Um? What does this mean. El is a bit confused. Sure enough, I am still a little behind compared to these old fritters. But El was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and chuckled:

"I think next time a lady should be accompanied by a gentleman."

Hearing this, Count Otto nodded and smiled and said:


He suddenly looked at the waiter waiting at the front of the corridor, then looked at El, and said apologetically:

"I'm very sorry. There's something else."

"No, I'm the one who disturbed you." El apologized quickly. and curtsied.

"I wish you a good time." Count Otto nodded and said in return.

Il watched Count Otto leave, constantly thinking about what Count Otto meant.

What does it mean for Otto Manor to welcome him?

Is this an invitation from a count?

Do you want a formal visit? is this okay?


77 Heaton Street. Taking advantage of the last bit of sunshine, Alok, who had just gone to the bathroom to solve his personal hygiene problems, was leaning on the sofa and reading the newspaper. Pay attention to world affairs.

Hearing the sound at the door, he put down half of the newspaper and exposed the upper half of his face.

I saw Richie coming in with a gentlemanly step and a white wig. Alok put the newspaper on the coffee table and said:

"I thought it was El. Father, why do you get off work so early?"

"Is it early? Isn't it already five o'clock?" Richie looked back at the clock and said in surprise.

At this moment, the church bells in the distance just rang. Just enough for five sounds.

"Look, I'm off work now. Why is it so early?"

Um~ Is it really not early? Did you include the time spent on the road? Alok was speechless. He could only say:

"El is not back yet."

"Of course, we will wait for her to come back before eating." Richie said as if he had no idea.

"By the way, why are you back? Didn't you go out to avoid the limelight?" Richie asked doubtfully.

"No need to avoid it. But I have other tasks now. Come back and find Elok." Elok explained.

After all, he has become a peripheral member of the police. Why are he still afraid of that wanted warrant? Besides, I wasn’t exposed.

"Oh, that's right. I still have something to ask my father." Alok suddenly remembered something and said.

Richie took off the formal clothes he wore when working in the government and hung them on a hanger at the door, and asked casually:

"What's up?"

"About the historian's skill of 'recreating yesterday'." Elok said briefly.

"Oh? That's my strength. Just ask if you have any questions." Richie replied. He walked to the sofa and poured himself a cup of tea that had been brewing all day.

Sitting casually on the sofa, he asked, "Tell me. What's the problem?"

Seeing Rich asking straight to the point, Alok didn't hold back and directly expressed his question:

"Two questions. The first is about interference."

"I encountered interference when rewinding a scene some time ago. The pictures I replayed at that time were all mosaics and snowflake patterns. I couldn't see anything. So this aroused my curiosity. I want to ask how to deal with the interference. Or simply ask my father. Please help me retrace my steps and see if I can find the complete picture.”

Richie's right hand holding the teacup tapped the side of the teacup. Listening to Alok's story, after seeing Alok finish speaking, he opened his mouth to answer:

"Although I don't know what mosaic and snowflake patterns are, I can tell you three ways of interference. You should be able to judge for yourself. This is the best way to make progress." He lowered his head and took a sip of tea and continued:

"The first method is also the method used by historians at level 2 or above. Directly delete this memory or delete or disrupt some important fragments of this memory to achieve the effect of interference. Deletion is the most thorough way, which will Seeing it all goes dark, or just skipping it is a clever move, which is more confusing, but it’s less effective.”

Before Alok could speak, Rich continued:

"The second type. This is a common method used by evil gods or high-level beings. It is often used to protect others. That is to introduce a certain degree of pollution into fragments of history. Looking back at such scenes or characters, what you see are usually all kinds of messy things. All you hear is noise, which is very dangerous.”

"The third type. I think you may have encountered this. Generally, it is the psychologist's method. Give this memory a hint. Let everyone who looks back on this memory not see it clearly. Or simply look at it. This scene is also true for people. There are various ways to see it, but some people will see it in a fog. To a blur."

Nodding his head in understanding, Alok already understood what kind of thing he had encountered.

Mosaic! The most evil. Snowflake patterns are the most annoying.

You can tell with your toes that it is the third type. But the question is what to do?

So Elok replied:

"Yes, it's the third type. Is there a solution?"

"Yes, it will be solved naturally when you reach a higher level." Richie poured himself a glass of water again.

Cough~ Alok almost choked without drinking water. Asked: "Can I level up? I just became a transcendent?"

"How should I put it? It's true that the time is a bit short. But whether or not to upgrade has little to do with the length of time. For example, some people can reach level 5 or 6 in a year; while some people are only level 1 for their entire lives. Do they not want to upgrade? Or have they never found the secret spell in their entire lives?" Richie asked Alok.

Then he asked himself and answered: "Of course not. It's just that they never have the courage to take that step. Of course, maybe they don't have the ability. They are eroded unknowingly."

"Then what can you do to upgrade?" Alok asked in confusion.

"If you think you can upgrade, you can upgrade naturally." Richie answered ambiguously.

Ah? What is this? What does it mean to upgrade if you think you can upgrade.

"Also, there is no necessary connection between the length of time it takes to become a superhuman and combat effectiveness. Even the connection between level and combat effectiveness is not that great. Killing people above your level is very common." Richie said again.

"So, you must always be alert to the dangers around you. Even if it is a low-level threat."

I have a deep understanding of this.

"I understand." Alok nodded and replied.

Hearing this, Richie nodded with relief, and then said nonchalantly: "I'm getting off topic. Tell me when and where."

Alok, who was still chewing on his father's words, reacted and said:

"Last Monday, evening. Sanhe Bar in Port Dror."

Later, Richie took a sip of tea, nodded slightly, and said:

"I saw it. There are historical inconsistencies there. But it's not the interference of psychologists, but the interference of mystics. It's just that the psychologist's method is used."

"Mystics? How can you use the skills of psychologists?" Alok wondered. "If it's a pirate, it's almost the same."

"That's different. If it was done by a pirate, I wouldn't be able to tell. The skills of a pirate are a perfect replica. And mystics are also a profession that can learn the skills of other professions. But the most important thing is not learning, but association and mutation. So I can judge it." Richie explained.

Holding the teacup in his right hand, Richie drew his left hand in the air, and a soft white ribbon appeared.

He took the ribbon in his hand and twisted it, then turned it into a small ball and threw it to Alok.

Alok hurriedly caught the small ball emitting soft white light, but it went directly through his hands and entered his will body.

The picture became clear, but strangely there was no sound in the scene.

On the left side of the table was Repton, who was talking to a hooded man who lowered his head deeply and could not see his face clearly.

It can only be judged from the extremely thin palm of the hooded man placed on the table that he should be a man. He must be at least fifty or sixty years old.

But losing the sound means losing more information.

After reading it, Alok shook his head.

Seeing Alok detached from his memories, Richie said slowly:

"I put this memory in your will body. When you want to watch it, just recall this memory directly. Because the mystic has integrated the skill of silence into the interference. Therefore, the recalled memory is silent."

Still recalling the "movie" just now, Alok heard Richie's words and nodded and replied:

"I know. Thank you, father."

Richie waved his hand and replied: "You're welcome. Do you have another question?"

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