The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 145 The twists and turns before the transaction

Ah? ? Why did it become meeting Count Otto again? I just came to Rona to discuss some business.

What does the Count mean? What's the plan?

I don't understand.

But I have to go to his house all day long, so I have to go. Oh~~~

Besides, he helped me once.

And judging from the fact that he gave me the book directly, he can't be a member of the anti-will.

Thinking of this, he nodded and followed Pigg to the study along the way last time.

Nodding gently to the butler to express his gratitude, Alok gently opened the door.

I saw Count Otto sitting behind the desk.

He was just putting down the pen in his hand, pointing to the chair opposite, smiling, and said:

"You are here, Alok. Oh no, Lord Phasma."

Hearing this, Alok smiled and said:

"Not yet."

"It doesn't matter, the ceremony of canonization will come soon. This is what Grand Duke Dror said personally. Who can say no." Count Otto said with a smile.

He picked up a cigar at hand, handed it to Alok, and asked: "Would you like one? Not bad, from the East Continent."

"Uh, thank you. But I don't smoke." Alok refused awkwardly.

"Not smoking is a good thing. Rona always says that smoking is harmful to the body. She doesn't like the smell of tobacco." Count Otto retracted his right hand, lit a cigar for himself, and said.

"I heard that you just did a big thing."

Knowing that the count was talking about that thing, Alok took off his tricorn hat and said politely:

"I have to thank the count for his help. If it weren't for that book, I wouldn't have found the location."

"Hahaha, as long as you like it." Count Otto laughed.

"I was just planning to ask you about your situation. The senior officials in Dror City have been a little nervous these days."

Eilok grinned with a funny expression and said:

"I saw it, and it is under strict control."

He paused for a few seconds and continued:

"Although the anti-will has not been completely wiped out. But the remnants can no longer pose a big threat. It is much safer than before."

"Hmm~~" Count Otto pondered for a few seconds and said in a low voice:

"But I heard that some nobles are also involved. This is not a good thing."

Eilok didn't know whether he should say that the other earl was related to the anti-will. It is not clear how officials protect each other in this world.

Anyway, I have told Florian, he is still reliable. I believe it is already under investigation, otherwise Count Otto would not know.

After a few seconds of silence, Count Otto broke the delicate relationship and said:

"Let's not talk about these things. By the way, Alok. Be careful when you come to see Rona today. She's not in a good mood recently. This is the main reason why I asked you to come."

Hmm? ? ? Bad mood...


I seem to have forgotten something. I just cheated her last time. She must still be angry.

What should I do! My pistol is still relying on her.

Hmm~~~It seems that it's time to show my shameless spirit.

I'll fool her first.

"Well, don't worry. Lord Count. I will pay attention." Alok said with a wry smile.

He stood up and bowed slightly to Count Otto to take his leave.

After Count Otto nodded, he turned and left. He signaled to Butler Pig at the door again, and under his leadership, he came to Rona's small reception room.

Looking at Alok's somewhat surprised eyes, Pig explained: "The lady is having afternoon tea with her friends."

Quietly opening the star spirit body, Alok took a careful look. Sure enough, in addition to the star representing Rona, there were two faint shadows.

That is the human will body. It can be seen with normal will body vision.

And the star spirit body representing Rona has become brighter. It seems that Rona has been promoted successfully.

I don't know what they are talking about. If I go in, how can I get rid of those two people.

My head hurts a little.

Forget it, let's take it one step at a time.

He turned around and saw that Pig had walked to the end of the corridor and turned away.

Clearing his throat, he knocked on the door gently.

"Who?" A somewhat vigilant voice sounded from inside the door.

"The police from Drol City." A somewhat naughty voice came from Alok's mouth.

"Who?" The doubtful voice asked again, and the door opened a little, revealing a pair of big blue eyes.

The first time Rona saw Alok standing outside the door, she immediately opened the door. With one hand on his waist and the other pointing at Alok, his expression was somewhat ferocious, but he could not utter any useful words.

Perhaps because he had been standing at the door for too long, another female voice came from the room, asking:

"Rona, who is she?"

"A brave knight." Alok joked. He did not forget his disguise in front of Rona. Although he knew that Rona might have recognized his true face a long time ago and knew that he was not a knight at all. But necessary disguise was still needed.

As long as he was not exposed in person, he would still be a knight.

He looked inside through the gap between Rona's body and the door frame, and the two ladies were chatting and laughing inside.

There were also some parchment rolls and materials on the table.

Obviously, this was not a girl's afternoon tea time. It was probably an extraordinary gathering of bad girls.

He smiled slightly, gently pushed Rona away, and walked into the room. He said:

"I hope I didn't disturb your afternoon tea."

Ailok was startled when he heard a "bang" behind him.

He looked back and realized that it was Rona who closed the door with a bad face and looked at him.

He curled his lips and sat on another small sofa.

He looked at the messy things on the table and asked in confusion:

"What are you doing?"

The two girls at the scene obviously didn't understand the current situation and didn't know what the man in front of them did. Until Rona sat down in her original seat with a bad face, frowned and said:

"It's okay, let's continue. This is the stupid knight I said."

"Hey, don't belittle me like this. If I didn't let you go out, you might have disappeared like Ir." A sad expression instantly appeared on Alok's face.

This was his strategy. For his own weapons, he played the emotional card first and lied about his hard work. Then he used the price to impress Rona.

Sure enough, when Rona heard the news, her brows frowned. Asked: "What happened?"

"Missing? Have you looked for her?" Rona continued to ask with concern.

"Of course, she went to Damia." Alok answered as a matter of course.

"Hey~" Alok sighed deeply. Shen Yan said:

"The last fog. It was caused by the cult. Il also disappeared because of it. I really did it for your own good last time. You can go and find out how many children are missing. If I hadn't used that method to prevent you from going out, you might have died."

Hearing this, Rona was instantly furious and said: "Can you find an excuse not to bring your family? Your curse is really vicious. I'll tell Il later."

"Hey~It's true. Why would I lie to you. I'm going to Damia to find Il." He quickly explained.

"Really?" Rona asked again.

"Really!" Alok answered seriously.

After looking at the serious Alok, Rona seemed to believe this fact, but she said:

"I believe you. But don't think you can just let it go."

Hearing this, Alok shrugged his shoulders in dismay, and had nothing to say.

The first stage is almost won, I'll give you another benefit later. It's not a big problem.

He looked at the two girls who were whispering next to him, who looked like adolescent girls gossiping.

Rona also looked at the two girls, then looked at Alok's eyes, and asked unhappily:

"What are you doing here?"

"A deal, I guarantee you'll be satisfied." He looked at the two girls again and continued: "I don't know if I disturbed you. Or did you come first?"

Seeing this, the girl who was farther away from Alok smiled first, she leaned gently on the armrest of the sofa, with a little curiosity and gossip in her eyes, and said:

"I'm Elizabeth, Elizabeth Bliss. What's your name?"

"Alok, Alok Fasma." Alok said bluntly.

"Are you really a knight? I mean a real knight." Elizabeth put her hand down and continued to ask with a sweet smile.

"Yes~~ That's right. A real knight."

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