000 replies, but also was quoted by some newspapers and news TV stations.

Not only that, this "data analyst" also counted the damage to the headquarters of the Mutant Affairs Department.

Although the White House's answer last night was that the damage to the headquarters of the Mutant Affairs Department was a chain explosion caused by a natural gas pipeline leak.

But obviously, anyone who has seen the appearance of the headquarters building of the Department of Mutant Affairs will not believe the White House's statement.

The smooth and flat fracture of the headquarters building is not the damage caused by a natural gas explosion.

The explanation given by the White House is indeed nonsense, but people who know a little about the United States are not surprised.

The United States called laundry detergent a chemical weapon of mass destruction back then.

Compared with this, it is relatively more reasonable for a natural gas explosion to blow a mirror-like smooth fracture of a reinforced concrete building.

Although the probability is so small that it can be almost ignored, it is much better than laundry detergent being a chemical weapon of mass destruction.


A well-known French restaurant in Manhattan that requires reservations three weeks in advance to get a seat.

Richard and the White Queen enjoyed the French meal in front of them calmly.

Although they did not make a reservation in advance, when they arrived at the door of the restaurant, the waiter at the door took them into the restaurant eagerly.

They did not use telepathic superpowers, let alone threaten the waiter.

The reason why they could come in so easily was very simple, because the owner of this restaurant was the White Queen.

Although the White Queen was not as rich as the Black King Xiao, she was still a rich woman compared to ordinary people.

In addition to liking to buy clothes and bags like other women, she also had a great interest in doing business.

According to her, women must have their own careers.

This famous French restaurant is one of her careers.

They ignored the gazes and scrutiny of other customers, and talked and laughed while tasting the French meal in front of them.

Just as they finished their appetizers and were about to taste the first course, a red and gold figure flew towards the restaurant at supersonic speed like a missile.

Although the flight speed was very fast, people quickly recognized the figure whizzing through space.

Iron Man!

Soon, Tony Stark in armor came over the restaurant.

Under the gaze of pedestrians and waiters, Tony Stark landed at the door of the restaurant.

The next second, the armor was activated, and he walked out of it wearing casual clothes.

He ignored the waiter at the door and walked straight in, walking towards Richard with an angry face.

"You killed Rogers?"

Tony said immediately when he came to Richard.

His voice was loud, and from the tone, he was still unhappy, or very angry.

Not only Richard and the White Queen heard his words, but most of the customers in the restaurant heard them.

Without any suspense, the customers in the restaurant immediately showed unexpected expressions, and their eyes gathered on Richard.

"Yes, I killed him."

"If you are here to help him get revenge, I suggest you think carefully about whether it is worth it."

Unlike Tony, who was angry, Richard's expression was very calm now.

After speaking, he picked up the red wine glass in front of him, took a sip, and looked at Tony calmly.


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