The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 108 Market (Please recommend!!)

"Lorna, why don't you have a musket that can fire continuously? It's too laborious for me to fire one shot and exchange a bullet." Alok and Lorna asked as they walked side by side on the forest road in Hamilton District.

I really wish I could have a repeating pistol like that.

It would be even more perfect if it was something like Revolver that could be both cool and powerful.

"Because it hasn't been developed yet." Lorna replied expressionlessly.

"Then can you develop one? It shouldn't be difficult to push it with extraordinary power." Elok continued.

"No." Lorna refused decisively and without emotion.

"Why? Are you not good enough?" Alok asked in surprise without thinking at all.

There was a slight pause in her steps, Lorna looked ugly, curled her lips and said:

"Alok, do you still want your bullet? If you don't want it, I won't do it for you."

"Hey~ What's wrong? I'm just asking. Hehe~ If you're not good enough, why don't you do research and development? Let's go. It's almost dark." Alok comforted him.

Hearing this, Lorna, who was really disappointed with Alok, rolled her eyes and angrily walked ahead to lead the way, surpassing Alok who had stopped.

Alok scratched his neck and shrugged. I really don’t understand how quickly women fall out. Why is one faster than the other? I was the uncle when it was used just now. Now when you cross the river, immediately demolish the bridge.

Cut ~ woman.

He followed angrily, looking at Lorna in front of him who was dressed similarly to him.

After walking for a long time, we still couldn't reach our destination. It was almost dark. It's at least 7 o'clock now. Alok couldn't help but ask, "Not here yet? How long will it take? I'm already hungry."

"It's coming, it's coming. It's on the edge of Hong Kong City. It's almost there." Lorna said impatiently.

"It's right there." Before she finished speaking, Lorna pointed to the tempting-looking store in the distance.

The oil lamp hanging at the door is covered with red glass. The entire doorway reflected was red.

Tsk~Red light district? Lorna, I didn't expect you to like this kind of place.

Alok looked at classmate Rona in surprise and asked:

"That's the entrance?"

"Of course. Let's go directly." Lorna didn't notice the strange tone in Alok's mouth at all. He replied matter-of-factly.

She walked ahead and led Alok into the somewhat shabby store. The door inside was not a red light district as Alok thought, but an ordinary tavern.

It's not the same as the Sanhe in the port, it's very clean here.

After all, this place is just a cover, and most of the people who come here are extraordinary people or extraordinary lovers. Who will come to drink?

Lorna took Alok to the front desk of the pub, took out two shining gold Deben coins, and ordered two glasses of wine called "Entrance to Hell."

Alok looked around the small store.

The inside is also based on red. The 'cashier' at the front desk was a young boy. The names of various alcoholic drinks are hung on the simple white wall behind.

But there was no "Entrance to Hell" wine that Rona ordered. Maybe this is the secret code. Alok nodded.

I know. Just like a party must have a secret code. But the admission fee is too expensive, one gold coin per person?

After ordering the drinks, the two of them did not leave. Instead, they stood at the front desk and waited until a waiter with a smiling mask came out from the small door next to the front desk. He bowed slightly for me first, and then said:

"You two, please follow me."

The two of them followed the waiter and walked behind him through the small door he came out of just now. Through a long and narrow corridor, he turned into an ordinary room.

A dim oil lamp flickered in the room. There is a dark passage on the ground to the side.

Sure enough, it is just like the name of the wine, the entrance to hell.

The waiter picked up the dim oil lamp on the table and walked into "hell" first.

Alok and Lorna did not waste any time and followed the waiter in.

Going down the winding passage, the waiter stopped in front of a door lit by the same oil lamp. He handed the oil lamp in his hands to the two of them and opened the door. He bowed slightly and left on his own.

Elok was curious about how the man could climb the stairs without the oil lamp. Is it based on discrediting years of experience?

Alok shook his head in confusion. He was not paying attention to the passerby waiter. He took the oil lamp, turned around and walked into the door.

The inside of the door is not as low and cramped as Elok imagined. On the contrary, it is very open. You can even see some tall stone pillars. There are also neat floor tiles on the ground. Looking up, it was dark, and I couldn't even see the top.

"Is this a temple?" Alok asked in surprise.

"To be precise, it's the sunken temple." Lorna added.

"What a god. We are trading here, it can't be considered blasphemy." Alok was a little frightened.

The experience in the temple was still fresh in his memory and had a huge psychological shadow.

"Don't worry. The God of War has fallen. As long as we don't foolishly explore unknown places, we will be safe." Lorna comforted her.

Mars. Important beliefs of the Fifth Age. No wonder they are not even considered the real Seven Gods now. It turned out to have fallen. Alok sighed.

"Let's go quickly. Go buy some materials first." Lorna urged.

She strode towards the depths of this underground market.

Hurrying to follow Lorna's footsteps, Elok turned on his astral vision habitually and observed the surrounding situation.

There are no ‘street stalls’ or stores in this area now. No one showed up except Lorna and Alok.

But it looked pretty good from a distance, with various star spirits constantly appearing in Alok's vision.

Although it didn't reach the lively level, it wasn't deserted either.

Walking along the tall corridor of the temple for about a hundred meters. Rona took Alok to turn left. The scene suddenly became brighter.

This was a huge circular hall, with some small doors around the stone hall, most of which were written with names such as "Kane's Undead Shop".

This was probably the fixed shops that Rona mentioned.

There were also some small stalls randomly placed on the ground in the middle of the hall. The goods displayed were also unique. They were all things that Alok had never seen.

He smiled slightly and walked side by side with Rona. Asked:

"What should we buy? Where can I buy the will crystal?"

"You go shopping by yourself, I'll come out to find you later. Then I'll go find the will crystal with you." Rona said expressionlessly. Then he strode towards the shop over there.


He opened his mouth and looked at Rona's figure going away, and he didn't dare to chase her. I had no choice but to scratch my head and start paying attention to the small shops around me.


The world is a trinity, which is very similar to the knowledge that Alok came into contact with in another life. Everything in the material world can find corresponding symbols in the sea of ​​spiritual power. Any extraordinary things can also find corresponding symbols in the astral world. It's just that you need to interpret them to understand what these symbols are.

But in fact, everything in the material world also needs to be interpreted and learned. Otherwise, you won't understand what is in front of you.

For example, this small crystal in front of Alok. The purple-black crystal is different from the crystal of the will body, nor does it look like the crystal of the astral body.

In the astral vision, Alok saw a purple tentacle constantly twisting. But in the real world, it is just a small piece of crystal.

Although I don't know what this thing is called in the material world, it can't stop Alok from knowing what profession this thing is.

Binding magician.

It's very similar to the astral body of the little bear. It's like a piece of tentacle cut off.

"What is this?" Alok asked, holding up the small piece of crystal.

"A relic of a bound demon." The fat man sitting behind the stall raised his eyelids and answered simply.

Bound demon? It does sound like something from a bound magician.

It is most likely a supernatural creature. This thing is probably similar to the crystal of human will. It is just left after the death of the bound demon.

I don't know if this thing can be used as a crystal of will.

I will ask Rona later. After all, these things are commonly used by alchemists. I am really a layman in these things.

"What about this?" He put down the crystal and picked up another one next to it.

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