The Myriad Worlds Gu Zun

Chapter 23 I refuse!

Zhou Ming sneered and stood up.

"First of all, I am not from your Yanhuang Legion, and I have no obligation to report the mission to you."

"Second, from the time I entered here to now, you haven't even introduced yourself or asked for my name, which shows that you don't attach much importance to looking for Brother Yang. How do I know what your relationship is with them? "

"Third, I did think about joining the Yanhuang Legion before, but now I don't. Goodbye."

The man paused for a moment and raised his head again.

"Don't you want us to find Yang Zhisheng and Yu Man? You must have a good relationship with them, right? Do you know that maybe they are in crisis now? Just because your news was delayed for a while, the best opportunity to save them was missed. ”

"You'd better find someone else to do this kind of moral kidnapping." Zhou Ming dismissed it and directly chose to leave the Yanhuang Legion space.

Uh-huh! Zhou Ming's figure disappeared into this office.

Looking at the emptiness in front of him, the man's face turned gloomy.

Zhou Ming returned to the public trading space, and a hint of worry immediately appeared on his disdainful face.

"The two of them actually disappeared together? Is it because they were looking for those three extraordinary items?"

"The Pen of Destiny, the Devil's Horn, the Stone of's not easy to hear the names!"

"I hope they are okay. However, although the guy was arrogant just now, he was right. Yang Zhisheng and the others are probably suffering from a crisis. If the Yanhuang Army can obtain information about that mission, they may really be able to find the whereabouts of the two of them. ”

It was a matter of human life. Of course, Zhou Ming would not really hide the information. He simply quit the public trading space and returned to his personal space.

"Huh?" Zhou Ming looked at the clock on the wall in surprise.

The time shown there is the same as the time before he entered the public trading space.

"After entering the public trading space, time here also stands still?"

Zhou Ming realized that the spatial flow speeds in different areas of the Lord God's space seemed to be different.

"After finishing the business, go back to the main world and take a look!"

He opened the exchange list, rummaged through it, and quickly found what he needed.

Reincarnation letterhead: A special letterhead within the reincarnation. It can only be used in the main god space. The information recorded on the letterhead can be passed to other reincarnations. Individuals, teams or legions can be designated. Redemption requires 100 reward points.

Zhou Ming directly exchanged it for a reincarnation letter and recorded the experiences of Yang Zhisheng and Yu Man in the previous mission, especially the explosion of the headquarters of the Kronos organization and the change of their mission.

Then, he designated the Yanhuang Legion to send the letter.

The Lord God sends the mail, and you never have to worry about losing it.

This is all Zhou Ming can do.

After doing this, the purpose of this trip was basically achieved. Zhou Ming did not stay too much and left the main god space directly and returned to the main world.

The remaining reward points at this time are: 3979.

Returning to the main world, it was still his cabin.

Before Zhou Ming could react, the pure soul crystal in his hand suddenly emitted a soft white light.

In the white light, the diamond-shaped crystal gradually deformed, and gradually turned into the shape of a ladybug, crystal clear as if carved from crystal.

At the same time, a mysterious force enveloped him, penetrated him, and then pulled something out of his body.

His strength was fading, his perception was weakening, and the energy circulation that had just been established in his body was broken up and eliminated.

His bloodline is being stripped away.

Although he did not feel pain, the sense of gap caused by the decline in strength caused the torture called "loss", which filled his heart.

The stripped bloodline has not disappeared, but has condensed in his body. Under the influence of the mysterious power in the dark, it is transforming into another existence.

At the same time, a stream of information automatically appeared in Zhou Ming's mind.

[Forest Spirit Gu, fifth turn, can transform into a forest spirit, enhance the recovery speed of true energy and the healing speed of one's own injuries, and slightly enhance the power of Wood Path Gu. 】

"Are you kidding me?" Resisting the sense of loss and weakness coming from deep within his heart, and feeling the confused state of the yet-to-be-formed Gu worms in his body, a stern sneer appeared on Zhou Ming's face.

"You didn't even say hello, you just took my things away, and then gave me something that I couldn't use at all. What do you think I am, a tool for you to obtain the laws of another world?"

"Lord God, come back to me!"


Zhou Ming's figure suddenly disappeared into the hut.

The mysterious power surrounding Zhou Ming's body, due to Zhou Ming's sudden disappearance, left a large blank space, and suddenly replenished from all directions toward the center, stirring together and becoming a mess.

In the main god space, Zhou Ming, who had just left not long ago, returned again. As soon as his figure appeared, he fell to the ground. He looked inside his body and tried his best to sense the Gu insect that was in a state of being about to mature.

The mysterious power that broke into his body suddenly lost its spirituality because its source was cut off, and fell into stasis in Zhou Ming's body.

At this moment, Zhou Ming's spirit had just penetrated, and he immediately came into contact with the mysterious power. Some unpredictable changes occurred, and he could control the mysterious power easily.

By leveraging the mystery of that power, Zhou Ming's spirit was rising steadily, and he was suddenly elevated to a state of great heights. Some abilities, no, I should say instincts, emerged in his mind.

He didn't know what the mysterious power was, but he knew what he could do with it.

He stretched out his hand and gently pressed his chest, and with a pull, a ball of light came out of his chest. It was the unfinished Gu worm refined with the forest spirit bloodline.

Zhou Ming held the ball of light with his left palm facing up, and pointed his right index finger at the ball of light. Three hazy shadows appeared above the unfinished Gu worm.

Three pieces of information emanated from these three hazy shadows.

[Forest Spirit Gu, fifth turn, can transform into a forest spirit, enhance the speed of true essence recovery and the speed of healing of one's own injuries, and slightly enhance the power of the Wood Dao Gu worm. ]

[Forest Spirit Gu, fifth turn, can change the race of the user to become a tree spirit. Consume the Gu at one time. ]

[Forest Spirit Gu, fifth turn, can improve the qualifications of the Gu Master, and upgrade the B-level qualifications to the A-level qualifications. ]

Those are the three directions of Gu worm refining formed based on the forest spirit bloodline and Zhou Ming's wishes.

"Heh." Zhou Ming had a faint smile on his face.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the third hazy light and shadow again.

Suddenly, the other two hazy light shadows burst like soap bubbles and fell into the light ball.

At the same time, the mysterious power controlled by Zhou Ming also rushed into the light ball, until all the power rushed into the light ball, leaving nothing behind.

In the light ball, a Gu worm was quickly born.

Then the light ball dissipated, and the Gu worm without independent consciousness was caught by Zhou Ming in his hand and easily refined.

The dust settled.

In addition to the human race, there are aliens in the Gu world, which are intelligent creatures of other races.

There are orcs, stone people, little people, mermaids, black people, mushroom people, egg people, snow people, feather people, hairy people, and dragon people. Among them, only the dragon people were created by the Eight-turn Great Dragon Duke, and the others were born naturally.

If Zhou Ming chooses the second direction of Gu refining and uses it for himself, then the Gu world will add a new race - the tree spirit race, although there is only Zhou Ming in the entire race.

Zhou Ming will also be the second person in the entire Gu world to create a new race after Long Gong.

However, this does not mean anything to Zhou Ming.

The tree spirit race and the tree spirit bloodline are completely different. There is no energy circulation, no elemental body, and no upgrade potential - after becoming a tree spirit, it is impossible to further upgrade the tree spirit bloodline from the main god.

As for the first option, there is no need to consider it at all. Even if Zhou Ming is given the fifth-turn Gu worm now, he can't use it.

Therefore, Zhou Ming's choice is only the third one.

Although he sacrificed almost all the abilities of the entire bloodline, in exchange for his qualifications being upgraded to Class A, Zhou Ming still feels that it is not a loss.

"Sure enough, this fucking Gu world has tied me to the identity of a Gu master. I can't get rid of it at all. I can only go all the way!"

Zhou Ming sighed and used the Gu worm that he had just refined.

In the void, boundless waves were set off again, and the sea level rose rapidly.

68%, 69%...

The speed of the Zhenyuan Sea water rising was extremely fast, and it rose to 8% in a blink of an eye, reaching the minimum standard of Class A qualification, and it continued to rush.

83%, 84%, 85%...

Finally, the Zhenyuan Sea surface stayed at 88%, and then gradually calmed down.

This is the real dust settling!

No, it's not!

This is not the end, on the contrary, it is the beginning.

Zhou Ming sat on the ground and looked up at the Lord God's big light ball.

"Why choose me?" he asked.

After returning to the Lord God's space, his series of encounters, as long as he is not too stupid, can make some reasonable guesses.

Obviously, the Lord God wants to obtain the laws of the Gu world, so he offers a high price to purchase Gu worms, and uses interests to drive Zhou Ming to collect Gu worms for him.

The Gu world also needs the laws of the other world, and it also starts from Zhou Ming, but his method is much more domineering than the Lord God.

Anything that Zhou Ming brought back that did not belong to the Gu World was twisted into Gu worms by Him, so as to obtain the information of the laws of the other world.

In this process, Zhou Ming was just a chess piece, a channel for the two-way transmission of laws, and a tool.

Both the Gu World and the Lord God were using him as a tool, the only difference was that one method was softer and the other method was more domineering, and there was no difference in essence.

So Zhou Ming wanted to resist, and while the Gu worm in his body had not yet been refined, he would rather pay a huge price, even if he wasted 1,000 reward points, even if he lost his bloodline, he would return to the Lord God space and prevent the Gu World from obtaining the laws of the forest spirit bloodline.

But what happened after returning to the Lord God space was completely beyond his expectations.

Zhou Ming had never expected that such a thing would happen, that the mysterious power from the Gu World could be used by him to help him refine Gu.

Being in the Lord God space, this sudden thing, Zhou Ming certainly thought at the first time that it was the Lord God's handiwork.

But it is obvious that this question will not be confirmed either.

Zhou Ming sat in silence for a while, then suddenly chuckled, a relaxed expression reappeared on his face, clapped his hands, and stood up.

"No matter what, being chosen by you, the benefits I get are always greater than the sacrifices, and there is no need for me to complain and act like a child."

"Since you all chose me at the same time, there is no reason for me not to seize such a good opportunity!"

"Lord God, send me back!"

The scenery in front of him changed again, and Zhou Ming, who had just left, returned to his hut again.

"I wasted 1,000 reward points. I must get them back from you in the future!"

Zhou Ming muttered fiercely and picked up the Gu worm made from pure soul crystal.

[Soul Crystal Gu, third turn, can strengthen the soul and increase the Gu Master's soul foundation. It can only be used once a day. A one-time consumption of Gu. 】

Zhou Ming expressionlessly refined the Gu insect and put it into the void.

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