He wanted to bargain, but then remembered El's bad behavior. Roger thought for a while and nodded firmly in agreement.

"Okay! I agreed. Damn the family. Kill him and pay."

"I'm not attacking you. Do you still have money?" Alok mocked.

Looking at Alok with a mocking face, Roger sighed and said in a deep voice:

"If you lose money, you can make money, but if you lose your life, you have nothing."

Very good idea. indeed so. Alok smiled slightly.

"Besides, finding you is equivalent to finding two people. Oh no, three or four. There are also little bears and banshees."

Alok couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't give hope to the two of them."

Seeing Roger who was a little uneasy, Alok comforted him:

"Relax, let's try to find traces of him first. You go find her upstairs to confirm. See if there is any other information."

"I understand, Captain." The captain sounded somewhat sincere.

After draining the wine in front of him, Roger turned around and left, leaving his late-night snack behind.

After a while. Alok patted his belly with satisfaction after eating two late-night snacks.

"Yesterday comes again." He closed his eyes and muttered silently.

He wanted to look back at the situation. Let’s see if the night before yesterday is really what the little tiger said.

Five minutes later, Alok opened his eyes with a frown.

When looking back at that time, it looks like a mosaic with a TV snowflake pattern.

This is very wrong. Interrupted?

I remember that Il once told me to ask my father to be a distraction. to prevent backtracking by police historians.

Sure enough there is a problem.

You can consult your father when you have the chance to go home. He is an expert.

Now find a reason to go home! Hehe, Alok smiled stupidly. Then he shouted loudly:

"Mrs. Harry."

Mrs. Harry continued to mop the floor and said without looking back: "I don't have time. Didn't you see the one who is busy? Just leave it there after eating."

"It's not about clearing the table. It's about business." Alok said while lying down.

Hearing this, Harry was stunned for a moment and handed the mop in his hand to the bartender next to him. Wiped his bloody hands. He hurriedly came to Alok. said:

"What? Captain Jack? Have you decided who to order?"

Alok laughed dumbly, why does this always happen. He shook his head and said:

"Not this. Serious business."

This sentence aroused Mrs. Harry's interest, and she asked doubtfully: "Oh? Then let me hear about Captain Jack's serious business."

After lowering his head and playing with the language, Alok said:

"It's not about the bar. I just want to make a deal with you, Mrs. Harry."

Suddenly laughing, Mrs. Harry joked: "Oh? What? Are you attracted to me? Captain Jack's unique taste and high taste are admirable."

A little embarrassed, Alok ignored Mrs. Harry's teasing and said calmly: "No. I just wanted to ask Mrs. Harry if she has a second-level secret spell from a witch."

Her expression froze, Mrs. Harry's smile gradually disappeared, and she asked in a bad tone:

"How do you know? Although this is not a secret among regular customers, no one knows it in such a short time."

With a mysterious smile, Elok replied: "Preparing potions. The skills of a witch. So I think, as a witch, Mrs. Harry may know the witch's secondary secret spell."

The two looked at each other for nearly a minute. In the end it seemed that Mrs. Harry lost, saying:

"I don't have a secret spell, but I have news."

"No problem, how much?" Hearing this, Alok agreed quickly.

"I can tell you for free," Mrs. Harry replied.

Touching his chin, Alok said: "Mrs. Harry, let's set a price. The free ones are often the most expensive."

"You're so interesting, Captain Jack. Don't worry, I'm not trying to trick you. I just need you to sell it to me at a discount after getting the secret spell through this news." Mrs. Harry said seriously.

Are there such good conditions?

"Okay, I agree. Let's talk about it." Alok said nonchalantly.

Mrs. Harry thought for a long time and said slowly: "Do you know about the 'Anti-Will' Church?"

After searching his memory, Alok shook his head.

Seeing this, Mrs. Harry sat down opposite Alok and said slowly:

"This is a new church. It's not an exaggeration to call it a cult. At first they were active in the Eastern Continent, and now they are also active in the Hutt Empire. They are very hidden."

"What? Does it have anything to do with this?" Alok asked doubtfully.

Mrs. Harry nodded and said: "Yes, the channel I mentioned is here. I heard that they have a complete professional chain of witch professions. They even have skills and secret spells for some very rare professions."

Able to master the complete chain of witches. That is to say, it has complete skills and secret spells. There are even other rare professions. Wouldn’t there be more professional skills that are not rare?

Is there such a cult? It looks like a big deal.

"Why don't you go by yourself?" Alok asked curiously.

Sighing softly, Mrs. Harry said helplessly:

"I couldn't find them. They were too deep."

Alok laughed and said, "That's it, no wonder you told me like that."

"That's also a piece of news. The profession of witch is really rare in Navister. Secret spells are really hard to find." Mrs. Harry spread her bloody hands.

Is it really hard to find? But I have already met three witches. More than any other profession I have met. But there is indeed no level 2 one.

"Thank you, Mrs. Harry. If I find it, I will sell it to you." Alok thanked indifferently.

"You will definitely find it. Then I have to thank you. Hahaha~~" Mrs. Harry complimented.

With a grin, Alok arched his hands and said, "Thank you for your good words."

Watching Mrs. Harry get up and go back to clean up the blood on the ground, Alok sighed silently.


Monday, noon.

Alok sat alone at the bar and ordered a glass of Damian beer. He sipped it in small sips.

It was another sunny day. It's so nice to lie dead in the bar. He thought speechlessly.

I also went back to the Ghost Ship on purpose to look through all the books. Then I used yesterday to replay and recall the memory.

It feels good to remember things without reading the book and then take them out to chew.

Mrs. Harry's disdainful voice came from behind:

"I say, Captain Jack. Do you have nothing to do every day? You are the first one to get up. Now I feel like I have to go to work on time."

"Isn't my business bad? My second mate went out to discuss business. Hahaha." Alok laughed.

Hearing this, Mrs. Harry laughed out loud and said, "Forget it, I think Roger ran away."

"He won't run away. I am very confident in him." Alok took another sip of beer and said.

"Just be assured." Mrs. Harry smiled. "Has Captain Jack not found a target in the past few days?"

What target? The target of the pirates' robbery?

Looking at Mrs. Harry in surprise, Alok did not answer this question.

Mrs. Harry saw that Alok did not answer, and knew it was boring, so she said, "Tsk." Then she turned around and greeted the first batch of guests who were walking into the bar.

At this moment, the back of Alok's left hand suddenly became hot. The voice of Il, who was a little sleepy and complaining, echoed in his will.

There was only a short message:

"That big fool is looking for you."

Eiluk laughed dumbly. Why does this Il like to give people nicknames? What blue hair, big fool.

He looked at the majestic body of the man who sat down next to him and ordered a glass of Damian beer.

Il, you are too slow to leave a message. The big fool you are talking about is already in front of me.

"Captain Jack is really professional. I delivered the letter yesterday and said that we would meet at noon today. It was really on time." Florian said in a self-proclaimed low voice.

Oh. It feels like yesterday's letter. Il, are you reliable?

"Let's go to the private room to talk." Alok glanced inside the bar. Although there were only two outsiders, the bartender and Mrs. Harry, he still said with concern.

"No problem." Florian drank the beer in one breath and patted Alok on the shoulder.


Sitting on a worn leather sofa, Alok crossed his legs, took a sip of beer and asked casually:

"What's the matter, Florian?"

"Ahem." Florian cleared his throat first, then said:

"There are three things. The first one is the reward for the last mission."

Oh? Pay? This way I can go home and have a meal.


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