The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 121 Exploration (I) Please recommend!!

"Oh?" Alok was very surprised.

"This thing was a secret at the time. And you said it also has a map of the temple. Then its value is immeasurable." Rich sighed.

"It's a pity that the temple sank. So the value is greatly reduced." He shook his head sadly.

He opened the book quickly, page by page to the end. Then he put the book into his arms. sighed:

"A good book. You gave it to me."

"Uh... Of course. There's no use if I keep it." Elok spread his hands and said.

"Unexpected." Richie sighed.

Then, he seemed to remember something and asked:

"By the way, do you have anything else? Didn't you say you wanted to ask me a question?"

Seeing that he finally got to the point, Alok said quickly:

"That's right, I would like to ask my father to explore the temple with me."

"What?" Richie was a little surprised and asked again.

"Exploring the Temple. The Temple of the God of War." Elok replied with a smile. "The Sunken Temple of the God of War."

"What!" Richie said again. But this time his tone was less confused and more surprised.

He took out the book again and looked at the cover. said:

"Then the value of this book will be great."

"Father, you don't know, right?" Alok said in surprise. "Many extraordinary beings know about that ruins. It has become an underground trading market. Have you never explored it?"

" know, people will have different experiences depending on the contact they have. So I don't know if this is normal. Right." Richie explained awkwardly.

"So the two of us are going to explore?" He quickly changed the subject and said.

"Of course. This is why I came back." Alok said matter-of-factly.

Hearing this, Rich put the book in his arms, stood up from the sofa, and said, "Just in time, this is what I'm interested in. I'll make some preparations. We'll go right away. I'm a little excited."

He smiled and turned towards the study.

As soon as he went in and put down the book, he came out immediately and said:

"Preparations are done, let's go."

ah? ? This is preparation. Alok was speechless. But instead of asking Richie, he shook his head and said:

"That place is at the boundary between Gangcheng District and Shimian Town, close to Xiacheng District. It's quite far, let's go."

After saying that, he got up and prepared to try that method in the heavy rain.

"Wait. Don't worry. Who said we have to walk." Richie quickly grabbed Alok. Then he continued:

"Take my arm."

He raised his left arm for Alok to catch and said:

"I don't think I've ever been there. I've been to the port recently. Let's go to the port first and then walk over."

"Be prepared, it's raining heavily outside."

ah? What preparations do I make?

Alok, who has not yet understood what Richie is planning to do, is still in a state of confusion.

He scratched his head and straightened his three-cornered hat. Just think of it as prepared. A nod told Richie I was ready.

Seeing this, Richie smiled slightly, and without seeing any other actions from him, the two figures disappeared into the living room in an instant.

When the two figures appeared again, they were already at Dror Port.

In the pouring rain, Alok suddenly understood what preparation meant.

Of course it's the energy transfer spell. It's my fault that I was too naive, I really didn't understand what Richie meant.

Who knew that my father had this kind of teleportation spell? No one reminded me.

He quickly recited a spell silently and released an energy transfer for himself.

Sure enough, the raindrops deviated from the normal falling path from the top of his head and moved to both sides.

Looking at his father Richie again, it was as if he didn't exist. The slanting raindrops fell straight on his body, but passed through him strangely, and then appeared from the other side of his body.

Alok's eyebrows jumped when he saw it, and he didn't understand how he did it. But he reacted quickly and said:

"Let me lead the way."

He let go of Richie's left arm and strode out of the way.

On a deserted street, two strange people were walking.

As Alok walked all the way to the "red light district", Alok slowed down and waited for Rich, who was walking like a gentleman behind him, and said:

"It's right here. I'll just go and communicate later."

Richie nodded slowly and kept pace with Alok, who continued to stride forward.

"Two cups of entrance to hell." Alok's deep voice sounded. He took out the two remaining gold coins and handed them to the front desk.

"Gentlemen, please wait a moment."

Soon after, the waiter who led the way appeared, and the two followed the waiter to the spiraling downward stairs. Finally came to the interior of the temple.

As soon as he entered the door, Richie exclaimed:

"Ah!! It's such a magnificent temple. Tsk tsk tsk~~The architecture of the God of War is spectacular."

It was obvious that the darkness had made the dome invisible to the naked eye, and the visible part was only a few meters away. I don’t know how Richie judged it.

He put down the oil lamp in the water and smiled at Elok. I saw him waving his right hand, and a strong light instantly illuminated the entire space.

You can even see people who have just entered the entrance in the distance turning their heads in shock. He looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

Elok was also shocked. The light above his head made him afraid to look directly, but the huge and majestic pillars and the dome as high as the sky also made him marvel.

Such brightness allowed Alok to see where he was, which was a huge corridor, very much in the style of God of War.

Richie looked at everything in front of him with an appreciative smile, as if a child had found his favorite toy.

Coming back to his senses, he said to Alok, who was still surprised:

"Let's go and explore here."

Hearing this, Alok looked at Richie and said in surprise:

"I have to say, I have never heard of your exploration method, father."

"Hahaha~~" Richie laughed heartily, and then said: "This is a skill I have seen before. I think it is very convenient to illuminate the way ahead. So I often use it when exploring ruins."

Then he pointed to his head and continued to explain:

"Then after lighting these things up, remember them all in your head, and you can explore quickly. It's the same as turning a book."

He said as he walked, motioning Alok to follow. "I saw a 'light messenger' in Listanwell before, and then I learned it after watching him fight. This skill is called 'Glory of Light'."

After saying that, he glanced at Alok who didn't understand, smiled slightly and continued to explain:

"The western Kebli Empire has this profession, which is also the profession of the sun god 'Ella'."

There was a calm tone in his voice, and he didn't seem to be respectful when he mentioned the gods. Alok liked this tone very much, which made people feel very natural. Unlike those superstitious priests and priests, who were respectful and pious every day.

He gave a natural smile and continued:

"I know this profession, the strongest target of the Hutt Empire. But I didn't expect it was because of this reason."

The Kebli Empire and the Hutt Empire have been fighting for many years, and each has won and lost. But they have never eliminated the other side. No wonder there is no such profession in the entire Hutt Empire. A profession that sounds very upright will also be listed as the strongest target of attack.

"That's the temple's business. They usually call the messengers of light 'pagans'. The reason is that most of the messengers of light believe in the sun god. And the sun god is one of the seven genuine gods anyway, so they can only be charged with the crime of pagans." Richie's tone was a little funny, and it seemed that he was teasing the Temple of Order.

Well, I really don't know about this. It's also quite interesting.

The two have walked a long way during this period, and the direction is exactly the direction of the market in Alok's memory.

Every time the two people passed a place, they would be shrouded in light. Such a spectacle has been heard by the vendors in the underground market.

When Alok and Richie walked to the market, they were not too panicked. But they didn't dare to get close to them from a distance, and only dared to watch the two people's exploration from a distance.

After all, who dares to disturb a person who makes such a big noise. Facing a high-level strong man, of course, you should avoid him as far as possible.

"Is this the market you are talking about?" Richie looked at the circular hall, and then raised his head to look at the arc-shaped dome at the top.

He didn't wait for Alok to answer, as this was not what he was concerned about, but continued:

"This is an exhibition hall."

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