After the wedding, the two of them were married.

"This is your room."

After returning home, Su Ze helped Chen Keqing put away her luggage.

He first introduced her room to the girl.

The house where Su Ze lives now is very ordinary, with two bedrooms. He usually uses one, and the other is a guest room, which he can use occasionally.

The layout of the guest room is relatively simple, but it has everything it should have.

"If you want to read books or do homework, you can go to the study."

Su Ze pointed to the study room directly opposite the guest room.

The study is quite spacious, with a desk and a computer table with a desktop computer...

"Go sit in the study for a while, I'll help you change the quilt, and I'll take you out for dinner later."

With the demeanor of a host, Su Ze arranged everything properly.

"Oh, thank you for your help."

Chen Keqing stuttered.

He turned his head carefully and looked around.

After all, it was the first time to be alone in a room with a reliable adult male, so he was a little nervous and restrained...

"By the way, let me help you tidy up the desk first."

Noticing the notebook on the table in the study, Su Ze walked over and put the notebook away neatly.

It records the doomsday information, so it's better to keep it properly...

While Su Ze was tidying up the desk, Chen Keqing stared at the notebook in Su Ze's hand, because she felt that Su Ze mainly wanted to take the notebook away, so she was a little curious...


Su Ze explained casually.


Chen Keqing took another look at the notebook, more curious than before about the contents.

After tidying up the study, Su Ze turned around and went to tidy up the guest room.

Chen Keqing sat obediently on the chair in the study. While Su Ze was busy, she looked at the bookshelf in the study.

The girl's eyes swept over the books on the second layer of the bookshelf one by one, "The Analects", "The Collection of Wang Yangming", "Zhuangzi"...

[So many books...]

[Will there be books like Jin Ping Mei in it? ]

[Oh, so nervous, what if Su Ze wants it and wants to push me down later...]

[Huh - don't be nervous, you have to have firm principles, Chen Keqing! ]

[Mom said that if it's too easy to get, it won't be cherished. If Su Ze wants it, I must refuse, well... at least refuse a few more times...]

Obviously, classmate Chen Keqing prefers to read the Spring and Autumn Annals.

The works on the bookshelf don't understand Chen Keqing's elegant style.

At this moment.

Su Ze, who was tidying up the bed in the guest room, was eavesdropping on Chen Keqing's thoughts while smiling as he looked at his notebook on the bedside table...

He now had a plan to overthrow Chen Keqing.


Late at night.

In the study.

Lying on the desk, Chen Keqing's eyelids were drooping.

On the math test paper written by her, there seemed to be hypnotic characters, which were constantly attacking her fragile defense...

Nothing special happened that night.

After dinner, she sat in the study and did exercises for five hours.

Because Su Ze was reading a book next to her, she didn't even have the nerve to look at her phone, so she didn't know how many times she cried out in her heart, the power of love is really great.

In order to maintain a good image in front of the person she likes, the poor student turned into a top student...

"Go to sleep if you are sleepy, don't worry, I will be watching at night." Su Ze suddenly looked at her and said.

"I am a little sleepy..." Chen Keqing stretched her body, her plump curves undulating, particularly eye-catching.

"I also have eyeliner, if there is any disturbance, there should be an early warning, so rest well, don't be afraid." Su Ze said seriously.

"...Oh." Chen Keqing hid her shame.

If Su Ze didn't mention this matter, she would have almost forgotten that she came to live in Su Ze's house to avoid that young master...

"Then, then I'll go to bed first." Chen Keqing stood up and said shyly.

"Well, go."

"...Good night."

"Good night."

The door of the guest room was gently closed.

Su Ze smiled to himself.

What he said just now about having eyeliner and early warning was of course nonsense.

But there is indeed a crisis.

After all, Bai Zhimao was physically evaporated by him, and he might be fine today, but if the Bai family still can't find him tomorrow, it is estimated that they should be suspicious.

If they move faster, maybe someone will find out about Su Ze tomorrow...

So, what Su Ze said to Chen Keqing in the afternoon is not

It was totally a deliberate threat.

Of course.

These are all unimportant trifles.

Once the doomsday comes, the things in the past may not be important anymore.


[Countdown to Doomsday: 1 day, 18 hours, 16 minutes]

In a blink of an eye, it was almost six in the morning.

After Su Ze took a look at the cooldown time of the simulator, he stood up, went to the living room to get a cup of hot water, then returned to the desk and sat down again...

The notebook was taken out again.

The cooldown time was about to end, and he had to hurry up and start the simulation.

Strictly speaking, if he was lucky, the remaining time would be enough for him to get three simulation rewards.

But if he had to operate for three rewards, the time would be too tight.

Therefore, it might be better to lower expectations and set the goal to only get two simulation rewards, so there would be plenty of time...

[The cooldown time of the doomsday simulator has ended...]

The moment the cooldown time ended, Su Ze chose to start the simulation.

[The Doomsday Simulation has begun...]

[Please choose one of the following three talents as the inherent talent for this simulation!]

[Random Landing (Purple): You will be randomly teleported to a place in the world at the moment of the Doomsday, but it will not be on the sea. At the same time, you will encounter a magical event during your Doomsday journey]

[Yu-Gi-Oh (White): You are very good at all kinds of games and have a high level of comprehension]

[Axe King (Green): You can summon a huge axe as your weapon. When holding this weapon, you can use the ability of jumping to inflict heavy damage on the enemy]

A purple talent appeared...

And it is a cost-type talent.

Su Ze's eyes directly ignored the two replies behind and locked on the purple talent.

This type of talent is relatively rare.

And the last cost-type talent that made him earn a lot of money was the Devil's Contract...

"It's a pity that it's just a purple talent. I'm afraid it's not that good."

Su Ze muttered to himself in his heart.

But even if it's not that good, you still have to choose it.

"Meet a magical event..."

Before officially choosing a talent, Su Ze read the talent introduction again.

The magical events in the introduction seemed quite vague...

I didn't even know whether the things I would encounter were good or bad.

Let's not talk about the good things...

If it was a bad thing, it would probably be encountering a highly threatening "containment object".

"If I could see the true appearance of various containments, it would not be a loss."

After so many days of simulation, Su Ze didn't know much about the doomsday information.

But there was basically no information about the containments, and there was no clue about the falling stars at the end of the doomsday.

If the simulator could control the selection by itself, Su Ze would definitely explore and dig for these two points...

[The inherent talent 'Random Landing (Purple)' has been selected]

[Simulation starts...]

[On the first day, the doomsday came as expected. In the blink of an eye, you were teleported to another city in the country, Yuncheng. When you looked up and looked around, you found yourself in the bustling area of ​​the city...]

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