The next day.

Half an hour before class, Su Ze appeared in the classroom.

There were top students in the front row, already reading.

The university he attended, Soochow University, was not a top university, but it was ranked high in the country.

In Suzhou, Soochow University was undoubtedly the first.

Overall, the school was pretty good.

But even the best schools were not short of idiots like Su Ze.

After entering the classroom, Su Ze went straight to the back of the classroom.

He randomly picked a seat and sat down, then took out his phone...

"You think of me now? I got married last month, huh."

"Come to my live broadcast room later and give me a rocket. It's been a while since anyone has done that."

"Come to see me in the evening~ I just bought a new cosplay outfit, I can wear it for you~"

The phone displayed a series of ambiguous messages.

They were all women that Su Ze had had in-depth exchanges with over the years.

Some were good, and some were bad.

But now, he is no longer interested in these women.

If we follow his 8.5-point standard, there are some women who meet the requirements.

But if we take into account the internal conditions such as personality, it's a bit hard to say...

No more replies.

Su Ze put down his phone, thinking.

What he is thinking about now is how to build his own safe house before the end of the world, and... two accessories for the safe house.

Let’s not talk about the safe house…

The problem of accessories alone is enough for Su Ze to ponder at this moment.

Looking for a suitable target from the women he knew in the past? This is a plan that has just been completely abandoned.

To be honest, it is better to say that it is not so much choosing safe house accessories now…

It is better to say that it is choosing a companion for the doomsday journey.

Maybe, the last journey of the doomsday will be spent with the other party.

Thinking of this, the style of painting becomes a lot more pure love.


Su Ze wants to try his best to choose a beautiful and kind girl to become his partner in the doomsday.

Of course, if the other party is not willing to cooperate, Su Ze can only force it.

Although the forced melon is not sweet, it quenches thirst.


The problem now is that there is not even a suitable melon, and I don’t know where to start if I want to force it.

"Brother Ze, you are here so early."

Su Ze’s thoughts were interrupted.

As the class time approached, more and more people came into the classroom.

The two idiots who appeared beside Su Ze at this moment were his two roommates.

The talkative one was called Wang Zixin, and the relatively silent one was called Sun Bin...

In yesterday's doomsday simulation, his two roommates were quite loyal.

They actually achieved "not yielding in the face of might and power".

In several simulations, he had conflicts with the awakened, but his roommates were not afraid of the strong and dared to stand up for him.

It was not easy to do this...

Although people's hearts are unpredictable.

Today's loyalty does not mean permanent loyalty.

But at least, in the first few dozen days of the doomsday, his two roommates were good friends...

Thinking like this.

Su Ze suddenly became curious, staring at Wang Zixin beside him, silently activating the ability of "Father God Listening", trying to listen to the other party's voice...

[Damn, I should have been three times faster in the last game, and then invaded the other party's red zone...]

Very good.

Really a simple game boy.

"Brother Ze, why are you staring at me?"

Noticing Su Ze's gaze, Wang Zixin played a joke, pretending to be shy, and pinched his throat and said: "If it's Senior Su Ze, you can fuck all of them."

Su Ze: "Fuck you."

Chatting and laughing, Su Ze suddenly became interested and continued to try to concentrate and eavesdrop on the thoughts of other classmates in the class...

[Is Su Ze looking at me? I know he likes my twin ponytails today...]

[If he looks at me one more time, he will explode...]

[I run a brothel on the high seas, there is no reason to break the law...]

Talent is very useful, but when using it, it is best not to stare at others directly.

It seems a bit stupid, and it is easy for the other party to feel strange.

After a round of attempts, Su Ze silently retracted his gaze.

Start thinking about the safe house again...

Put aside the accessories of the safe house for now.

Consider the location of the safe house first.

Yesterday's simulation made him very clear about the safety of the area around the school.

Zone and polluted zone.

According to common sense, he should build the safe house in the safe zone.

But the polluted zone is not out of the question.

Because as long as you understand the threats of some polluted zones, you can be relatively safe in the polluted zone.

Just like his current residence...

After the doomsday, it will also be covered by the polluted zone.

But the main threat is the 'mirror world'.

As long as you avoid this danger and do not contact the source of pollution, you can get the maximum degree of safety.

Of course, there will be no absolute safety as long as you stay in the polluted zone.

Fatal nightmares may appear at any time.

But Su Ze has the talent of 'Fallen Gift' to back him up.

Even if he fails to survive the nightmare, he can rely on a layer of healing energy to get out of it...

"There is no need to put all your eggs in the same basket. Choose a few more places. You don't know when they will be useful."

It's only a few days before the world changes.

It's impossible to build a huge doomsday base now.

The funds don't allow it.

So I can only choose some places on the map and rent a house.

The house doesn't need to be too good, as long as it can store supplies.

After all, yesterday's simulation has proved the shortage of supplies.

Especially after fifty days, the awakened ones can fight for supplies.

Therefore, sufficient supplies are the core components of the safe house...

As for safety...

This has to mention the advantages of placing the safe house in the contaminated area.

Especially in the contaminated area where some powerful monsters are entrenched, even the awakened ones dare not try to enter.

If the supplies are placed in the contaminated area, there is basically no need to worry about being found by others.

And as long as you draw a good talent, you may be able to stay in the contaminated area without injury.

It's just that the nightmares that appear from time to time are annoying and will constantly consume healing energy.

"These are the places. Let's take a look at the specific situation today and then make a decision."

After a class, Su Ze's safe house site selection is almost over.

Just then, following the flow of people after class, Su Ze went back to the dormitory.

He usually doesn't live in the dormitory, but occasionally he will go back to the dormitory to spend the night, so his bed in the dormitory is always there.

There is even a very high-configuration computer on the table.

It is convenient for him to play games with other classmates when he is in the dormitory...

"Brother Ze, have you seen the news in the class group?"

"I heard that the class monitor has contacted, there will be a social gathering this week, and our class will also have a picnic!"

As soon as he sat down, Wang Zixin came over with his mobile phone, looking very excited.

Social gathering?

Su Ze was silent, thinking, could there be a beautiful girl in the opposite class who he has never met...

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