The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

Chapter 407 Lu Yumo Wears a Skirt 8

Fu Zhi glanced in Wang Yu's direction, raising his eyebrows.

Cold and unforgiving.

Wang Yu's eyes turned red, as if he had suffered a huge blow, he rotated 180 degrees, and sprayed it in a 360-degree three-dimensional surround with the perfume he took out from nowhere, and finally collapsed on the ground.

Covering his face with one hand, he choked with sobs, "You hit me for the rich woman?!"

Fu Zhi: "...can your drama be less and shorter like your love affair?"

Wang Yu: "???"

Thanks, I was really offended.

Wang Yu got up from the ground humming.

Lu Yumo kicked him on the calf with a not-too-disfigured foot, "It's getting cold, let the Wang family go bankrupt!"

Wang Yu also cooperated with him, ripping off his jersey like a petite wife, "As long as you are willing to save my fictional great-grandfather with cerebral palsy, I will do anything."

Lu Yumo took out the classic quotations from the novels that Ye Jiu usually read, "Woman, heh, she is back, we are divorced, here is two yuan, after signing this contract, your inheritance will be mine from now on."

Wang Yu cried and said, "You are ruthless, you are cruel, and you make trouble for no reason!"

Wang Yu kicked Fu Zhi's folded-eared rabbit schoolbag into his jersey, "Dogs are better than men, I'm going to run away with the ball, just wait until the flesh and blood are separated."

Wang Yu followed Lu Yumo and flirted with Lu Yumo for a while.

Ye Jiu propped his chin and watched with gusto, and even gave some on-the-spot guidance, "Lu Yubai, come on, hurry up, pretend to be pregnant, and be your boss Bai Yueguang!"

Lu Yubai: "..."

Fu Zhi hastily pulled out her zip-eared rabbit schoolbag, and showed a disgusted expression.

The players here at No. 1 Middle School were about to burst out laughing.

Hangyuan glanced at No. 1 Middle School, Wu Zhiheng sneered, "Struggle to death."

Then he turned around and set up tactics, "Lu Yumo is off, Ye Jiu and Lu Yubai in the No. 1 middle school are accurate in pitching, you should find a way to stare at them, the other three are nothing to be afraid of, pass the ball to Chen Shan and let Chen Shan shoot if you have a chance Three-pointer, there are still about ten minutes in the first half, seize the opportunity to tie the score, and let them experience what a national athlete is like in the second half."

Wu Zhiheng stretched out his hand, Hangyuan's students put their hands up one by one, shook them up and down three times, and finally closed them, "Come on!"

The sound is going to be loud.

Fu Zhi asked the school doctor beside him, "Hangyuan doesn't seem to have a professional medical team?"

When the school doctor wears sunglasses, no one likes it: "Going out to find faults is not a school tour, and No. 1 Middle School is not a garbage dump. Are they bringing so many people here to shake things up?"

"Then I won't call you for a while, so don't move."

School doctor: "Got it, over!"

The school doctor automatically brought in the villain and began to sneer sinisterly.

Director Liu led Shu Weiguo to the No. 1 Middle School team.

Shu Weiguo glanced at Fu Zhi's direction. Although he didn't think a girl would win if she played basketball, but thinking of the director's attitude when he talked about Fu Zhi a few times ago, his tone was very good, "Don't you stretch your legs? I think you are quite short. of."

Fu Zhi: "???"

Fu Zhi didn't want to listen to anyone anymore, so Lu Yubai went directly to the referee and asked to continue the game.

Fu Zhi played behind Ye Jiu.

Lu Yumo inherited her big trumpet, wearing a pink skirt, and sat on the small bench as elegantly as a lady from Yucheng.

Before Fu Zhi went on stage, the crowd in the gymnasium was still noisy, until they saw a petite girl on the stage.

Almost everyone's eyes fell on Fu Zhi.

After all, just a moment ago, they thought that Lu Yumo was going to leave the field, and Wang Yu was going to substitute for an unsuitable position to deliver the ball. As a result, they directly replaced Fu Zhi on the field in the first hit!

"Wow! Sister Zhi is on again! Sister Zhi hits five!"

"Although I was shocked, I was inexplicably excited. I always felt that sister Zhi could win us back in the afternoon competition!"

"Do you think it's possible that sister Zhi can beat Lu Yumo better? If that's the case, isn't Hangyuan stealing chickens and losing money?"

"Ah, that's not the case, I don't usually see Sister Zhi go to the basketball court to play with Lu Yubai and the others?"

"Maybe the opposite side is playing black balls. We couldn't bear it at No. 1 Middle School, so we fell in love with a girl. Didn't you see the boys from Hangyuan before seeing Sister Zhi? Are they embarrassed to hit girls again?"


Fu Zhi's hair is a high ponytail and bubble braid that Su Xing made for her because she went to perform in the cheerleading squad.

The small leather ring on the head is gaudy.

Hangyuan seemed to be stunned collectively, and it took a long time to react before they came to their senses.

There was a substitution at No. 1 Middle School, but it wasn't Wang Yu who played, but the younger sister who was the face of the former cheerleading team.

Chen Shan and the others didn't react, but Hangyuan's cheerleaders looked in Fu Zhi's direction. Starting from Zhou Bingbing, all the laughing branches trembled.

"There are no boys in the No. 1 Middle School, right? A girl is embarrassing in the basketball game?"

"What kind of ball can a girl play? Are you tearing up your head? Can the ball be dribbled? Do you know how to throw the ball? You won't cry if you can't catch Chen Shan for a while?"

"Crying, why do boys give in to girls? Girls who need to be let down are disgusting! Basketball games are all about strength. What's the point of finding a girl in No. 1 Middle School? Don't you want us to go far away? The boy let her."

"Some girls love to hook up with boys just because of their good looks. Do you really think that all boys like her? Everyone just dances, dances, fucks and shouts for cheers. Why does she play ball?"

"Because of her many brothers, she is beautiful,"

The purple rocking flowers were thrown into Hangyuan's team from a distance. Lu Yumo sat on a small bench and was carried by Wang Yu and the small sports committee of class 21 to the center of the cheerleaders in No. 1 Middle School.

Su Xing was at the side holding a folding fan to fan him.

Lu Noble Lady Yumo rolled her eyes at Hangyuan's cheerleaders, "A bunch of ugly monsters!"

Su Xing reminded him, "On big occasions, don't forget your identity."

Oh lady!

Concubine Lu Yumo corrected her words and yelled through the loudspeaker, "The slut is hypocritical!" Then he looked at the players in Hangyuan, "A group of unscrupulous people, wait to be rewarded with fame."

Everyone: "..."

Can your play be as little as your wallet?

Director Liu hurried over, "Why are you sitting here if you're not going to see a doctor?"

Lu Yumo snorted, "Heaven will send a great responsibility to the people. My parents gave birth to me, and the school educated me, so they let me die paralyzed on the hospital bed at such a critical moment of life and death?"

Lu Yumo concluded, "Xiao Liu, your awareness is too low."

Humble Little Liu: "???"

Don't you want to be good at it?

Probably because of Fu Zhi's protection, Lu Yumo was the happiest in the audience. He sent a message to Xu Wei and asked Xu Wei to send him a pair of pants.

The real lady Xu Wei finished her yoga and asked gracefully, "Did you play basketball so happy that you split your legs and tore your pants apart? You can just go to the canteen and buy a diaper and make do with it. Mom is going to the vegetable market later." .”

Lu Yumo: "..."

Wild or you wild.

Lu Yumo replied casually: "Your daughter is playing basketball, and she may be beaten to tears by the opponent."

He snapped a picture of his own swollen wrist.

Xu Wei burst into tears, "Did they beat you? Did they beat you because of your food? Are they going to beat our Zhizhi? Wait, mom will rush over there like a rocket!"

Lu Yumo: "...remember my pants, thank you."


Next to the court, Wu Zhiheng watched Fu Zhi take the stage, and he wanted to play with boys from No. 1 Middle School!

The boys in Hangyuan were all stunned, a little dazed, obviously not yet recovered.

After Wu Zhiheng found out, he walked to the referee with an ugly face, "What does this mean? If there is no one in No. 1 middle school, you can just say it, find a girl to humiliate Hangyuan?"

This Fu Zhi, the exchange competition between the two schools, she has to mix everything, really think she is invincible?

The referee turned to look at the grade director of No. 1 Middle School, "Is it not too bad to find a girl in a boys' basketball game..."

"I think the referee and Wu Zhiheng may have misunderstood this matter."

It was Shu Weiguo who spoke, with the scrutiny of the superior: "The two schools have never said that this is a boys' ball game. , so serious, is Hangyuan afraid of losing? Or is it purely sexist?"

Wu Zhiheng was speechless.

It is true that there is no gender requirement in a basketball game, but in a basketball game, girls just watch the fun, why mess with it, does she know where to shoot her?

But Wu Zhiheng couldn't question Fu Zhi.

Shu Weiguo said it was a game, if he was serious, he lost.

He glanced in Ouyang Ya's direction, Ouyang Ya chuckled, "It's okay, after all, Hangyuan took advantage of it. How did you fight with brother Fu Zhi before, and it will be fine from now on. Fu Zhi doesn't want you to let her , right? Classmate Fu Zhi."

Fu Zhi was expressionless, "Can Hangyuan's words be as good as his ability? After talking for a long time, is it still comparable?"

It's definitely a comparison.

Wu Zhiheng was asked by the referee to retreat to the sidelines.

Lu Yumo retired and Fu Zhi took his position as small forward SF, while Ye Jiu was still SG-Shooting Guard, that is, shooting guard, and Lu Yubai was power forward PF.

As we all know, the small forward is the third position of the basketball team, attacking the arrows and undertaking the most important scoring task.

The whistle sounded, and the atmosphere on the field suddenly became tense.

The students of the No. 1 Middle School were all sitting on the plastic chairs, and they obviously felt that Fu Zhi seemed to have more momentum than Lu Yumo on the court.

Chen Shan glanced in Fu Zhi's direction contemptuously.

The teammate next to him also looked disdainful, "Isn't No. 1 Middle School sending her on the field to attract our attention and seduce us? How shameless!"

"That's right, although he is good-looking, he is not as reserved as Zhou Bingbing, and he is not as noble as our shareholder. I am blinded by this face!"

"Leave her alone, keep an eye on Ye Jiu and Lu Yubai!"

Fu Zhi didn't care what this group of idiots blared about, anyway, he just blared while he could.

She may have to feel sorry for them for a while, a group of well-developed limbs, the pillars of the country, will soon be devastated by a four-level landslide earthquake zone.

Song Fang was still a little nervous, Fu Zhi glanced at them and said, "Remember to pass the ball over."

Song Fang was about to cry, "Ah, pass... It's not easy to score inside the three-point line. Sister Zhi, you can really shoot the ball outside the three-point line. You won't be comatose due to osteoporosis dislocation?"

"...You're not talking about osteoporosis, you're talking about Lu Yumo's tenth-level disability certificate."


Soon, the game begins.

The ball was dribbled on the ground by Chen Shan from Hangyuan.

Ye Jiu was closely watched by two first-level athletes from Hangyuan, and she couldn't get away from her.

No one looked at Fu Zhi, mainly because Hangyuan didn't take a girl seriously at all, so the rest of Hangyuan's members stared at Lu Yubai, Song Fang and Zhou Zihuai respectively.

Chen Shan quickly entered the three-point line. His three-point shot was not particularly accurate. Song Fang rushed up from Gou Qi's side at the right time.

Chen Shan held the ball, and before he was about to jump, he felt flustered as if he had overlooked something.

Sure enough, the next second, before Chen Shan took off, he felt a light touch on his hand. He was stunned for 0.1 second, and after regaining consciousness, he looked straight at the basket.

There is no ball in the basket, and the ball is not thrown from his hands.

But the sound of dribbling rang in his ears, "boom-boom-boom-" several times.

Dense and heavy, like knocking on the bottom of a person's heart.

Chen Shan turned his head to see that Fu Zhi had already run beyond the three-point line.

Chen Shan cursed in a low voice.

Song Fang civilizedly gave a plant out.

In less than a few seconds, Chen Shan didn't react, or didn't feel how Fu Zhi took his ball away.

But the ball was indeed getting farther and farther away from him.

Chen Shan's face was ugly.

The coach of Hangyuan came back to his senses immediately, and shouted loudly: "Back to defense! Back to defense! Keep an eye on No. 8!"

Up to this moment, he thought that the key to victory was Ye Jiu. Soon, the others rushed towards Fu Zhi, and Fu Zhi stood outside the three-point line.

Chen Shan sneered, and with the help of his teammates, he was going to grab the basketball in Fu Zhi's hand. This position was in the center of the court. As long as Chen Shan got the ball, he turned around and passed it to Gou Qi. The second three-pointer from far is steady.

However, just as he was about to lift his arm to touch the basketball, Fu Zhi bent down and got out from under his arm. She raised her hand, facing Hangyuan's basketball hoop.

Song Anxin tensed up, and almost blurted out, "Zhizhi, the direction, the direction is reversed! Don't vote!"

These fucking brothers and sisters are indeed brothers and sisters!

Lu Yumo got anxious and sent the ball to the opposite basket. This is your mother who changed Fu Zhi, changing the soup but not the medicine!

Lu Yumo swung up his skirt and started shouting, "Zhizhi, Chongya!"

Rush at your sister, you figure it out, this is the ball frame on the opposite side!

Song Fang was about to cry.

Hangyuan's cheerleaders shook the flowers frantically.

The vice-captain said to Zhou Bingbing, "Look, I said she was mentally ill and you still didn't answer my words! Our cheerleaders were standing under the basketball hoop and she threw the ball in our direction. It's like mental retardation, it's absolutely, absolutely! "

The cheerleaders and classmates in No. 1 Middle School all thought Fu Zhi was crazy.

Chen Shan also grinned at the corner of his mouth.

What is self-slapping, just like Fu Zhi.

However, before he could celebrate with his teammates, the next second, Fu Zhi turned his back to the direction of the basket, raised his right hand, and gently tossed the basketball back in his hand.

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