The Myriad Worlds Gu Zun

Chapter 30 Good Times

The crowd parted, leaving plenty of space for the two confronting each other.

"Takeuchi cuts off the water flow, Takeuchi is smooth! The sword Mingfu Maemaru rushes across, killing forty-six enemies, but the sword does not kill the nameless souls!"

Takeuchi put his right hand on the handle of the sword, his body slightly lowered, all the sharp momentum was hidden in the scabbard, and he was ready to go.

"Zhou Ming." Zhou Ming did not introduce himself as seriously as Shun Takeuchi did. He just said his name rather perfunctorily, holding the knife loosely, without showing any sign of paying attention to the enemy.

"Hmph, arrogant!"

Takeuchi Shun roared angrily and drew his sword out of its sheath. The sound of the sword became clearer and clearer, and a bright sword flashed from the lower left to the upper right, as if he was about to cut Zhou Ming into two pieces with one strike.

Ghost Gu!


The sword light passed through Zhou Ming's body, but it only cut through the air and dissipated an afterimage.

Zhou Ming himself appeared five steps later without any injuries.

"Why so fast!"

As soon as this idea appeared in Takeuchi Shun's mind, Zhou Ming opened his mouth, and a cold and vicious scream suddenly erupted.

Soul Roaring Gu!

not good!

Takeuchi Shun felt his scalp numb and subconsciously reached out to cover his ears. However, no matter how fast his movements were, how could he be faster than the sound?

The sharp sound like fingernails scraping against a blackboard instantly reached his ears, like a sharp sword piercing his brain, making Shun Takeuchi's consciousness become hazy and blank.

Not only him, but all the nearby Takeuchi Shuishui warriors were in a state of confusion, staggering around as if they were drunk.

This state comes and goes quickly, fading quickly as the screaming stops.

However, everyone who had just regained consciousness saw with wide eyes that Zhou Ming's long sword had cut into Takeuchi's waist and abdomen.


Hot blood was spilled, and the hard bones were as fragile as biscuits in front of the Edelman alloy knife. Shun Takeuchi was cut in half and fell to the ground. Blood flowed out from his waist and quickly stained the large area of ​​​​the land beneath him red.

"Dojo Master!"

"No, dojo master!"

"You evil thief!"

"Back off! Back off!"

There was an uproar all around, and the Takeuchi Danshui disciples were excited. Some looked shocked and grieved, shouting Takeuchi Shun, and some stared at Zhou Ming with hatred and anger.

At this time, Takeuchi Shun, who was lying on the ground, was still breathing. He held on and said intermittently: "Your... is not sword skills... it is... magic..."

"Sorry, my sword skills are indeed not as good as yours, so I can only defeat you in this way." Zhou Ming sheathed his sword and admitted generously.

"You...have no martial ethics...come to cheat, come to sneak attack..." Takeuchi Shun didn't finish his sentence after all. He lowered his head, breathed his last breath, and died.

"As long as the goal can be achieved, the method is not important, is it? The primitive accumulation of capital is always bloody. Learn to adapt. Oh, you have no chance to learn."

Feeling the martial arts experience stirring in his mind, Zhou Ming said indifferently.

You can also gain martial arts experience by using Gu insects. It seems that the Lord God really values ​​the reincarnation's own strength.

If I follow Yang Zhisheng's path and kill Shun Takeuchi with a weapon enhanced by my own body, will I be able to gain martial arts experience?

This question only flashed through Zhou Ming's mind and was then forgotten.

Just verify it based on your actual situation. There is no point in thinking that some of these are true or not.

Takeuchi Shun's death was like a burning match thrown into an oil barrel, igniting the anger of all Takeuchi Shunshui disciples and drowning their reason.

"kill him!"

"Avenge the dojo master!"


One by one, the warriors roared and drew their swords, charging towards Zhou Ming and slashing his head and face, vowing to cut Zhou Ming into pieces in order to avenge the murderer for humiliating his family.

This also includes Seita Takeuchi. The ecstasy Gu is not a slave Gu. It cannot control the enemy once and for all. It is necessary to use the Gu all the time and consume real energy to maintain the effect.

During the duel with Shun Takeuchi, Zhou Ming released his control over Seita Takeuchi.

This originally cowardly young man's eyes were as red as ghosts, his expression was ferocious and twisted, tears streaming down his face, and he roared towards Zhou Ming.

The next moment, his body was pierced by a ray of sword light, accompanied by a burst of sharp pain. All the strength in his body flowed away along the pierced blood hole. His legs softened and he fell to the ground, and his eyes completely lost their look.

Swords blazed across the sky, ghosts were everywhere, and at this moment, Zhou Ming truly demonstrated the combat power of a second-level peak Gu master, going on a killing spree.

The wind of killing set off a storm of blood, and the living lives fell in front of Zhou Ming.

Martial arts experience is continuously poured into the mind, and is quickly digested and absorbed in the constant killing, and transformed into more powerful combat power.

Every time he swung the sword, every time he chopped, Zhou Ming gained a deeper understanding of the sword technique, and the rules for how to use the sword became clearer and sharper.

Kill until the remaining people become frightened and flee in all directions, and no one dares to rush forward to die.

The Edman alloy knife was swung, and a line of blood spilled down the blade. There was no blood on the cold blade.

Zhou Ming stepped over the broken limbs on the ground, avoiding the blood pits. The soles of his shoes were still stained with blood, leaving black and red footprints.

In front of him, a samurai fell to the ground, trembling all over, struggling to crawl toward the gate of Takeuchi Dojo.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, the warrior looked back and saw Zhou Ming's figure. His expression quickly became distorted with fear, and his face was smeared with tears and snot.

"No, don't kill me... Sir, please..."

He wanted to stand up and run away, but the extreme fear made his limbs as weak as noodles. He couldn't even crawl, let alone stand up?

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you."

Zhou Ming looked down at the warrior from a high position, with a faint smile on his face, a gentle tone and a kind expression.

"Look into my eyes and tell me, what is your name?"

The Ecstasy Gu was activated again, and the warrior's eyes quickly became confused.

"My name is Yamato Minami."

The samurai said blankly.

"Yawada Minami, stand up and talk to me."

After hearing Zhou Ming's order, Yamato Tiannan immediately got up from the ground and stood upright in front of Zhou Ming, without any signs of weakness.

"Not bad." Zhou Ming smiled with satisfaction.

The weaker the soul and the less determined the will, the easier it is to be controlled by the ecstasy Gu, the easier it is to control, and the less real energy is consumed.

This is true for both Takeuchi Seita before and Yamato Minami now.

If he uses the ecstasy Gu against Shun Takeuchi, the probability of success will be very low. Even if it succeeds, it will be very difficult to maintain the effect of the Gu.

"Let's go, take me to the dojo of Oishigami Fengryu."

Oishishen Fengliu, Takeuchi Densui's arch-rival, left Takeuchi Shun's two sons dead and one maimed, and Takeuchi Densui was disgraced.

Zhou Ming wanted to know what was the difference between this school and Takeuchi Danshui.

At the same time, he was also waiting for the reaction of Oda Heizo, the daimyo who controlled this land.

Zhou Ming's plan is very simple. Since it is such a world and such an era, there is no need to worry much at all. It is simple and crude, and everything can be accomplished in killing.

How could an unknown person be chosen by a big name to participate in the world's best samurai conference?


Zhou Ming's swordsmanship was mediocre, so why did he show off at the warrior conference and outshine the others?


What Nohara Momonosuke wanted to see was killing, and what the daimyo relied on to fight for the world was killing.

Raw, bloody, violent, simple.

"What a wonderful era."

Zhou Ming laughed happily in his heart.

Oden Odate, the residence of Oda Heizo.

The irritable Oda Heizo was furious because the miso soup rice cooked by his servant was salty.

The servant was shivering, complaining in his heart that the miso soup and rice tasted the same as usual, but he did not dare to say a word for fear that he would be demoted to a slave by the angry Oda Heizo, or even have his head chopped off.

At this time, a samurai walked in from outside, turning a blind eye to the situation at the scene, and walked directly to Oda Heizang, whispering a few words in his ear.

"What? Are you serious?" Oda Heizo asked in surprise.

"Sir, it's absolutely true! Many passers-by witnessed it, and my subordinates have sent people to the Takeuchi Dojo to investigate!"

"Where is that man...that warrior now?"

"We are heading to the Kamikaze style dojo! I'm afraid..." The samurai wiped the sweat from his face and said hesitantly.

"Quick! Arrange a ride, I want to see that warrior in person!"

Oda Heizang said impatiently.

"My lord, think twice! That warrior is so bloodthirsty, he must be a very vicious person. My lord, if you approach rashly, I'm afraid..."

"Okay, okay, aren't there still you guys?" Oda Heizo said impatiently, "Can't a group of you still be able to protect me?"

"No, it's not." The warrior bowed quickly, "I will make arrangements now!"

The subordinates who were fully mobilized due to Oda Heizo's power were very efficient. They completed the assembly and travel in ten minutes and arrived at the Kamikaze-ryu Dojo in less than half an hour.

Although Oda Heizo impatiently urged him to hurry up several times along the way, and his subordinates almost moved as fast as they could, when they arrived at the Kamikaze-ryu dojo, the scene in front of them still shocked everyone.

The door of the dojo opened wide, and a strong smell of blood rushed in. The blood overflowed the threshold and flowed down the steps to the street, forming a puddle.

Even though no body could be seen from the door, everyone could still imagine in their minds how tragic the dojo looked and what kind of fierce battle had just broken out.

No, it's not a battle, it's simply a one-sided crushing!

A clear line of bloody footprints spread out from the dojo, heading west along the street, and the footprints gradually faded.

There was no blood scattered randomly around the footprints, indicating that the owners of the footprints were not seriously injured.

In such a brutal battle, one of the parties didn't even get any bloodshed. This wasn't a unilateral crushing!

Among the stunned group of people, it was the samurai next to Oda Heizo who reacted first and shouted orders.

"Quickly, two people go in and see what's going on inside. Is there anyone alive?"

"You guys, go ask the people around here if they saw what just happened here and where the people who came out of here went!"

The people under his command immediately took orders and spread out to inquire.

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