The Myriad Worlds Gu Zun

Chapter 93 Leaving the Chang Family

"Brother Zhou!" Zhou Ming walked into the Chang family camp and was stopped by the oncoming Chang Shanyin.

"Hahaha, brother Zhou! You're fine!"

The radiant Chang Shanyin did not feel as sleepy as when he was drinking a few days ago. He was still holding Ni Xuetong in his arms, with a beautiful face, blurry eyes and a smile as bright as a flower.

"Brother Chang, I'm coming to find you." Zhou Ming went up to meet him and couldn't help but look at Ni Xuetong a few more times.

There's something wrong with this woman's state...

"Oh? Brother Zhou, what troubles have you encountered? Don't worry, you have helped me so much and let me have Xuetong. Now if you have anything to do, just ask, and I will try my best to do whatever I can. And for!”

Chang Shanyin waved his hand, extremely heroic.

Hey hey hey, don’t talk nonsense!

Zhou Ming didn't want to be blamed for this, so he waved his hand quickly: "Brother Chang, I have nothing to do. I just want to tell you that I have been bothering the Chang family for so many days, and it is time to leave."

"Huh? Why does Brother Zhou want to leave suddenly?" Chang Shanyin frowned: "But someone in my Chang family has offended you?"

"No, no, no, that's absolutely not the case." Zhou Ming waved his hand, "It's just that I have bought the right Gu worms, and the market here is about to end. My goals have been achieved, so naturally it's time to go to the next stop."

Chang Shanyin thought for a while and said, "Brother Zhou, can you stay for a few more days? I plan to get married to Xuetong in five days. You are the witness of our love. I hope you can attend my wedding banquet!"

I don’t want to be a witness... Zhou Ming felt a pain in his balls, just made a few vague promises and left in a hurry.

The status of women in Beiyuan is generally low. Marriage and marriage are completely out of their control. Women are dependent on men. The strong rob the weak's women, just like robbing the weak's property.

This is the custom of Beiyuan. Like Ni Xuetong, what if you have someone you love? So what if it was forcibly taken away by Chang Shanyin? Chang Shanyin would marry her if he wanted to, and no one would ask Ni Xuetong's opinion.

Except Chang Biao.

The devastated Chang Biao stared at Chang Shanyin from a distance, his heart filled with hatred that could drive people crazy. When his eyes turned to Ni Xuetong, they turned into infinite love and care.

Finally, he closed his eyes, suppressed all his emotions into his heart, turned around and left, his back hunched with firm determination.

Chang Biao didn't notice that after he turned and left, Chang Shanyin turned his eyes to him. Then, he held Ni Xuetong's chin and turned her face, pointing at Chang Biao's back.

"Look, he looks like a dog."

Ni Xuetong bit her lower lip and didn't say a word. There was a bit of sadness in her blurred eyes.

The smile on Chang Shanyin's face disappeared, and a look of indifference gradually appeared in his eyes: "I don't care what your previous relationship was, but now that you are my woman, I will not allow you to have other men in your heart!"

"I have already said the same thing once, and I am very satisfied with your performance these days, but I hope you will still keep all my words in your heart and never forget them!"

"Because I will really kill anyone who is an eyesore."

Ni Xuetong closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, the sadness in her eyes disappeared, leaving only a pool of spring water rippling with lust that was so thick that it almost overflowed.

"Let's... go inside."

Chang Shanyin laughed loudly, picked up Ni Xuetong from the waist, turned and walked towards his mushroom house Gu.

"No, you still have to leave!"

Zhou Ming, who returned to his residence, felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart for some reason. He thought about it, but he couldn't figure out where the danger came from.

But he has always trusted his intuition, and this time too, so Zhou Ming only thought for a moment before making the decision to leave.

‘Perhaps the Chang family gave me two level four Gu worms, and they should be here? ’

Or maybe the Chang family's gift of Gu was just to win over, but Zhou Ming didn't need to gamble on this kind of thing, and he didn't feel any guilt at all.

Do you need to feel guilty about running away?

The next day, Zhou Ming went to the market for the last time. After a sweep, he found no valuable Gu insects, and then left. Instead of going to the Chang family, he followed the map and continued towards Crescent Lake.

However, the web of fate has been unfolded. People trapped in fate are like small flying insects caught in the web. The more they struggle, the tighter they become. How can they escape?

Zhou Ming was on his way this time, still riding a camel wolf, but instead of the original Hundred Wolf King, he was replaced by the Thousand Wolf King, surrounded by a large pack of camel wolves.

Zhou Ming bought these from Chang Shanyin a few days ago. Although Chang Shanyin insisted on giving them to Zhou Ming, Zhou Ming was resolute and Chang Shanyin had no choice but to accept the Yuan Stone.

After that, Zhou Ming drove the wolves to hunt with Chang Shanyin every day. While learning Chang Shanyin's slave ways, he also practiced them on his own small wolf pack.

Therefore, although this wolf pack is small in size, Zhou Ming has trained it like an arm and a finger, and can control it very smoothly.

The wolves had traveled hundreds of miles when Zhou Ming's ears suddenly moved and he immediately ordered the wolves to stop moving.

The third-level Listening to the Wind Grass Gu sent sounds from several miles around along the wind into Zhou Ming's ears, allowing him to hear a conversation and recognize a familiar voice at the same time.

"Tonight is the time when family patrols are at their most relaxed. At that time, I will remove the warning and defense bugs, open the door and let you in..."

"How do we believe you have this ability..."

"Haha, I am a third-level boss after all..."

"What if this is your trap..."

"Ha Tugu, you...are afraid...everyone will say..."

"When that happens...Xuetong..."

"I want to see Chang Shanyin with my own eyes..."

The intermittent voices that came with the wind were enough for Zhou Ming to hear everything and analyze all the information from them.

Because one of the people who spoke was Chang Biao.

And Zhou Ming heard a familiar name, Ha Tugu, on the other side of the conversation with Chang Biao.

'When did Chang Biao get in touch with Ha Tugu! '

'With Chang Biao's character, shouldn't he have endured it and secretly designed to frame Chang Shanyin? How could he suddenly become so radical! '

These two simple thoughts flashed through Zhou Ming's mind, and he suddenly realized another problem.

He could hear the other party's conversation, so would the other party hear the sound of his wolf pack rushing on the road?

The sound of the wolf pack running is much louder than talking!

Just as Zhou Ming realized this problem, he felt the gaze of two eyes.

Although there was still a grassy hill between them, Zhou Ming could feel the sharp eyes, piercing through the barrier of the grassy hill and nailing him.

Only one person in this group had such a sharp look and powerful aura.

Ha Tugu, now a fourth-level peak Gu Master, specializing in bone cultivation.

"Fuck, they say that walls have ears, how come we have come here and someone can still hear us? It's fucking weird!"

Ha Tugu cursed and waved his hand, and the bandits under his command urged their mounts to surround Zhou Ming.

'It's weird. ' Zhou Ming sneered in his heart.

Zhou Ming happened to leave today, and Chang Biao happened to contact Ha Tugu, and happened to meet Ha Tugu secretly today.

Such a vast grassland, but the other party chose this place for a secret meeting, and Zhou Ming also chose this place to leave, just like the other party was waiting here specially.

Coincidence? That's really a coincidence!

Zhou Ming looked up at the sky, lowered his head, and looked forward. One by one, the bandits rushed out from behind the earthen mound. The wolf pack was a little surprised to see Zhou Ming, but they did not retreat. Instead, they surrounded Zhou Ming nervously.

Ha Tugu and Chang Biao then appeared from behind the grass mound.

Seeing Zhou Ming's appearance, Chang Biao's expression instantly became very wonderful. He whispered Zhou Ming's identity in Ha Tugu's ear, which changed Ha Tugu's expression.

"Humph, it seems that Chang Shanyin has long suspected you. He tried to find out that you contacted us, so he invited such a master to deal with us!"

"You are a waste. Not only can you not help us capture the Chang family, but Chang Shanyin also took Ni Xuetong away. It's a waste of food to live!"

Ha Tugu was furious and kicked Chang Biao. Chang Biao, who was unable to dodge, was kicked off the wolf's back by Ha Tugu and fell to the ground. He was stunned for a while.

Ha Tugu drove his horse forward, and the bandits made way for Ha Tugu to walk towards Zhou Ming who was surrounded in the center.

"Brother, are you leaving the Chang family?" Ha Tugu asked with a smile.

"Yes, I have finished what I wanted to do here, so I will naturally go to the next place."

Zhou Ming said calmly on the surface, but his heart was full of ups and downs and his nerves were tense.

"Is the matter done? That's good. In this case, brother, you go first, I will make way."

Ha Tugu waved his hand, and the Gu Masters who surrounded Zhou Ming quickly made way.

"Please go." Ha Tugu smiled and made a gesture to Zhou Ming to see him off.

"Of course I have to go." Zhou Ming said in a deep voice, driving the hump wolf under his feet, carrying him on the road made by the Gu Masters, ignoring the covetous eyes of the horse bandits all the way.

One hundred meters... two hundred meters... three hundred meters...

The wolf pack slowly passed and was pulled into a long belt.

In the middle of the belt is Zhou Ming and the hump wolf sitting down, with wolves guarding him in front and behind.

Behind Zhou Ming, Ha Tu Gu pulled open a bone bow, put on a bone arrow, and aimed at Zhou Ming's back.

Swish! The bone arrow flew, and hundreds of meters were instantly crossed. The speed was so fast that it seemed to cross space. It appeared behind Zhou Ming in a flash, about to pierce Zhou Ming's heart.

A huge iron shell flower emerged in the void, and the petals opened, immediately taking Zhou Ming in. Then the iron shell flower merged, and the bone arrow hit the iron shell petals, but only half of the arrow was inserted, and it ran out of power and was stuck on the iron shell petals.

This is the iron shell flower Gu that Zhou Ming just got, and the defensive effect is really good.

"Kill him!"

Ha Tu Gu waved his hand, and the horse bandits under his command all roared and attacked Zhou Ming.

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