The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 56: Meeting Il Again (Please recommend!!!)

Pressing a gold coin on the bar made a crisp "pop" sound. Alok looked at the bartender at the bar with a smile.

Although we didn't have much communication with him, we got to know each other over the few days.

"Meal and room expenses for the past few days." With one hand on the table and one hand on his leg, Alok asked, "Is it enough?"

"Of course, sir. That's enough." The bartender smiled flatteringly and swept the gold coins on the table into his hand.

Hearing this, Alok jumped down from the high stool in front of the bar. As if thinking of something, he suddenly turned around and said:

"Oh, by the way, can you give me 3 Kate 15p?"

He glanced at the gentleman in front of him in surprise. The bartender was puzzled by this special request, but he still smiled and said:

"no problem."

He found three silver coins, one large copper coin and five small copper coins from under the bar. He handed it to Alok and smiled in return. Then he watched the strange man leave.

He saw another customer sitting in front of him, taking out a gold coin and pressing it on the bar, making the same crisp "pop" sound. More concisely and clearly: "Room fee."

After giving him a flattering smile, the bartender responded, "No problem, I'll give you 64 Kate 1 penny."

"No need, give me 3 Kate 15 pence."

"Ah?" The bartender was stunned when he heard this. Silently he took out the same coins from under the bar and handed them to the tall man.

Is this a secret code?

What a strange two people.


El is very happy today because it is said that his money will be received soon.

"Hey~ Divination is really useful." She shook her head and sighed.

It had been raining for four days, and there was still a little water on the ground. She decided not to wear her favorite dress and instead changed into something with a Chelansi style.

Chelansi is located in the westernmost part of the empire, close to the Darkmoon Forest of the elves.

It is said that because of this, there is a bit of elf style in all aspects. Including clothing.

She wore a pair of brown deerskin trousers and elf-style pointed leather boots. The upper body is wearing a soft cotton and linen shirt and a small, close-fitting leather vest. Wear a women's felt hat to cover your short black hair. El posed in front of the mirror and asked:

"Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"

Looking at himself in the mirror, El nodded happily and replied, "Sure enough."

Ignoring the surprised looks from the people around him, Elle walked on the road with a bound. When he reached a secluded corner, he suddenly turned around and ran into the alley next to him.

As if suddenly stunned, El stopped, then patted his head, turned into a calico cat and continued to move forward.

Walking into his stronghold through a broken window, he found that his brother had been waiting there. Transformed back into human form "in full view". Ignoring Alok sitting on the table, he said to Roger standing on Alok's shoulder:

"Hey~ Who is this? Lan Mao? Remember to pay back the money?"

"Hey, didn't I just raise money?" Roger said, ignoring El's sarcastic tone.

"Don't listen to him. If I hadn't interrupted the ceremony, he would have changed back." Alok said quickly.

Looking at Alok in surprise, Roger said in surprise:

"You actually know."

Looking at Roger with a strange look, Alok replied expressionlessly: "I'm not stupid, I won't ask Little Bear?"

"Ha~ Brother. I really saw you right." El's eyes turned into crescent moons as he looked at Alok and said in surprise. He even threw himself at Alok and gave him a big hug.

Then, she lowered her face and looked at Roger again, and said, "I don't care what happened, anyway. Now you have to pay back the money."

"Where's the money?" Il ignored the real owner Roger and looked at Alok and asked.

Pointing his thumb at himself, Alok said with a tone of praise: "It's done. In the cave outside. It's too heavy. I have to climb rocks when I get out, which is inconvenient."

The more Roger listened, the more wrong he became. It sounded like these two people were working together to mess with me.

Why don't I know anything?

"Huh? Rock climbing?" El asked in surprise when he heard this. "Is it on the mountain?"

"No, in the sea." Alok said seriously.

With disbelief on his face, El said, "Take me there later."

"Of course. No problem." Alok said matter-of-factly.

"Shall we go to the party first?"

"Of course. No problem." El looked very happy and said in imitation of his brother's tone.

"Wait for me." El smiled slightly, and then walked to the 'dressing room' at the back.

He took out two cloaks, pointed to the clothes on his body and said to Alok: "There's no need to change today. These clothes are so convenient. I'm starting to like them."

Frowning, he looked at El's outfit, looking like a boy. She hadn't noticed much at first, but now Elok felt that it wasn't as good-looking as the previous skirt, so she said, "Well, it's indeed convenient. But it's not ladylike enough."

"Do you think I want you to wash me when I come out wearing a skirt when there is water outside today?" El said capriciously as he exhaled through his nostrils.

This feeling is no longer time to walk in the flower beds on the roadside. Elok had nothing to say, so he could only put on his cloak angrily.

"Did you forget something?" Roger reminded him from the side.

"Ha. How could you forget?" Il put on his cloak and said, "I just want you to wait here for a while. We will be back soon. Of course, this is if you still want to change back."

She shrugged like Alok, "If you don't want to, then you can do whatever you want."

Holding back his laughter, Alok felt that he was still too young and didn't need to point a gun at Roger to threaten him.

Seeing Roger thrashing around in the house in anger, Alok said to Il:

"Let's go, leave him alone."

Turning around and looking at Rona who was flying around like a chicken in the house, he shouted: "You're right, aren't you?"

"Of course. Of course. Damn it." Roger stopped his tossing and said on the table with a resentful tone.

Hearing this, Alok and Il smiled at each other and said:

"I'll go open the door."

Quickly holding Alok, Il said:

"Wait, wait, wait, we're not going through the sewer today. Just transform and go."

"Ah? Why?" Alok asked curiously.

Shouldn't we go through the sewer?

This feels like a secret party, doesn't it?

"Why do you say that? It has just rained for four days. If you want to go swimming, I won't stop you." Il tiptoed and hit Alok's head.

Shrugging, Alok was powerless to refute. Following Il's advice, he turned himself into a black and white cow cat and appeared in the room.

Seeing Il also turned into a three-color tabby cat, Alok followed Il and got out of the transfer station through the broken window.

He didn't care about Roger's resentful eyes behind him.

"This transfiguration is too useful." Alok said to Il on the way.

"Why, you want to learn? You only have one skill left, have you thought about it?" Il asked without turning his head.

"Forget it. I can't learn it." Alok said nonchalantly.

Looking back at Alok, Il asked in surprise:

"Have you finished learning? What skill?"

"An attack skill against the will body. It's called 'Prelude of the Undead'. It can manipulate the undead to attack." Alok introduced briefly.

Nodding, Il looked satisfied and said, "Fortunately, you didn't choose randomly. It's useful."

"Of course, I picked it carefully." Alok replied.

"Where did you get it from?" Il turned his head and asked. Continue to walk forward.

"Roger gave it to me." Alok replied. He paused for two seconds and added:

"I wrote him a certificate to offset your debt of 100 gold coins."

Looking back at Alok with some anger, Il said nothing. I plan to continue listening to Alok's explanation.

Sure enough, as expected, Alok continued:

"Of course, you can take it lightly. After all, the real debt relationship is between you and Roger. It's not me. I'm just a third party with no relationship. So, you can completely deny this certificate."

"Tsk~ I didn't expect you to be so smart." Il smiled and said with a frown.

"Of course, who told him to take your money. That's my sister's money." Alok said as a matter of course, "Besides, he wanted me to work for him for free. You don't know how long I ran in the rain to find that money for you."

"You deserve it." Il breathed out and said angrily.

"This should be considered my reward." Alok said.

Silence for a moment. Alok looked at Il who was still angry and continued.

"By the way, I don't have a position for my skills. Can I also transform?"

After thinking for a while, Il replied:

"Yes, just like the rabbit tattoo. Do you want another one on your right hand?"

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