"Fire, reaction." Maryman smiled bitterly and said in standard Azeroth.

"That's it?" Alok was a little in disbelief.

"You can go find a judge to verify the authenticity." Maryman said quickly when she saw Alok's doubts.

He looked at Maryman for a long time, not finding anything unusual about Maryman, and Alok finally nodded.

Ignoring Maryman, she turned to the three people behind her and said:

"let's go."

Before the three of them could react, Alok passed through the gap between the three of them and took the lead back along the original path.

On the road. El was still a little angry about what had just happened, but did not complain. Instead, he lowered his cat head and walked side by side with Alok.

It wasn't until he was sitting on the sofa at home that Elok asked Alok, who was still calm:

"Is this your approach?"

With a slight smile, Alok picked up the teapot at hand as if nothing had happened, smiled and said to Lorna and Frank, who had just transformed into human beings:

"Would you like a cup of my homemade black tea? It would be nice with some bergamot slices."

"What about you?" El asked again with a somewhat dissatisfied tone.

"Didn't we achieve our goal?" Alok looked at El and said with a smile.

He took out the not-so-expensive black tea at home from the tea cabinet, used a tong to pick out a handful and put it into the blue teapot, and then picked out a small piece of bergamot and put it in.

"Aren't you afraid that the secret spell is fake?" El questioned.

Sitting next to El again, Alok explained: "I think it's true. Besides, we can find someone to help us identify it."

"Since you started beating her at the door, why not just kill her? That way the secret spell obtained will be more accurate. There is no need to identify it." El said again.

Hearing this, Alok said calmly:

"Aren't you a believer in the goddess of life? Why would you say such a thing?"

"I'm not a believer in the goddess of life. I just respect and praise life." El's expression was somewhat sacred.

"Furthermore, Marymain's life does not deserve respect."

There is little respect for a capitalist who exploits poor women and children. Alok understood what Il said and continued:

"We are exchanging extraordinary knowledge, aren't we? Speaking of which, the knowledge I mentioned is really valuable."

As if he suddenly remembered something, Alok turned to look at Frank, who was a little reserved, and Lorna, who was so careless that she really should have poured the tea herself, and said:

"That's right. You have listened to two pieces of knowledge in vain. You haven't paid yet."

The scene was a bit awkward. Lorna coughed twice first, then sat up elegantly, and whispered in a low voice as he put on his hat:

"Ahem, Alok. I thought you were a gentleman."

"Come on. Do you think I am a gentleman?" Alok was not interested in Lorna's words and interrupted hurriedly. He continued: "Although this is an add-on to our previous transaction, your profit this time is obviously greater than expected. And you haven't paid anything yet. Don't you think you should pay some money? I think 500 gold coins is more appropriate."

"And you. Don't just sit there and say nothing. 500 gold coins." He suddenly looked at Frank, who was shrinking and lowering his presence.

"I don't know if it's true or false yet? And I know all the knowledge you mentioned. I can also exchange it." Lorna argued.

"But you can't communicate peacefully." Alok patted the holster on his right side. "So, you still have to pay."

"Look. Ivel." Lorna suddenly found a foreign aid. Looking at El, he felt aggrieved.

"I also think we have to pay." Il ignored Lorna's aggrieved look, lowered his head and whispered. “Since there is no appraisal, let’s wait until the appraisal is completed before giving the money.

"I don't care. I don't know the judge." Lorna suddenly said willfully.

"I think you can leave this question to me." Frank suddenly interjected. He cleared his throat and continued to explain:

"My uncle is a judge."

"Can this pay for me?" he said, glancing at Alok.

Lorna is extremely disappointed with this stupid teammate named Frank. This is incomparable to the cooperation between Phasma and his sister. As a last resort, she viciously used her ultimate move:

"I don't need money, but I need my life."

"It's okay if you die." Alok said, not convinced at all.

Hearing this, Lorna gritted her teeth and said:

"In this case, I will ask my father to give you the invitation. Don't blame me for asking for too much betrothal gift. In order to show your sincerity, you must prepare a gift of at least 10,000 gold coins. And that money will follow me I gave it to you along with the dowry.”

Hey, hey, hey, how come you are marrying her? I never said that. Getting married is really terrible. . .

"Huh? I didn't say I would marry you. Besides, Count Otto has no right to decide that I must marry you." Alok said disdainfully.

"But Duke Dror does." Lorna said with a sinister smile. "If I tell Grand Duke Dror, he will definitely agree to the marriage."

"Tch~" Alok glanced at Lorna disdainfully.

Il gently tugged on the corner of Alok's clothes and said in a voice that only two people could hear:

"He really does. But Lorna's family is rich. Do you want to think about it?"

ha? Alok raised his eyebrows and glanced stiffly at Lorna, who was breaking the jar. I really don’t understand why my family is so stingy even though my family is very rich. Just a few hundred gold coins. Do you want to get involved with yourself?

"As for you, Lorna. Isn't it just a few hundred gold coins? Don't be so cruel." Alok sighed.

"That's because you don't know how much money an alchemist spends. In short, there is no money." Lorna raised her head and said with a fierce expression.

Come on, I don't want to be bound by marriage. Besides, if I sell it for 10,000 yuan, it’s not worth it.

I didn't even think about charging money. It was just a flash of inspiration. Forget it, forget it, you are awesome. Alok replied helplessly:

"Come on, I'm afraid of you. Lorna."

"That's right, that's great. I owe you a favor." Lorna's expression suddenly relaxed and she said nonchalantly. She patted her belly and said, "I'm hungry. Evel."

"Yeah, me too. El."

"Yes. Miss Phasma."

"Yeah, yeah. So it's just right for the three of you to go out for a meal together." Il looked at the three people who were looking at him at the same time and gave him valuable suggestions. "Then, Alok goes back to be the captain. Lorna goes home. Frank, go find your uncle to verify the authenticity."



The plot doesn't seem right. El didn't care about food today. Alok thought while standing alone on the street after being kicked out by El.

Looking at Lorna walking away and Frank following Lorna, Alok didn't know why he was going. After thinking for a few seconds, he touched his belly and decided to go to Sanhe for a meal or something. Don't let yourself go hungry.

As for why you go to Sanhe? After all, I still have my own money there.

After thinking about this, he smiled and strode towards Gangcheng District.

When passing by a tall policeman holding a pipe in his mouth, he extended his right hand to say hello.


Two o'clock in the afternoon, Sanhe Bar.

There were only a few customers in the bar. Roger sat at the bar of Sanhe Bar with a serious expression. In front of him were two large glasses of Damea beer.

"Little cutie. Your Captain Jack will be here soon. He comes to eat at this time every day." Mrs. Harry joked, standing next to Roger.

"But obviously, he was late today." Roger replied solemnly.

"No, no, no, he came just in time." Mrs. Harry looked at the figure wearing a three-cornered hat and a coat at the door and smiled.

"Captain Jack. It's a little late today. You usually come at noon. It's already two o'clock in the afternoon." Mrs. Harry teased.

"Didn't you say that I came early to make you feel like you were at work? Am I not here to take care of you? Have a lamb chop, add more cumin, and a glass of beer." Alok said casually while sitting at the bar.

"No carrots?" said Mrs. Harry, wiping her hands on the apron in front of her.

"Yeah." Alok nodded seriously.

"No problem, Captain. I won't bother you and the cutie anymore. The food will be served soon." Mrs. Harry smiled and walked away.

Alok picked up the untouched glass of beer in front of Roger and walked to his usual seat. motioning for Roger to follow.

When he sat down, he looked at Mrs. Harry's leaving figure and said casually:

"What, Roger, did you find a clue?"

Roger had a heavy expression on his face, sitting opposite Alok, and said in a low voice: "No, there are no clues. All my channels tell me that I have never seen this person named Repton. Could it be that Little Tiger lied to me? Is your information really accurate?"

"Oh?" Alok was a little surprised. I heard a piece of news casually, but Roger, who deliberately searched for it, found nothing. It's like the old saying: If you plant flowers intentionally, they won't bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

After thinking for a moment, Alok whispered:

"I have some news."

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