"Um~ This is not an excessive side effect." El said doubtfully.

"The question is, how many people know that skill?" Alok looked at El with a smile and asked.

Looking down at the violin again, El turned it over twice like a frying spoon, and admitted in a very rare way:

"Okay, Alok. You're smart for once."

Then, he puts the violin in his pocket and immediately transforms into a cat.

Seeing this scene, Alok reacted immediately and also turned into a black and white cow cat and followed Il to open the door and enter the next room.


Enter the party bar again through the secret door behind the bar. Follow El and give one silver coin and three copper coins to the waiter at the door, then enter the room.

This time they didn't hide the unusual relationship between the two. After all, most of the people inside had some interaction with the two of them.

Take your usual seat again. I found that I was the last one to arrive this time.

Because as soon as he sat down, he heard Mr. Judgment, who was being deceived, say:

"It seems we are all here today. Let's get started."

Hearing this, Elok turned on his astral vision again and began to observe everyone present.

Except for the top position on the left hand side of Mr. Judgment, there was a person whom Alok had not seen at the party.

They are the warrior Florian, the artist who asked El for extraordinary instruments last time, the silly life priest who didn't know any skills at the first party, and the undead scholar whom he met at the second party.

Undead scholar? Alok suddenly looked at the man. But after looking at it for a long time, I didn’t see the thin, unshaven chin. Shaking his head to deny his thoughts, he once again observed the dark blue astral body on the left side of Mr. Judgment.

It seems that I have seen such a star spirit body before. But it doesn’t seem to make a deep impression.

Without thinking too much, he looked at the artist who spoke first.

"Miss Witch, did you bring what I wanted?"

"As for the private transactions, please put them last. Mr. Artist." Mr. Judgment, who was directly above the long table, made a majestic voice.

"Ahem, I got it. I was the one who was abrupt." Frank reacted and lowered his head to admit his mistake.

Florian nodded likewise. Then he said:

"I want the knight's second-level secret spell."

He glanced left and right, but there was still no answer just like last time. He sighed helplessly and said with some frustration:


"Does anyone have any news about the witch's secondary secret spell? Or about the Anti-Will Church?" Elok next to Elok suddenly said in a cold voice.

She still wants to go to the Anti-Will Church to find the secret spell? That's too dangerous.

Florian's mouth suddenly opened slightly, but he quickly closed it and lowered his head to show that he didn't know.

This detail has not been discovered by anyone.

There was silence for a long time, but no one responded. Just when El was disappointed, Mr. Judgment directly above him suddenly spoke:

"Miss Witch. I don't recommend that you go to a cult to find secret spells. It's very dangerous. Maybe you can ask the gods for help. Or try divination."

Hearing this, Il turned to look at Mr. Judgment above, and said with gratitude in his cold tone:

"Thank you, Mr. Judgment. But my attempts at divination have yielded no results."

Mr. Judgment just nodded slightly and did not answer.

A good judge only decides once!

After a moment of silence, the undead scholar spoke to break the silence.

He smiled sinisterly and said: "I want the second-level secret spell of the undead scholar, and I also hope to get the second-level will body crystal of a random profession."

Is this hoping to create a level two undead? Do you dare to create a second-level undead without becoming a second-level undead scholar?

There was silence again. But in fact, this is the norm, and similar deals are rarely reached.

No one had any objections, but the atmosphere at the party became a little cold.

After all, if a party cannot reach various deals, the meaning of its existence will be greatly reduced. After many unsuccessful transactions at the party, people will gradually lose interest here. There will be fewer and fewer people at the party, and it will be harder to reach a deal. This creates a vicious cycle.

"I have a question to ask. I can pay gold coins." A weak voice suddenly reached everyone's ears. Everyone couldn't help but look at the life pastor.

"I want to know some knowledge about the Temple of Life and the Temple of the Moon. Why can the Life Priest and the Moon God Priest work together..." She obviously couldn't find the adjective, and then she thought for a long time and choked out a sentence: "Hmm~~~ work together. "

Ha, work together? You are so talented. Although this is also a question I want to ask.

Goddess by day and queen by night are not scientific at all.

The scene was very awkward for a while, but Mr. Warrior finally answered the question.

"I'll tell you this question. It's free." He smirked and then said:

"These two gods are both gods of the elves. Most elves are dual believers. They believe in both the goddess of life and the god of the moon."

"The reason is that they accept the rule of the Queen of the Moon, the Moon God, and the protection of the Goddess of Life. The two gods never care about this. But under normal circumstances, sacrifices to the Moon God are not allowed to be performed at the same time. The reason is that there cannot be two professions of the Goddess of Life, but they can share the same temple."

"Do you understand?" He looked up at the silly priest teasingly.

Zola nodded as if she had a sudden realization, patted her chest and said:

"I understand, thank you. Come and treat me, and I promise to treat you well."

This sentence was like a stone thrown into the calm water, which caused everyone to burst into laughter. Even El, who was pretending to be cold, couldn't help but touch his forehead and laugh.

Fine. The promise made by a young lady who had just become a priest was very valuable.

But this effectively adjusted the atmosphere of the scene.

Then, since everyone no longer had the need, the next step was entered.

As soon as the commissioning process entered, the artist impatiently invited El into the small room for a detailed discussion. Jean Ailok gave him a big eye roll.

Later, Alok himself was called into another small room by Florian for a detailed discussion.

"What's wrong, big guy? Is my money in place?" Alok asked, sitting on the sofa with no temperament.

"That's right." Florian patted his trouser pocket. A popping sound.

He took out a small stack of golden paper, patted it twice, and said:

"The Hutt Empire's latest banknotes are worth 10 gold coins each. They can be exchanged for golden gold at every bank. A total of 700 debens, please click on them."

"Don't dislike it, the government only pays these things now. Even our wages are these things. Damn it." Florian complained in the end.

"But it's easier to carry." Alok comforted. "You will never have to bring a sack of gold coins to pay me again."

Hearing this, Florian was still a little surprised. He handed the banknotes to Alok and said:

"As long as you don't hate it. This thing originally only had a denomination of 1 gold coin, but later, I don't know who came up with the idea. It became a denomination of 10 debens."

While counting the money skillfully, he said:

"This makes it easier for me to order. I would also like it if there were 100."

"Aren't you afraid that it's fake? Or that it won't turn into gold at all? And this thing can only be used in the Hutt Empire. But gold coins are used all over the world." Florian was still complaining angrily.

Seeing that Alok was still counting the money over and over again, he sighed helplessly and asked:

"Is there any news about that person?"

"There is news about the undead scholar, but nothing about that person." Alok continued to count the money. This is already the second time.

"Tell me about it." Florian lay half-lying on the small sofa, looking very huge.

"Well, just outside, the one next to you is the Necromancer. But it doesn't look like the person you said." Airok finally raised his head and looked at Florian and said.


"The sixth sense comes from professionals." Alok said with a smile.

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