When the moon climbed over the branches, Alok also came to Sanhe Bar.

One is the spell for the transformation spell. There is also the matter of returning to the opened room to make final preparations for tomorrow’s journey.

He stood in the middle of the bar, and the crowd around him was very noisy. Mrs. Harry's figure was busy in the bar. Looks rushed and steady.

The seat that belongs to him is still empty, and it seems to be reserved just for him.

He shook his head and pushed through the noisy crowd, believing that Mrs. Harry would come over and order for him when she saw him sitting down.

Sure enough, as soon as she sat down on her seat, Mrs. Harry had already twisted the waist of the bucket, pushed away the drunken man next to her, and walked to Alok.

"What, what are you going to do today? Captain Jack." Mrs. Harry didn't tease herself today because she was too busy. But there was still a hint of humor in his tone.

"Have a Jack's meal," he said mockingly.

The so-called Jack's Set is also Mrs. Harry's nickname for her ordering style. The contents include a glass of Damea beer and a cheap meal for less than 5 kats.

When he saw Mrs. Harry who was about to go back to the kitchen to order food, he hurriedly called her and said:

"Don't worry, there is still a business to discuss."

"Oh? What kind of business does Captain Jack want to discuss with me?" Mrs. Harry turned around and asked doubtfully. "Isn't it just another gold coin as a reserve fund?"

Alok suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and explained:

"Of course not, it's a big business."

Then, he ignored the noisy and crowded crowd around him and said directly:

"I wonder if Mrs. Harry knows the Transfiguration Charm. I plan to buy it. You have the final say on the price. I believe you won't cheat me too much."

Hearing this, her expression was obviously startled. Mrs. Harry did not expect that Elok's business would be this. But she quickly came to her senses, sat across from Alok, and said calmly:

"Okay. 150 gold coins."

"No problem." Alok replied bluntly.

Then, he directly put his right hand into his pocket, and after some manipulation, he took out a small wad of money from his pocket. After clicking it again in his hand, he handed it to Mrs. Harry.

Asked bluntly: "What is the spell?"

Seeing this, the sparkle in Mrs. Harry's eyes could have been plucked out of stars. He took the stack of banknotes, counted them once and said:

"I didn't expect Captain Jack to be so generous. Then I'll accept it."

She looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to her conversation with Captain Jack, so she leaned into Alok's ear and whispered:

"The spell of the transformation spell lies in a 'change'. So there is no fixed spell at all, but a fixed pattern for compiling spells. Title + name + transformation spell + the word "change". For example, mine is 'Herbal Applicator Lixia' ·Lorraine's Transformation Spell - Change.'"

"I suggest that Captain Jack's Transformation Spell can be 'Perverted Captain Jack's Transformation Spell - Change'. Hahaha~~~" When she put forward her suggestion, she couldn't help laughing, which shocked Alok My eardrums are almost bursting. It also allowed people around to give way to an area.

Damn, I'm not a pervert.

I'm really not a witch.

Alok's face looked like he had eaten fly excrement, and he glanced at Mrs. Harry helplessly.

But in this case, there is no way to know the spell of El's transformation spell. Maybe I should use my storytelling skills to make one up?

The transformation spell of mischievous witch Yvel Phasma? ? The transformation spell of the mysterious Queen Yvel Phasma? ?

Hmm~~~This is too hard to think about.

Looks like the plan failed!

But he doesn't regret his decision to buy. In order to get in touch with Il Xian, 150 gold coins or something is just a small thing.

Obtained the transformation spell, although it is a bit weird, but I believe that Mrs. Harry will not deceive herself.

Although I still can't contact El. This made him a little disappointed. But the moment he failed to hit El's witch pocket, he was actually mentally prepared. So I was relieved very quickly.

Besides, didn’t I also get the transformation spell?

Although it's a bit premium, just think of it as taking care of Mrs. Harry's business. At least it fed me for so long.

Alok looked at Mrs. Harry who was still laughing and couldn't help but said: "Okay, okay. Stop laughing, Mrs. Harry. I bought it for someone else."

"Of course I know. But I still want to laugh. Sorry, Captain Jack." Mrs. Harry couldn't help laughing and apologized without sincerity.

She looked at Alok's gloomy face and turned away as if running away.

"I'll serve you food right away." Mrs. Harry's voice came from behind Alok.

Wait until Mrs. Harry comes again with a plate of beef. Less than ten minutes have just passed.

Alok finished his dinner with a little disappointment. It wasn't because he couldn't find El's contact information, but because the food in the canteen today wasn't very tasty, which made him a little disappointed with this last supper.

He returned to the room he had opened upstairs and locked the door from the inside.

Recalls acquiring the third skill from his father, Rich. Amnesticectomy. Also called the Forgetting Curse.

He closed his eyes and recited the incantation, imprinting the incantation on his astral body.

He then meditated for two hours.

Now he is able to consciously withdraw from the meditative state to avoid further erosion. This is also a habit that has been developed for a long time.

When he had just exited from meditation, he heard the sound of Roger hurriedly leaving the door.

He didn't care what Roger was going to do, as long as he remembered to leave the ship at 12 noon and board the ship at 8 am.

He didn't like to restrict others. Giving others more freedom would give himself more freedom.


The next morning, Alok pushed open the door of Sanhe. When Roger came out, Alok closed the door.

Remember to close the door.

It was nine o'clock in the morning. Although there was no fog in the port, the gloomy weather made people a little bored.

But the gloomy weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of the people waiting to board the ship.

After careful observation, Alok found that there were more people going to Damia than just nobles and the middle class.

There were more people in the middle and lower classes who were not dressed very decently.

Most of them were young people. The ratio of men to women was also a bit unbalanced. Basically, there were few women.

Because of the martial custom of Drol City, people generally carried swords. This made the scene a little bit gunpowder. Especially waiting to board the ship in such a hot environment.

The boarding procedures were not complicated, but there were only two passages for boarding.

One of the passages was sparsely populated and was located in front of the ship, reaching the upper deck of the ship. The other was crowded, from the stern of the ship to the back of the deck of the ship. The crowded crowd made Alok feel that the stairs were about to break.

He did not choose to go to the noble-only passage in front of the ship. Instead, he and Roger were crowded in the crowd.

This made him rarely regain a little feeling of squeezing into the subway, squeezing into the bus, and catching the train in his previous life.

Of course, this was very similar.

However, Alok was not in a hurry. These people would be able to board the ship sooner or later. This was also his experience of catching trains for many years.

He had no luggage in his hand, but he was holding a brown bear with mushrooms on his head and bandages on his right hand. Combined with his image of wearing a coat in the hot summer, it gave people an indescribable sense of disobedience.

He casually picked up a piece of wild grass on the roadside and sat leisurely on the wooden barrel on the dock. There was also a pure black raven resting on the wooden barrel.

Roger stood behind Alok, without urging or complaining. He seemed to have really become Alok's servant.

Looking at the huge ship without masts, sails, or steam chimneys. Alok never figured out how it was started. He also didn't understand why a wooden ship could be so big.

The whole ship must be 120 meters long.

He frowned and asked Roger in surprise:

"Where does the power of such a ship come from?"

Hearing this, Roger seemed to suddenly fall into memories, and after a while he said leisurely:

"Ships like this are really nostalgic."

Then, he sighed and continued to explain: "Such ships were originally born in the Kingdom Alliance. But now they have been developed by the Storm Empire and eventually became the overlord of the sea."

"I wonder if the captain knows that there is a profession called 'physicist'?"

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