Seeing that the situation was a bit difficult to control, Director Liu couldn't care less, clapped his hands vigorously, and said seriously: "Okay, Teacher Liu, don't make random conclusions about the students if you haven't seen them with your own eyes. I trust the students Will not lie!"

Fu Zhi nodded innocently: "Yeah! Director Liu, what I said is true!"

Wu Zhiheng: "..."

Wu Zhiheng couldn't speak at all to refute, and with the pain in his body, he didn't have the energy to refute.

He supported his chin with his uninjured hand, trying to put the dislocated jaw back on, when Fu Zhi suddenly looked at Gou Qi and Chen Shan who were not far away.

Wu Zhiheng's movements paused, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

He knew that Fu Zhi was very good at brainwashing.

As for Chen Shan and Gou Qi, the former is the kind who listens to Wu Zhiheng's words very much, with a whole body and no IQ, while the latter has a lot of eyes, but still has a little bottom line in life.

When the two of them saw Wu Zhiheng being beaten, they were a little dazed. They hadn't figured out the reality yet, and there were chattering quarrels on the scene.

The boys on the basketball team are all about loyalty, so even though Chen Shan knew he couldn't beat Fu Zhi, he stood up first and said, "Then you can't bully him like this!"

He was already admitting his mistake in a disguised form.

Before Wu Zhiheng could pull his trouser leg with his hands, Fu Zhi said again: "Otherwise? My classmate, Wu Zhiheng from your school has already said it. He said that you are very loyal. He said that as your brother, he regretted it very much." Letting you play black ball, I also regret that you agreed to bet on me to call me big brother and dad, so I decided to take the beating for you..."

"There is a wrong and there is a debt. If you are not satisfied, come to me." Interrupting Fu Zhi, Chen Shan had tears in his eyes.

He is not as good as Wu Zhiheng said!

Just a second ago, he was blaming Wu Zhiheng for betting with Fu Zhi for calling him Lu Yumo's father.

But what about Wu Zhiheng? !

Wu Zhiheng actually went to be beaten for him!

What kind of socialist brotherhood is this? !

Chen Shan grabbed Wu Zhiheng's injured hand, choked with sobs, but said with firm eyes: "It was my fault. I hit your elder brother, and I did everything by myself! I will bear all the mistakes alone. Isn't it just called Dad? My name is That's it! Don't target my classmates!"

What is coming at him!

Chen Shan yelled: "Fire at me, all shoot at me!"

Wu Zhiheng: "..."

Wu Zhiheng was really fucking convinced.

Fu Zhi spread his hands and looked at Liu Weiwei: "Don't wash it. He admitted that he played black balls. My elder brother was beaten like this, and it was all Hangyuan's responsibility!"

Chen Shan nodded, "Yes, it's our responsibility! But you can't grab Wu Zhiheng and pluck the wool by yourself!"

Wu Zhiheng: "..."

Wu Zhiheng really had a headache.

Fu Zhi suddenly understood, "You're right! I can't grab a single person to fight! I remember Wu Zhiheng also said that he let Gou Qi also play black balls."

She looked at Gou Qi again, "I remember Wu Zhiheng also said that he has fully realized that it is wrong to play black balls. Since he is the mastermind, he said, as long as you and my brother apologize, the rest of the three voices of father , he is willing to shout for you!"

There are two roads before Gou Qi.

One is that he has to bear the consequences for Wu Zhiheng's boasting before, calling Lu Yumo three times his father.

The second is that he pretended not to know that what Fu Zhi said was a lie, and admitted that he had hit a black ball, and Wu Zhiheng called him father.

But the latter will ruin Hangyuan's reputation, but...

One thing to say, Hangyuan's reputation was completely ruined in the morning.

Gou Qi chose the latter without hesitation in order not to be a rebellious son of his own parents who dragged him up with shit and piss. He choked up like Chen Shan, tears welling up in his eyelashes: "Lu Yumo, I'm sorry, I shouldn't hit the black ball, I'm sorry for you!"

While talking, he wiped away his tears again, and bowed in Wu Zhiheng's direction, "Although you asked me to play black balls, I didn't refuse, I'm an adult, I should be right I am responsible for my actions, but I never thought you would be responsible for me, I am very touched!"

Wu Zhiheng: "..."

Wu Zhiheng took a deep breath.

The worst thing he did this time was probably finding such a group of idiots to come to No. 1 Middle School.

He regretted it immensely, and was it true that no one saw that he was dying and in need of medical treatment?

Ma Mingquan and Nian Feiyuan squeezed out from the crowd.

Although Ma Mingquan has a good temper, he can't understand the atmosphere of playing black ball like this.

If he wasn't caught, he could still hold his breath in his stomach to torture himself, but if he was caught, that was another matter.

Ma Mingquan bent down, and when he was three or four centimeters above the ground, he slammed his green tea cup on the ground to express his anger.

Seeing that the green tea cup was not damaged in any way, Ma Mingquan breathed a sigh of relief, and began to get into the mood: "Listen, Director Nian, listen, are our two schools engaging in friendly exchanges or fighting? Students in the school can do things like hitting black balls?!"

"If this was in our era, he would have been caught and squatted in the police station for a month! And the chemistry teacher at your school, what kind of quality is it? Bullying the students and parents of our school?"

Nian Feiyuan brought the students from the school to Ying No. 1 Middle School. Compared with what Wu Zhiheng said about looking for trouble, he can be a little more low-key.

He obviously didn't care about this kind of children's fights, but No. 1 Middle School didn't seem to think so. In addition, Gou Qi and Chen Shan both admitted it, and Wu Zhiheng seemed to realize the mistake and apologized to Fu Zhi.

No matter how much he argues, it seems that he is not as tolerant as a child as an adult, so he lowered his attitude, "Mr. Ma, don't be angry. We are all brothers' schools, so it's not like... how about it, I will let our teacher Liu Apologize to your parents and students. As for the six-voiced dad..."

"Forget it, there are too many six-voiced fathers."

Fu Zhi made a proper sound, showing the demeanor of a high school, "I see that you Hangyuan are quite crooked, and you will never keep your promise and shout so many times, so just shout once."

Her tone was extremely sarcasm, as if she was sitting on a long flight.

Nian Feiyuan doesn't want to hear anything bad about Hangyuan.

He has worked in Hangyuan for more than ten years, and he regards Hangyuan as his own son!

He must hate Fu Zhi!

But how?

After all, he is a director, so he can't lower his value!

So Nian Feiyuan thought and thought, thinking that Wu Zhiheng also called his father in the morning, and then in the afternoon. Maybe he is quite familiar with the business. Why should there be five less sounds?!"

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