The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 116 Count Otto (I) Please recommend!

Below the Gangcheng District? Sewer exit?

Isn't the Temple of the God of War just below Gangcheng District, where it meets Shimian Town? That underground trading market?

The sewer outlet is also there. Why didn't I think of that in the first place?

That's right, these two things are totally incompatible.

Besides, who would have thought that sewers were a product of the last era.

If I didn't ask this question today, I wouldn't be able to figure it out.

That staircase extends up from below, and I'm afraid it has something to do with the Temple of the God of War.

It seems necessary to have a good chat with Roger.


Appearing at the door of Otto Manor again, Alok was no longer the cautious young man.


He is no longer the well-dressed young man.

Unconventional, he was still wearing that leather coat. Wearing a three-cornered hat.

Standing at the door of the manor carelessly.

But his tone was very polite, and he said to the waiter in the guard booth at the door:

"Hello. I'm here to visit Miss Otto. Sorry I don't have an appointment, but I thought Miss Otto should know."

The waiter showed a standard smile, and his words were full of confidence, making him feel kind but not arrogant. The only drawback is the stereotypical clothes and white stockings on her calves, which make people feel weird and disharmonious.

He replied:

"The lady has specially reminded you. When Mr. Phasma comes to visit, please go directly to the lady's reception room. I will guide you."

He bowed slightly, stretched out his right hand, and said:


Alok gently touched his hat politely and bowed slightly to signal. Then he followed the waiter's footsteps and walked into the manor.

They walked all the way to the second floor, and this time the waiters around them didn't seem at a loss like last time. Be polite and polite to visitors naturally.

Alok responded in the same way.

He followed the waiter who led the way. Although the route was different from the previous few times he came here, Alok did not express any doubts. Is it strange to have more reception rooms in such a large manor?

Until he reached a simple and elegant door, the waiter turned back and said:

"This is it."

He knocked on the door gently and opened the door without waiting for the sound inside.

While Alok was still surprised that this was a bit rude, the waiter had already retreated. He was left standing alone in front of the open door.

Helpless, Alok had no choice but to step into the room.

There was no one inside. Alok looked around casually. This is not like a reception room, but a study room

Could it be Lorna's study?

That's possible.

He was not at a loss, but moved a chair and sat in front of the huge desk in the study, minding his own business.

It’s Lorna’s place anyway, so why should I be polite to her?

He crossed his legs and yawned. He trembled twice when he heard the strange sound of the wooden door behind him.

It wasn't until he turned around and saw Count Otto appearing that he sat up from his chair in fright. Embarrassed said:

"My Lord Count."

"Alok. You have no problem with me calling you that. Haha~" Count Otto seemed very kind and didn't care about Alok's rude behavior just now.

However, Elok's own dress is also very disrespectful.

Wearing a three-cornered hat, casual fur coat and leather pants. The boots on my feet haven't been brushed for a long time.

"Sit down. You're welcome." Count Otto walked behind the desk and sat down, smiling.

Alok was a little embarrassed, but after looking at his own attire and thinking about his actions just now, he suddenly felt that only by breaking jars and smashing cans can he show his true nature. So he simply followed Count Otto's words and sat down on the chair. He opened his mouth and said:

"I didn't expect it was the Earl who was looking for me. I thought~~"

"You still thought it was Lorna who was looking for you?" Count Otto put his hands on the table and said in a teasing tone.

Alok didn't speak, but opened his hands angrily. The expression has been very clear.

"I have nothing to do with you, I just want to chat with you." Count Otto said casually.

Don’t you know that the more you say this, the bigger things will get? Lord Count.

But Alok's expression became more serious, and he nodded without saying a word. Waiting for the count's next words.

"I won't talk to you about my daily life anymore, I'll tell you directly. I'll save Rona the trouble of waiting."

"I also know what Lorna is thinking. It's nothing more than that once you become a transcendent, you won't look down on those mediocre people. So you reject the pursuit of those who are not transcendent." A wry smile appeared on the corner of Count Otto's mouth.

Extraordinary people are also mortals. It seems that Miss Lorna failed to understand this problem. However, the reason for Lorna's refusal was probably not that she looked down on them, but that she had invested her feelings in extraordinary things.

Before Elok could say anything, Count Otto continued:

"I'm not surprised that he is quite attracted to you. You are a young extraordinary person with strong abilities and good looks. It is easy for a girl like Lorna who is obsessed with knight novels to like you."

Although you praised me very nicely, I still want to refute it. Who said Lorna was attracted to me? I am just a tool person. Lorna is only interested in the extraordinary.

But Count Otto hadn't stopped yet, so Airok didn't have the embarrassment to interrupt. This is very rude. He forced an ugly smile and continued to listen to the count.

"Supernormal people are very dangerous. So I just hope you can protect her. I gave her a house arrest order to protect her temporarily. After all, the outside world has not been very peaceful recently. What do you think, Alok?"

Alok knew that this was asking me to express my opinion. But how should I express my opinion? ? I am not her boyfriend. Do I have to take on this job after saying that? I am afraid that Count Otto has misunderstood something.

This play can't go on. You can't make a fake play real. . .

So, Alok answered the question irrelevantly and said:

"Indeed, the outside world has been a little uneasy recently. I know something about it. I am afraid something big will happen." Alok's tone was a little solemn. Then he looked at Count Otto and continued:

"My Lord Count, tell you the truth. One of the main purposes of my coming here this time is to tell Rona not to go out casually. I am really afraid that I can't protect Rona. I am only a first-level supernormal person. I am afraid that I am not capable of this incident."

Sorry, Miss Rona. This is all I can do. Just don't scold me.

I'm really not selling you out, I'm doing this for your own good.

Something is really going to happen outside.

"Oh?" Count Otto was suddenly surprised. He asked, "How much do you know?"

"Uh~~~ a little bit." Alok raised his right hand, stretched out his thumb and index finger to make a gesture.

Count Otto suddenly frowned and said solemnly:

"Tell me about it."

"Well. It's probably a dispute between three gods. Oh no, it may be a dispute between four gods. What exactly is it, who knows? It's the gods' business." Alok said with a wry smile. "I'm still worried about it."

"And what about. Which gods?" Count Otto suddenly asked.

After hesitating for a long time, Alok still didn't refuse and said:

"The God of Order, the Goddess of Vengeance. There may also be the 'fallen' god and the fallen god of war."

After speaking, Alok fell into silence again.

I think Count Otto's mind now is probably: Don't squeeze toothpaste like squeezing. Can you finish your words at once?

He frowned, looked at Alok, and asked again:

"What else do you know?"

"That's all I know. I'm only level one, how much can I know?" Alok smiled bitterly.

He didn't say anything more, but began to think.

He was distrustful of the nobles. Otherwise, he wouldn't have kept silent.

I don't know what Earl Otto is like. Which group is he from.

But according to what I know. The Edward family is definitely not a good person. Who knows what the Otto family is like.

Although I have a good impression of the Otto family. But there is always a but.

What if Earl Otto is the group of human traffickers, wouldn't it be like sending it to my mouth if I say it now? Just kill me directly. There is not a single bone left in my body, and it's unclear.

Although according to my father Richie, every god is similar.

And I don't have such a good impression of the God of Order.

But at least the Seven Gods will not kill people indiscriminately. Nor will they persecute and erode the extraordinary at will.

That's enough. I wonder if I should go to the Temple of Order and file a complaint.

As a follower of the evil god, I should be able to come out alive.

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