Fu Zhi was pulled behind by Lu Yumo, she rolled up the basketball sleeves that she didn't have, raised her elbows, and complained to Director Liu not far away, "Xiao Liu, Chen Shan hit black balls!"

"Oh?" Director Liu said meaningfully: "Do you have evidence?"

Fu Zhi: "Hmm!"

Fu Zhi leaned his elbow in Director Liu's direction, "They all saw it, Chen Shan deliberately went around behind me, and hit my elbow with his stomach, he's going to give me a bald elbow!"

The little girl's skin is particularly fair, and at this moment because of beating someone, there is a small red patch on her arm, she looks like a shocking...

Small wounds.

Fu Zhi took two steps and ran to Director Liu and the school doctor in the school doctor's office, "I'm not lying, he really hit me, look at my elbow!" If you don't look at it, even the red marks are gone! Let's do it and cherish it!

Director Liu glanced at the redness, and then compared Chen Shan's death or not. After a while, he saw it clearly, with tears in his eyes: "Why is it so serious, won't you be disabled for the rest of your life? My good boy, You really sacrificed too much for No. 1 Middle School, and you suffered a lot!"

As for the school doctor of the No. 1 Lieutenant Colonel Hospital, he is a young elder brother who knows western medicine and looks more ferocious. The words and tears flowed first, "The qi is weak and the pulse is weak, and the life is not long, so sad!"

Fu Zhi: "Speak human words."

School doctor: "I was crushed by the pestle, let him lose money!"

Okay, Fu Zhi turned his head and looked at Chen Shan eagerly, "I heard that you are a noble school? I want a prime location with three bedrooms and one living room, isn't it too much?"

Chen Shan: "..."

My mother is going to be beaten to death, and I have to lose money when I'm done?

Besides, I've grown up so much, and it's the first time I've heard that beating people don't use hands and feet, but abdomen!

This sounds like a bunch of collusion and nonsense!

Wu Zhiheng and Ouyang Ya stepped forward, their faces were particularly ugly, "Director Liu, I think the eyes of the people are sharp, you can't tell which of the two of them is more seriously injured, can you?"

"No and no," Ma Mingquan said with an inscrutable look, "the so-called happiness is just an excuse to weep for the wound. Our classmate Zhizhi left the smile to us, and the internal injury is hidden in the wound." behind!"

Fu Zhi: "..."

It doesn't have to be an old non-mainstream right from the start.

Ouyang Ya didn't intend to talk to him, and asked Director Liu, "To cover up Fu Zhi's intentional black ball, is this your attitude?"

"Let's not say whether Fu Zhi hit the black ball on purpose,"

It's fine for Director Liu to do this kind of thing, it's not good to continue pretending to be crazy in front of Ouyang Ya, Song Fang stood up, looked Chen Shan up and down, and then fell on Ouyang Ya with a bit of sarcasm Said: "Let's talk about your captain, but he was accidentally punched with an elbow by a little girl, bent over and gagged, isn't it too much acting?"

"That's right, our player, Lu Yumo, was injured by a level 10 disability and didn't even fall to the ground!"

"It is said that the effect of force is mutual. If Chen Shan is really beaten to death, then Fu Zhi's arm must be broken too! Fu Zhi didn't cry, but he was so weird because of it!"

"Whoever hits the black ball first doesn't count? As long as the state officials set fire to prevent the people from lighting lamps? Hangyuan is too domineering, isn't it? Bullying our No. 1 middle school with high quality and good education?"

The students in the audience were dissatisfied with each other, and the noise spread throughout the hall, even the physical education teacher in the audience could not contain it.

Director Liu spread his hands, "The gymnasium is also monitored. Otherwise, let's stop playing the game and call the monitor over to find out who hit the black ball first?"

All the teachers present knew what was going on in the competition on the stage. When talking to smart people, Director Liu didn't make those twists and turns.

If you hit this ball, you will continue to eat the elbow that Fu Zhi accidentally punched out. If you don’t hit it, Fu Zhi accidentally punched someone, but you hit the black ball first and directly announce that you win in one hit and you’re done.

No matter how you calculate it, there is no loss in one middle school.

Director Liu is not timid at all.

But this exchange meeting is very important to Ouyang Ya. She attaches great importance to winning or losing this competition. She took a deep breath and said, "Ok, let's continue to fight. I hope classmate Fu Zhi won't get injured again!"

Director Liu smiled: "There are so many sudden events in the competition, who can say for sure?"

Ouyang Ya looked at Fu Zhi.

Fu Zhi ignored her, she raised her leg and returned to the main auditorium.

During the whole game, there is a 15-minute intermission.

Chen Shan was going back to the team supported by Gou Qi, when Fu Zhi suddenly stopped the two of them, "Student, let's make a bet?"

Chen Shan clutched his abdomen, raised his head, weakly: "What do you want to bet?"

"I'm not short of money recently, but my nephew is a little short." Fu Zhi raised his hand and pointed in Lu Yumo's direction, "You lose, you take the one next to you, obediently call my brother Dad, when Twenty-four filial sons, we lost, the same."

Lu Yumo who was suddenly cue: "!!!"

Lu Yumo shook the flower excitedly, "A filial son is exempt, I didn't feed him up with shit and piss, let them honor me like this, I'm afraid they will kill their father at the expense of the world, so Well, if they lose, let them call me daddy three times with our big trumpet!"

He is so arrogant, he still wants to feed others with shit and pee.

Gou Qi wasn't mad enough to scold a girl. Hearing this, she just looked at Lu Yumo, smiled mockingly, and couldn't help saying: "Is there no one in your Lu family? Lu Yubai, the cousin, doesn't stand up for you, but let me Your sister, a girl, plays basketball with us and finds a place for you? My sister never gets involved in these things of mine, isn't it too easy for you to eat soft food?!"

"What's the matter with eating soft rice? He just has a better life than you, so someone can feed him soft rice." Fu Zhi turned to look at Gou Qi, and said in a calm tone: "You were wronged outside, You are so proud to say it out to show off if your sister doesn't hear or ask?"

Gou Qi: "..."

Lu Yumo felt relieved, and straightened his back, "The doctor said that I have a bad stomach, and I can only eat soft food in this life. The fortune teller also told me that I have met nine women out of ten women, and the hard food is soft." , Born to be the heroine in Mary Su's campus novel!"

"Are you envious? Are you jealous?" Lu Yumo touched his little face, "God chases after the meal, there is no other way!"

Gou Qi: "..."

No matter how good Gou Qi can play black balls, he has never met such a shameless boy. He opened his mouth, originally wanting to mock Lu Yumo, but in the end he said that he was like an orphan.

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