The simulator entered a ten-minute cooling period.

The reward options for this round of simulation were also lackluster.

They were all low-level talents and intelligence of little value.

Su Ze certainly wouldn't waste the opportunity to choose rewards on these low-value options...

"Should I change a safe zone as my birth point..."

Taking advantage of the cooling period, Su Ze wondered whether he should change his 'birth point'.

The speed at which the order of the safe zone selected in this round collapsed was really fast.

If I change a safe zone, the situation might be improved to a certain extent.

Just like when I simulated on the first day, the order of another safe zone was relatively good...


The phone suddenly vibrated, and there was a new message.

Su Ze came back to his senses, took a look at his phone, and found that it was from Chen Keqing.

When she was sending her home just now, she took the initiative to ask Su Ze for her contact information, saying that she wanted to send Su Ze a banner.

Su Ze modestly said that you don’t have to repay kindness with enmity...

Back to the present.

The message sent by Chen Keqing was nothing more than thanking her again.

And confirming the time with Su Ze.

If Su Ze works part-time at the convenience store as usual tomorrow night, she will come to give Su Ze a gift when she goes home after class to show her gratitude...

"Gift? No need..."

If Chen Keqing tied herself up and stuffed her into a box, Su Ze would be happy to sign for such a gift.

This would also save him from the trouble of picking up girls before the end of the world...

"Speaking of which, I seemed to be going to buy something just now, but I completely forgot..."

Chen Keqing continued to send messages.

She looked very cold, but she was unexpectedly quite talkative.

The gift thing seemed to be just her lie.

She naturally changed the topic to something else.

She continued to talk.

Su Ze could actually understand her, after all, the man she was chatting with was a handsome guy...

What a pity.

The Father God's innate ability to listen cannot eavesdrop on other people's thoughts through a transmission tool like a mobile phone.

Otherwise, this chat might be more interesting...

"I really wanted to apply to Soochow University, but I didn't do well in the college entrance examination, so I came back for another year..."

The topic continued to expand.

However, Su Ze had already overheard a lot of such things through his thoughts.

For example, the girl's college entrance examination results were not ideal.

The image of a cold and cool female academic master was just an illusion of outsiders.

For example, not wanting to expose the fact that her parents had passed away in front of her classmates was just a strong disguise.

In fact, she was hiding in the quilt and crying every night...

Perhaps she realized later that she talked too much and Su Ze's reply frequency was not high, so Chen Keqing ended the chat in a sullen manner...

Su Ze was not that harsh.

Even if he was distracted and chatted with Chen Keqing for a while longer, it would be fine.

Come to think of it, wasn't he still distracted by watching the store...

[The simulator cooling time has ended...]

Just in time, the cooling time has ended, so Su Ze did not waste time and started the simulation again.

[The Doomsday Simulation has started...]

[Please choose one of the following three talents as your inherent talent for this simulation! ]

[1. Food King (blue): You are good at improving and ripening plants. You can make food that takes three months to fully mature mature in ten days, but every time you use your talent, you will consume energy]

[2. Deer Hunter (white): You are good at using bows and arrows and designing moving targets. The audience will not be able to bear it without you in the Olympics]

[3. Lightning Superman (blue): You can use bioelectricity freely, so you can create and invent various attack methods based on lightning attributes, which can make you very strong]

Two blue talents appeared...

And looking at the talent introduction, they seem to be pretty good.

The talent of the Food King should be more team-oriented.

If it is a safe zone with relatively good order.

If there is such a talented person, the pressure on food may be greatly reduced.

Of course, such a talented person will also be regarded as a treasure by the safe zone...


Su Ze has no idea of ​​being a treasure in the safe zone.

Compared with this kind of life-related talent, he now wants more direct combat power.

The third talent is obviously a combat power talent.

Just choose...

[Selected the inherent talent 'Lightning Superman (blue)']


Let's start...]

[On the first day, the doomsday arrives as expected. You choose the safe house in the Aobo community as the birth point of your doomsday journey. Chen Keqing accompanies you.]

[On the second day, the temperature drops sharply. Various terrorist news spreads in the community group. Chen Keqing is very nervous, so she decides to divert her attention and cooks by herself. You help her...

You are amazed at Chen Keqing's cooking skills. You guys cook before the meal is finished.]


This fire is burning faster than the last round of simulation.

Moreover, this round of simulation is obviously different from the previous one...

In the simulation, I really chose another safe zone as my birth point, and there are some small changes in details...

[On the third day, the community organized people and got a lot of supplies. You also got a lot of supplies, although you need to pay a high price to buy them...]

[On the fourth day, the power and water were cut off, and the panic escalated. Someone in the community played music on the balcony, and the atmosphere was unexpectedly elegant]

[On the fifth day, many refugees came to the safe zone. The community organized owners to donate old clothes and old quilts to help the refugees, but the progress was not smooth]

[On the sixth day, the city was in chaos and people were panicking Panic, someone in the community got a generator, but there was not much fuel]

[On the seventh day, Chen Keqing fell down when she was going downstairs, and her ankle was swollen. You used your innate ability to heal her, and she was shocked]

[On the eighth day, you noticed that there were awakened people in the community]

[On the ninth day, someone in the safe zone gave a speech to stabilize people's hearts]

[On the tenth day, the official self-rescue news came, and many people were shocked]

[On the eleventh day, the moral high ground of the safe zone fell. On this day alone, more than ten women, openly or secretly, sought spiritual comfort from you...

Chen Keqing generously said that if you like, you can go, but you didn't go because the women who came were too ugly. ]

[On the 12th day, the number of awakened people in the safe zone increased]

[On the 13th day, Chen Keqing expressed generosity again. You overheard her thoughts and knew that she was pretending to be generous because she cleverly thought that you looked down on those rouge and powder]

[On the 14th day, a beautiful young woman appeared next to you. Chen Keqing's sense of crisis increased greatly and she secretly felt jealous all day]

[On the 15th day, the number of awakened people continued to increase. You realized that some awakened people had bad intentions and wanted to destroy the existing order in the safe zone]

[On the 16th day, there was a conflict among awakened people and one person was injured]

[On the 17th day, an awakened person coveted Chen Keqing's beauty and spoke rudely. You stopped pretending and showed your cards. You are a tough guy... You electrocuted the other person into a carbon stick]

[On the 18th day, you became famous in one battle. Your deeds spread throughout the safe zone. Many people nominated you to be the leader of the safe zone...

You declined, but you supported the puppet leader to take the position, and you initially controlled the safe zone. ]

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