Although the past is not yet over, the present is still a mystery.

There are still many mysteries surrounding Qi Xiaoye.

Su Ze has only solved the first problem and knows how to meet her.


The next thing to do is to rely on simulation to pursue deeper secrets.

[Day 38, Chen Keqing’s birthday. To celebrate, you bring Qi Xiaoye into Avalon. Qi Xiaoye, who has been washing her butt with ice water for several days, is lost in the warmth of Avalon. She says she wants to stay here forever...]

[Day 40, Qi Xiaoye is lost in the joy of the game]

[Day 50, Qi Xiaoye cries because of her poor gaming skills. She decides to listen to your advice and give up the idea of ​​giving the professional players a hard time]

[Day 59, you deliberately scrub Chen Keqing’s bath under Qi Xiaoye’s peeping]

[Day 60, you scrub Qi Xiaoye’s bath]

[Day 61, Da Wu, you hid in Avalon, never leaving the house, and scrubbed your body all day long]

[On the 73rd day, you collected enough information and prepared an advanced formula for Qi Xiaoye. She did not disappoint you and easily became a second-level awakener, and at the same time awakened the first Word Spirit Technique]

[On the 77th day, with your help, Chen Keqing was also promoted to a second-level awakener...

There is also a gap between second-level awakeners. You organized Chen Keqing and Qi Xiaoye to compete, and Qi Xiaoye won. Even you were surprised by the fighting skills shown by Qi Xiaoye in the competition, but she herself said that she didn't know why she used those fighting skills. ]


Simulation text, advancing in an orderly manner.

Su Ze patiently read the simulation content of each day carefully.

Sure enough...

Like the previous simulation, this girl named Qi Xiaoye is quite mysterious.

Every time she advances, she must awaken the Word Spirit Technique. Su Ze has simulated this situation so many times, and has not seen the second one...

Except this point.

Qi Xiaoye seems to be very good at fighting.

But she herself doesn't know why she is good at fighting, just like her lost memory, it makes people feel mysterious.

[Day 79, you contact the Sucheng official]

[Day 81, after joining the official, your intelligence network has begun to show results, and you have obtained information about the whereabouts of the containment]

[Day 82, you get a photo of the containment and give it to Qi Xiaoye to watch. She accurately tells the information about the containment...

It is a strange white mask, it seems to be placed in a display case. Once someone approaches, it will attach to the face of the person approaching, and begin to manipulate the other person to self-abuse until the other person dies. ]

[On the 83rd day, you made a plan based on the characteristics of the containment. With the help of Qi Xiaoye and Chen Keqing, you successfully contained the white mask and placed it in a special glass box, but you didn't know how to deal with it...]

[On the 84th day, you took some effort to smash the white mask and destroyed it, but what you expected didn't happen, and you didn't become an awakener]

[On the 103rd day, with the help of Qi Xiaoye, Chen Keqing and Qin Yushi, you killed another strange containment, but you still didn't become an awakener]

[On the 110th day, you and Qi Xiaoye suddenly became an awakener when you were taking a bath]

[On the 112th day, you combined all the information and came to the conclusion...

You need to kill the containment to become an awakener.

But for some reason, being with Qi Xiaoye seems to help you become an awakener. You can't help but suspect again that Qi Xiaoye might be a containment. 】

【On the 113th day, while you were bathing with Qi Xiaoye, you sighed in your heart, who cares if Qi Xiaoye is a containment, anyway, she is your woman now】

【On the 129th day, you opened the intelligence network and continued to search for all the information about the containment...】

——Killing the containment is the right way for you to become an awakener.

Su Ze once again recorded the key doomsday information on the paper.

However, after writing this line of information, Su Ze couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"It feels quite difficult."

Combined with the previous simulation content.

There is no doubt that those containments that appear inexplicably in the world are strong and weak.

But even the weaker and easier to deal with containments are still tricky.

I have five golden talents, but I have to handle them carefully.

If it weren't for Qi Xiaoye, the external intelligence plug-in

, no matter how cautious you are, it's useless.

Some containments don't look that powerful, but once the death mechanism is triggered, it's useless even if you escape to Avalon...

"Maybe just like everyone else, I should become stronger step by step... Wait, after becoming an awakener, what will happen if I kill the containment again? Can I become stronger again?"

With doubts, Su Ze pushed forward the simulation again.

[On the 191st day, Qi Xiaoye was terrified just by seeing the photo of the containment. Under her advice, you gave up the idea of ​​dealing with the containment]

[On the 235th day, when you arrived at the scene, the containment had disappeared. This has happened more than once, and you have gotten used to it, so you can only give up...]

[On the 299th day, the last stage of the doomsday has arrived, and a sixth-level awakener has challenged you to a sparring match. You only used your own power as an awakener to be on par with the other party]

[On the 315th day, you gave up attacking the containment again because you were not sure that you could contain and control the other party...]

[On the 330th day, there was a big earthquake, and you saw the stars falling...

Congratulations, you have completed all the doomsday simulations. ]

[Evaluation of this simulation: We control, we contain! ]

[Please choose from the following...]

The simulation reward was ignored by Su Ze.

It is still early now, and even the reward of the golden talent cannot shake him in the slightest.

He has to continue the simulation.

And in this round of simulation, he has already obtained the most desired information.

Knowing how to find Qi Xiaoye is already a big win.

"It's a pity that I can't see the scenery at a higher altitude."

Su Ze felt a little regretful.

His way to become an awakener is different.

Although it is a bit difficult, once promoted, he will be at the same physical level as the sixth-level awakener...

As for the future, it is unknown.

Whether the sixth-level awakener is the end of human evolution is also unknown.

"Although I have obtained more than a dozen intelligence about the containment, there are only a few that can really be dealt with..."

"In other words, the problem I have to consider now is how to find the soft persimmon in the containment..."

Muttering secretly in his heart, Su Ze's face showed a smile.

Because he remembered some interesting things in his previous life...

It feels that in addition to the basic goal of survival, he will have another long-term goal in the doomsday-investigating the containment.

"It's over, I overslept--"

Chen Keqing's voice came from the bedroom.

After the alarm was turned off, she took another nap.

As a result, she accidentally slept for ten minutes longer.

At this moment, she hurriedly got up from the bed, taking off her pajamas and looking for clothes.

The view from the study was just right, Su Ze tilted his head and watched the girl busy with a smile.

After the plush pajamas were taken off, the plumpness under the thin warm shirt was particularly eye-catching, and women didn't wear underwear when they slept.


Suddenly, she noticed Su Ze's sight.

Chen Keqing's pretty face blushed, avoided the view from the study, and continued to change clothes.

"Let's go out for dinner in the morning, you seem a little anxious." Su Ze smiled in the study.

"Oh, okay..." Chen Keqing's voice was shy, because she felt that she had overslept, which was a bit dull and affected her image as a beautiful girl.

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