The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 102 A Moment Please recommend!!!

As a well-known figure in Dror City, Baron Edward had no idea that a noble girl would attack him in full public view. It would be almost the same if he threw himself into his arms instead.

As a second-level mystical scholar, he was not strong in combat in the early stage, but now he is facing an attack from a distance of less than one meter. There is no way to fight back.

Haven't reacted yet. He has become a wooden stake.

El didn't hesitate. When he issued the first transformation spell, he had already raised his right hand with the lace glove. The palm of his hand was in the shape of a pistol, aiming at the top of the wooden stake.

A huge gunshot rang out, and the top of the wooden pile shattered.

Still not staying for even half a second, El raised the small umbrella again and cast the second transformation spell at the wooden stake.

The wooden pile was transformed into a small stone block.

She stretched out her witch hand and grabbed the stone that fell to the ground. The rocks seemed to fly up from the ground completely contrary to the laws of physics and flew towards the sea below the pier.

Before the stone fell completely into the water, El had already jumped from the pier.

Catching a stone in the air, she transformed into a big fish with a dark blue back and dived into the sea.

No one had realized what was going on. The policemen in the distance had just looked over here, and some even thought it was a salute of welcome.

Right in front of everyone, surrounded by everyone. Ir completed a solo kill and then escaped without a trace. The process wasn't even the slightest bit rough.


The moment the gunfire rang out, Alok was already looking in that direction while standing on the deck. He first looked for El's figure, and in an instant he found the light blue figure two hundred meters away.

In less than three seconds, El had already sunk into the sea.

Alok seemed to have some understanding and looked around quickly. It was found that everyone was either watching the Droll entering the harbor in the distance before they could react, or they had been attracted by the huge gunfire. No one pays attention to themselves. He quietly came to the other side of the deck and climbed down the ladder on the side of the ship into the sea.

Enduring the pain of sea water immersing his eyes, Elok forced himself to open his eyes under the sea.

Although Elok can't swim, he can still grab the ladder and sink under the sea.

Holding his breath, he turned on his astral vision and carefully looked for the figure of El who had just fallen under the sea.

It's only a short two hundred meters, I believe a fish can swim over quickly. Sure enough, a big fish with a dark blue back and a white belly swam next to Elok.

Although Alok could not say anything at the bottom of the sea, he had no intention of saying anything.

The left hand was holding the ladder tightly, and the right hand was touching the hull. He silently recited the mantra "Open the door" in his mind.

A small door appeared on the hull.

Elok stretched out his right hand again and grasped the door handle. He stepped on the hull of the boat with both feet and used all his strength to overcome the pressure under the water and forcefully open the small door.

The moment the door was opened, water quickly rushed to the opening at the bottom of the boat. El was sucked into the lower deck of the cabin.

Then, Alok closed the door easily. Use your left hand to lift yourself up to the surface.

After taking a few deep breaths, Alok looked around again. No one was stopping in this place. Everyone was attracted by the gunfire and ran in that direction.

It is human nature to watch the excitement. In the martial city of Drol, although gunfire rang out, so many police officers around did not cause any panic to the crowd. Everyone went to watch with curiosity and excitement.

Elok hurriedly grabbed the ladder and climbed onto the boat as quickly as possible. Ignoring the little bear on the deck, he strode towards the bottom of the cabin.

A seagull had already flown out of the cabin, dropped a stone from its talons, and hit Elok's arms.

El's urgent voice came from the body of the will:

"I'm leaving first. This is a man. Let the bear make him into something extraordinary. A wand. Give it to me on Wednesday."

"Thank you, brother."

Looking at El's retreating back, Alok was filled with emotion.

"El is really powerful. He can kill an extraordinary person so quickly. No wonder I can only be a tool man."

He threw the stone to the little bear and said:

"Make him into a wand. Give it to me tomorrow. Then dispose of the body."

Sure enough, the oppression is layer upon layer.


The Dror entered the port, and many decent people in Dror City were at the port. The occurrence of such a big case at such an important time point is a very big mistake for the police.

A nobleman was killed in full public view and then disappeared. The murderer escaped without a trace.

Not to mention that he is the eldest son of Earl Edward. Earl Edward is one of Navister's top figures. Even a baron with only a title but no real power cannot die like this without any explanation.

Jason was very upset now, not only because of the death of a noble, but also because the person who died was a very important person to the plan. But he could only transfer this part of his anger to a dead noble.

"Check. Check thoroughly." He shouted loudly, patting the table of the port management office. This silenced the people around him.

This place has been requisitioned by the police and turned into a temporary police station. Although there is a small police duty room at the port, the place is really not big enough.

"Part of our manpower is still investigating cases of missing children." Florian reminded in a low voice.

"Withdraw! Check this first." Jason said directly. He glared at Florian and shouted:

"Can't you tell which one is more important?"

"Where's Ron? Call that guy back. Recall everyone's memory." Jason seemed to have lost his mind. "Let everyone at the scene stay. Especially those who are close to the scene."

"Okay. Sheriff." Florian nodded in agreement, and then made his own suggestion:

"There must be someone at the scene who saw the face of the criminal, don't worry. But there are some frightened ladies among the controlled people. Among them is the lover of Grand Duke Dror."

"Hmm~~" Jason seemed to calm down a little, and said:

"Let her go first. Is there anything special."

"I don't know, I'll ask later." Florian answered.

"Let's investigate separately. It's urgent." Jason said suddenly. Then he turned and walked directly to the door of the port management office.

After turning around, he worriedly instructed: "First, you take the police and the people from the port administration to investigate the people who have been controlled at the scene. Then, after the support arrives, investigate the memories of those people in detail. I will go to find support."

"Also, don't let the scene be too chaotic. Now the people on the Dror are starting to disembark. Don't cause panic." Jason walked to the door of the port administration and instructed again.

"Understood, Sheriff." Florian nodded.

After Sheriff Jason left, Florian became the highest officer here. Although he looked silly, he was actually very skilled in the police's business.

He first called the reluctant Dana in the name of performing official duties. She has worked here for a long time and is very familiar with the port. Most importantly, she is one of them.

After greeting the police standing guard at the door, Florian walked towards the group of people controlled by a group of police.

For these ladies who can't be beaten and can't be provoked, Florian is really a little confused. Although he has some experience in dealing with various women, he has never dealt with so many women in public, right?

They stood beside the port administration office, chattering. Many ladies had already stopped caring about their manners and started fighting, shouting:

"I want freedom!! I also want to pick up my husband..."

Damn it!! Florian was very dissatisfied with this.

Why am I the one who has to deal with these things again? I should go after the criminal. Or go get support.

He scratched his still numb scalp, walked forward with a stiff face, put on a gentleman's attitude, and said loudly:

"Ladies, I sincerely apologize for this accident. Please cooperate with the police. It will be over soon, very soon."

It seems that Florian's personal charm was not reflected. The ladies ignored Florian's voice and continued to make noises.

Florian was very upset by the noise and shouted:

"Enough, come one by one."

Seeing that shouting really made the lady's voice lower, he slowed down his expression and whispered:

"Ms. Diana, come here first."

Then he called the policeman beside him and strode to the small reception room of the port management office.

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