The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 77 Insider (Please recommend~!!!)

As the bow hit the buffer zone on the dock, Roger asked the skeleton crew to drop the anchor, and then asked them to return to the cabin so as not to scare others.

Jumping off the bow again, Alok looked around the port. Although there was some fire, it was far from brightly lit. The moon in the sky was a little incomplete, but still very bright. It made up for the lack of lights. The sea of ​​stars in the night sky was very dazzling. It was not like the polluted starry sky on Earth. The stars here were very bright.

It was late at night, and there was only the call of wild cats in the distance. Alok pinched his waist and sighed, sighing:

"Land is still good!"

"That's not what you said just now, Captain." Roger, who climbed down the ladder, came to Alok's side and heard the words. "You just said that the sea is still good. How free. Tsk tsk tsk~~ If I hadn't seen you vomit, I would have thought it was true."

"So now I'm going to have a midnight snack. Do you have any objections?" Alok turned his head and glanced at Roger, with a threatening tone.

Roger pouted helplessly, then patted Alok on the shoulder and said:

"Of course not. Captain. Let's go to the bar."


"Of course, Sanhe is the only one open now." Roger strode in front. He seemed very familiar with the port.

This made Alok very curious. After all, pirates don't often come to Port Delor. The only time they came was to rob. So he chased after them and asked:

"What did the 'White Seagull' do before?"

"White Seagull?" Roger asked curiously as he walked. "It used to be a pirate. Killing people and setting fires, doing all kinds of evil."

"Then why are you so familiar with Port Delor?" Alok asked curiously.

"Is this strange? I'm a pirate. Why can't I be familiar with this place? This place is like our home. We often come here for entertainment." Roger said as he walked. Then he pushed forward with his lower body.

Ignoring Roger's actions, Alok asked in confusion:

"Uh~~ I think it's quite strange. Aren't you afraid of being caught by the police?"

Roger suddenly stopped, looked at Alok with a strange expression, and said: "What are you afraid of? We are a regular passenger ship. A passenger ship that travels between Guinaria Island and Port Delor in the East Continent. Although there is no passenger on the ship, we still travel back and forth between the two places every day."

That's what I mean. Isn't it just hiding as a passenger ship? Is what I just expressed inaccurately?

Eastern Continent? That's a place separated from the Hutt Empire by a whole mysterious sea. It takes a whole month to drive there. And we still travel back and forth here every day. It's perfunctory to make up such a lie.

Alok shook his head helplessly, walked ahead of Roger, and said: "Then we will also be a passenger ship that travels between Guinaria and Port Delor every day."

He coughed twice and cleared his throat. Roger came up from behind and said:

"But I have to remind you, Captain Jack. Your ship is a little small and can't be used as a passenger ship."

"The White Seagull is also small. And it can't reach Guimaraes Island in one day." Alok said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Roger chuckled, "At least it's bigger than your Ghost Pirate Ship."

Then he looked at Alok, whose face was a little wrong, and said, "That's right, it's just a cover-up, everyone knows it. There are many people who do shady business."

"Oh? Didn't they say there was only one pirate on the Misty Sea?" Alok looked at Roger in confusion.

"Since you asked that, I'll tell you some inside information. Anyway, everyone knows this. It's only a matter of time before you know it." He glanced at Alok's profile with an ambiguous look.

"Although there is only one pirate on the mysterious sea, there are more shady businesses than just pirates." Roger smiled mysteriously. He continued, "Pirates are the most dishonest profession, robbing cargo ships and killing people. But have you seen what those cargo ships and passenger ships are doing? They are much more evil than pirates."

"What are they doing?" Alok echoed in confusion when he saw Roger, who looked like a teacher.

This really gave Roger some sense of superiority as an old sailor, and gave him more information:

"In our jargon, 'cargo ships' refer to smuggling ships that travel between the Hutt Empire and other empires, and of course there are smuggling ships that travel between various states. And 'passenger ships' mean ships that travel between various places to traffic in people."

Looking at Alok's slightly puzzled eyes, Roger continued: "If they travel between Droll City and Damia, they kidnap women, sell alcohol, tobacco and drugs. If they go to the East Continent, it's even more powerful. Everything can be smuggled."

He looked at Alok with a weird smile, and emphasized again: "Anything, anything, as long as you can think of it. The most common ones are guns, ammunition and drugs."

"Really? Are there many such things?" Alok was even more surprised and asked again.

"Pick a ship at random and go up to take a look. Almost all of them are there." Roger casually pointed to a cargo ship behind him and said again. "If you don't come into contact with these, you may never know it in your life."

This~~I really didn't expect it. Is this also considered an unspoken rule? I thought the Hutt Empire was a country ruled by law. I didn't expect that it was only on the surface. The various relationships behind the scenes were very messy.

What kind of God of Order allows unspoken rules?

This is outrageous. Wouldn't this destroy the foundation of a country?

If there were so much smuggling and human trafficking.

Will this not shake the population base of a country? It's scary to think about it.

No wonder there are so many missing people every year. The police say they disappeared in the mysterious sea. Who knows where they went?

He shook his head slightly, sighing that life is difficult. Alok continued to listen to Roger silently.

"So everyone knows what they are doing, and most of them are just joking. If it doesn't infringe on their own interests, then drink together and have fun together. If it infringes on each other's interests, then fight. Until one side dies." Roger continued with an ambiguous smile.

"So, when we choose those cargo ships to rob, we must look carefully. Don't choose those tough guys."

"Oh?" Alok suddenly asked in confusion.

"Many cargo ships have extraordinary people on board. You don't think smuggling and doing those jobs are safe." Roger looked at Alok seriously after hearing this.

"Doing illegal work can earn you more, but of course you have to invest more. It's common to hire a few extraordinary people as bodyguards. Moreover, there are many cases where extraordinary people are captains and bosses. After all, extraordinary people spend a lot of money."

Ahem~ I really didn't think of finding some cargo ships to rob, after all, I can't be considered a real pirate. But if you listen to Roger's words, it seems that pirates are much better than them.

According to the law, those people can die ten thousand times. Hey~

Then isn't it a way to get rid of harm for the people? And save thousands of girls by the way?

"But what? In fact, middle-level extraordinary people will never do this kind of bodyguard business at sea. After all, their own worth is there. On the one hand, they are unwilling to take this kind of hard work, and on the other hand, the boss can't afford to hire them." Roger looked at Alok who was still listening and continued to explain.

"Of course, except for those who are bosses themselves." He said with a smile. Then he stopped talking.

Seeing Roger stopped talking, Alok nodded gratefully:

"Thank you, Roger. This has taught me a lot of inside information. At least I am not a rookie anymore."

"You're welcome. I don't want my captain to be knocked down by other extraordinary people on his first trip to the sea. I will be buried with him then." Roger waved his hand indifferently.

Then he said again in a small inaudible voice: "Just consider it as tuition. I won't pay it back?"

"What did you say?" Alok asked after hearing Roger's mumbling.

"Nothing, Captain." He laughed, patted Alok on the shoulder, pointed to the brightly lit Sanhe Bar in front and said:

"We are here at Sanhe."

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