The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 54: A dream that makes people feel stiff neck (Please recommend!!!)

Standing at the door of 77 Heaton Street, Alok's face was filled with a smile.

When he opened the door, he saw El's bright smile and a sumptuous dinner on the table.

Potato stewed lamb, yam ribs, pan-fried pork chops, fried mushrooms. There is also a bowl of fragrant mutton soup.

Squinting his eyes as if intoxicated, Alok took off his wet leather clothes and followed the aroma to the dining table and sat down.

Use chopsticks to pick up a piece of spareribs and bite into it with endless aftertaste. Although it was a bit hard to chew, Alok ate it anyway.

He persisted in biting one bite at a time.

Until the entire table of food went into Alok's mouth.

I patted my belly with satisfaction, but I didn't feel full yet.

El's voice rang in his ears, "Alok, when you're full, go wash the dishes."

"What? You want me to wash the dishes, don't you know how to do it yourself?"

"But I've already cooked, and I can't get my hands wet. I still have to do my homework." El said looking at Alok pitifully.

Looking at his sister's appearance, Alok stood up helplessly and said:

"Hey~ Who made me your brother?"

He put away the dishes and went to the kitchen. Picked up the big bowl that originally contained potatoes and mutton. He frowned at the stain at the bottom of the bowl.

Take the steel wool ball you have on hand and squeeze some dish soap on it. Rub it hard against the bottom of the ceramic bowl.

The big bowl became brighter and brighter, as if it had turned into a light bulb. It's like the bright moon in the sky.

But the last stain made Alok, who has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, very uncomfortable.

Looking at the gray patch, Elok stopped what he was doing and sighed, "This is too difficult to brush."

Reluctantly, he put down the dishes and chopsticks in his hands, turned on the faucet, and looked up in front of him.

Where is the kitchen? Where is the El? Where are the dishes and chopsticks?

The big bowl in front of me, which I had already run to on the sea, turned into my own astral body. He was rubbing hard against his astral body.

Tsk tsk tsk~huh? When did I run into the sea of ​​spiritual power?

He glanced at his astral body in front of him. A little gray ribbon appeared on the originally pure white star body. The gray ribbon is at the innermost layer of the astral body. As if engraved on it.

After taking a closer look, Alok breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately it wasn't erosion, it scared me to death.

It’s just that skill, ‘Prelude to the Undead’.

The astral body of the Necromancer is gray with green. The skill's imprint colors should also be green and gray.

The gray mark of ‘Prelude to the Dead’ is quite normal.

By the way, why am I here without meditating?

Alok was startled and suddenly thought of something.

I remember that the last dream I had appeared here. When I woke up that time, I was in the temple of the Furies. He swallowed. My spine suddenly felt chilly and my scalp felt a little numb.

This, no way.

Quickly try to leave here by interrupting your meditation and turning off your astral vision.


He suddenly jumped up from the captain's throne and shouted:


A trace of cold sweat left on his head. Then he realized that he was still on the ship and that there was no unnatural darkness or silence around him. He sat down on the chair as if frustrated.

Roger, who was sleeping on the carpet, was so frightened that he started to flutter. Exclaimed: "Who? Who wants to steal my treasure."

Seeing that it was Alok, Roger flew to the table and complained:

"The feeling is you. It scared me to death. I was dreaming."

Without answering, Alok was still immersed in the dream he just had.

Just now I was washing the dishes and cleaning my astral body and will body.

It's so weird.

Although dreams are all weird and strange, there are always images.

Besides, I am still an extraordinary person, so it is impossible for me to have such a dream without any warning.

Could it be that my will body has been eroded?

I just felt a little weird. It couldn't be true.

My head no longer hurts. Can I still dream and cleanse my will body by myself?

That’s awesome.

But my neck hurts now. Transferred?

Shouldn't you have a stiff neck?

Just a stiff neck.

"Captain, you really can sleep, it's already noon the next day." Roger's voice interrupted Alok's complaint.

"What?" Alok exclaimed, but he accidentally moved his neck, causing him to exclaim in pain.

Roger nodded and mocked: "Yes, you heard it right. Captain Jack, you are probably the sleepiest captain I have ever seen. You are so dedicated. You can even sleep on the chair all day."

Ignoring Roger's sarcasm, Alok touched his neck and asked, "Is the wind and sea calmer now?"

"Smaller, but still big," Roger replied.

While touching his neck and getting up to stretch his sore waist from working on the stool all day, Alok asked again:

"Nothing special happened, like appearing in some temple again."

"Dear Captain Jack, I suggest you don't say that. I don't want to go to that damn mist treasure." Roger's originally pleasant face suddenly turned irritable.

"Okay, okay, I know. You thought I wanted to go, but I just had another dream. Damn, my neck is stiff." Alok complained.

"It's good to sleep with your head down for a day and your neck won't fall off. Humph~" Roger said angrily.

Holding his waist with one hand, Alok ignored Roger's angry words and said:

"Now that the wind and waves have calmed down a bit, we're going to go out."

Suddenly feeling hungry, Alok touched his belly and said, "I'm hungry."



During the heavy rain, Alok knocked on the closed door of Sanhe Bar.

It took him two full hours to walk from outside Shimian Town to Gangcheng District.

He wears a three-cornered hat. Wearing giant bone fish skin pants and long leather boots. The right collar of the jacket is missing a small piece, as if something bad has happened.

A blue-furred seagull landed on his head.

There is also a one-handed sword hanging on the left waist.

This was common in the martial Hutt Empire.

After a while, the door opened. It's the same middle-aged waiter from yesterday.

Today she was wearing an apron and a white waiter's hat. Seeing the polite but strange guest from yesterday, he smiled and said with some surprise:

"I didn't expect there would be guests today."

With a slight bow, Elok walked into the door to avoid staying in the rainstorm.

After walking to the corner of the bar and sitting down, Alok looked at the waiter and said politely:

"Please give me a set meal of yam and pork ribs."

"Excuse me, what did you say?" the waiter asked confused.

"Yam pork ribs set meal." Alok repeated.

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't understand what kind of dish this is." The waiter held the small notebook and looked at Alok in confusion.

"Yam!" Something suddenly occurred to him. Alok smiled awkwardly and replied, "Sorry, I forgot. There are no yams here. Then please give me a potato stew with mutton. Curry flavor."

The waiter smiled and said:

"Okay, sir. But it might be a little slow today. I didn't think there would be any guests."

Alok, who had just taken off his hat and put it on the table, said doubtfully:


He thought for a moment and said, "Then please give me a single room for the whole day."

"Okay, sir. Shall I send it to your room?" the waiter responded.

"That's right." Alok stood up and motioned to the waiter to lead the way.

"Sir, you must have been in the rain for a long time. I suggest you get a bucket of hot water to take a bath. Otherwise, you will easily get sick." The waiter bowed politely and suggested.

Touching his painful neck, Elok turned his head stiffly to look at the waiter and asked:

"How much."

"Only 5 silver coins," the waiter replied.

He wanted to nod, but his stiff neck stopped him. He had no choice but to agree: "It's indeed a good idea. Then please give me a bucket."

Touching his neck again, Alok asked:

"Is there a massage here?"

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