After waiting for two full hours, Alok drank several pots of tea before Lorna came out of the bathroom.

She held a towel in her hand, carefully held the handle of the pistol, and dropped it on the table. Glancing at Alok who was half lying on the sofa, he said:

"It's done. A control skill. When you don't pull the hammer, you can shoot out violent winds and silence the enemy. It only lasts a short moment. Because it is only a passive skill. It can be used to interrupt the enemy from releasing skills."

"There is also a passive damage skill. All the bullets you fire will have the effect of causing pain to the enemy. It can be superimposed. This pain will continue to amplify. This pain is very powerful. It is the second-level passive skill of the torturer. . Perfect with a pistol that fires four times.”

"Of course, powerful skills usually have side effects. Its side effect is that you will feel a sting when you hold it. The longer it lasts, the more painful it will be. Of course, this is nothing compared to the pain caused to the enemy."

"Not bad, unexpected." Alok was overjoyed to hear Lorna's explanation. What I didn't expect was that there were matching skill attributes.

But when he picked up the pistol, he suddenly regretted what he had just said.

My whole right hand, where I was holding the pistol grip, felt pain, like pins and needles.

But for his own sake, he slowly placed the pistol on the table. She looked at Lorna with some anger and complaint.

He replaced the gloved left hand, and sure enough, the pain was not as severe as his right hand. But I can still feel a slight pain.

Is this the revenge Lilia was talking about? ?

Just you? Cut~~

I'm proficient in weapons, and I'm pretty good at shooting guns with my left hand.

He turned the gun back and forth with his gloved left hand in a show-off manner, and finally placed it gently on the table in a handsome manner.

He raised his eyebrows and said: "Sure enough, a very good enchantment. How many bullets??"

When Lorna saw this scene, her lungs were about to explode, but she couldn't show it yet. She could only force out a smile and said viciously:

"Of course, the product produced by Lorna must be of high quality. I made 20 rounds of bullets for you, together with the original 4 bullets in the pistol, a total of 24. That's enough."

"Of course, of course, thank you, Lorna." He took the small iron box that Lorna handed to him and put it directly into his coat pocket without counting the bullets inside.

I wanted to use my right hand to insert the pistol into the left belt, but I restrained my impulse and used my left hand to turn the pistol handsomely and put it in the left belt.

He smiled slightly and said:

"By the way, I helped you attract business. Elizabeth decided to become an alchemist, and Lilia hopes to become a psychologist. Unfortunately, I don't have the secret spell of a psychologist. Maybe you can help her."

Hearing this, Lorna was slightly startled and asked:

"How do you know I know the psychologist's secret spell?"

This~~I really didn’t expect this. I just guessed. Of course, Alok wouldn't say that, but he would pretend to be mysterious and smile:

"you guess."

Seeing Lorna's rather speechless head tilted to the side, Alok continued:

"I'm leaving. You go on. Don't disturb me. If you want to tell me the secret spells of psychologists and alchemists, I have no problem with it."

"Also, if there are no accidents, you will probably be free after today." There was a smile on his face.

I didn’t explain what this sentence meant, I believe she would know it soon.

Although he only said a few words in front of Count Otto, Dror City was already safe. I believe that the earl can liberate Miss Lorna soon. I won't worry about it anymore.

I have to hurry back to the ship to find Little Bear to refurbish my extraordinary weapon.

Speaking of which, extraordinary weapons are indeed a bit difficult to come by.

And it looks quite precious.

A gang was eliminated, but no extraordinary weapon was obtained.

I don’t know whether I should say that this damn counter-will is poverty. Or are weapons precious?

He was thinking about the problem while walking struttingly in Otto Manor. Although he broke in by force, because Count Otto knew of his arrival, he seemed very calm.

I walked through the stairs and corridors with a smile on my face, and said hello to Butler Pig on the way. After giving a polite smile to the doorman at the door of the villa, he strode out of the villa door with the doorman's surprised eyes.

When he reached the door of Otto Manor, he gently took off his hat and nodded slightly to the attendant who was on duty seriously. Unexpectedly, this attendant turned out to be an extraordinary person.

A judge.

No wonder it is just and majestic.

His astral body exudes a fair white color, and combined with his somewhat majestic appearance, he looks very imposing.

He stood in front of Elok, blocked the way, and asked:

"How did you get in!"

Before Elok could explain, he only heard Pig's voice behind him:

"Your Excellency Phasma. You walk so fast."

Looking back, he saw that the manor's special carriage had stopped behind Alok. Pigg slowly stepped down from the front of the carriage, stretched out his palm to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and continued:

"Please ask the driver to take you off."

"Of course. Thank you, Butler Pigg. I hope this doesn't cause you any trouble." Alok accepted Pigg's suggestion politely.

On a hot day, you would be a fool not to sit in a car.

"Of course. It's my honor." Piggy said equally politely.

As Alok got on the carriage, Pig walked gently to the servant at the door and said:

"Paganus, strict control is over. Thank you."

The servant named Paganus nodded, his expression suddenly changed, and asked in a puzzled tone:

"Who was it just now?"

"Lord Alok Phasma."


"Sir Phasma. Where are you going?" The driver asked while driving the carriage slowly.

"Well~~ to the weapon store." Alok made a decision instantly.

Because every time his skin touched the pistol at his waist, he would feel a needle-like pain. And it was getting more and more obvious.

This can't go on. I want to give him a condom. It's safer.

Although the driver was a little surprised, he still obeyed the order and went to the official weapon store in Dror City in the Black District. Almost all weapons can be bought there.

Of course, if you want to buy a gun. You also need to provide an official gun license.

By the time Alok got off the carriage, the sky was already slightly dim and the weapon shop was almost closed.

9 to 5 is the working time of every government agency. No matter where you are, it is always like this.

He declined the driver's plan to continue sending him and came to the weapon shop alone.

There were few people in the weapon shop, only a few staff members sat listlessly behind the counter. Behind them were various weapons hanging on the wall, but most of them looked flashy and decorative weapons.

Such as one-handed swords with gorgeous carvings, short silver daggers carved to hollow, and of course some muskets full of old colors.

He walked to the counter with muskets hanging behind him and knocked on the table lightly. He took out the pistol on the left waist, completed a gorgeous "Thomas turn" on his left hand, and then gently placed it on the table.

"Help me find a holster that suits him." He smiled and said politely.

Of course, he did not forget to take out the gun license that he had never used from the inner pocket of his coat to prove his identity.

"Wow. The latest product of the Kingdom Alliance. Silver Lightning." The clerk behind the counter did not take the qualification certificate issued by Alok, but looked at the pistol on the table with shining eyes.

He stretched out his hands excitedly, intending to hold the grip of the pistol. But he was stopped by the male customer in front of him.

"I suggest you wear gloves. It's a bit prickly. Also, help me find a suitable holster." Alok said.

"Of course, of course no problem." The clerk restrained his hands.

Seeing a beautiful pistol, it is a taboo to touch the customer's things.

He looked at the silver pistol reluctantly, lowered his head and took out a holster made of buffalo leather from the counter. He said:

"This is good. Made of buffalo leather, it is suitable for most smaller firearms. It can be used for ten years."

Alok didn't care about these details, as long as it can be used. He picked up the holster, inserted the pistol into it, and it just fit. He nodded and asked, "How much?"

"No more, no less, 88 Kate." The clerk smiled and quoted the price.

Such a price is not expensive for nobles and rich people. Those who can afford a pistol and take out a qualification certificate will not care whether the holster is 88 kt or 1 deben.

Sure enough, Alok took out a large denomination of 10 deben, handed it to the clerk, and said:


Hang the newly bought holster on the left side, forming a symmetry with the musket on the right. Cover it with a coat to prevent frightening passers-by. He slowly returned to the ship.

He said hello to Little Bear and handed him Jason's will crystal and pistol. Tell him to hurry the better.

It was not until noon the next day that Alok got the long-awaited pistol. And named it:

Silver Pain.

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