"Hmm? Buy weapons?" Rona was puzzled.

Nodding, Il said in a relaxed tone:

"Yes, I always feel that Alok has no attack power. I think so too."

Then Il looked at Alok with disdain.

Suddenly realizing what Il meant, Alok shrugged helplessly and said:

"For example, yesterday. I could only go up to attract firepower. Then I used my agility to dodge skills. I only have the skill of guarding."

"Then why don't you buy skills first? I thought you wanted to buy skills." Rona looked at Alok and said in surprise.

"Let's buy them together. After all, it depends on the opportunity. Who knows when you can encounter it. Knight's skills are not easy to buy. Of course, extraordinary items are not easy to buy either." Alok said with a mouth full of cannons.

Nodding, Rona echoed:

"Indeed, knights are indeed very handsome, but it is not easy to get along with wild ones. Most of the skills are controlled by the army. It is good to have a meditation method to open the spell and find a skill. And it is a guardian."

As if she thought of something, she suddenly said with a cunning face:

"Can you put a guardian for me to see? Let me experience the skills of the knight."

She looked at Il. Alok read a little bit of meaning from her eyes. He smiled slightly, stood up and said:

"No problem, Miss Rona."

He coughed twice, cleared his throat, and then tidied his clothes that were wrinkled because he was half lying on the sofa. He stretched out his right hand, hid his left hand behind his back, and said in standard Hutt Empire Mandarin:

"Miss Otto. Please allow your knight to protect you."

Laughing and accepting Alok's invitation, holding his hand, Rona slowly stood up from the sofa.

Seeing Rona stand up gracefully, he looked around and asked softly:

"How is the soundproofing here?"

"Don't worry, my room is very soundproof." Rona smiled. (There seems to be nothing wrong with this sentence.)

Hearing this, Alok nodded slightly.

He raised his right hand and opened his five fingers to Rona. After brewing for a while, he recalled the appearance of the knight novel that his sister Il read. He shouted loudly in Azeraven:


A very obvious light shield appeared on Rona's body. The white light shield was also mixed with mysterious runes.

Compared to yesterday's "Guardian" effect, it is more than a little stronger. It's simply a world of difference.

What was that yesterday, transparent, and it broke with a poke.

Am I using it wrong?

He looked at his hand in shock, then looked at Il, who was opening his mouth wide, and then looked at Rona, whose eyes were full of stars.

But his good mental quality made him come back to his senses immediately. He closed his mouth wide. He bowed slightly like a gentleman.

Rona also opened her mouth wide and looked at the white light shield around her. She was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She just felt her heart pounding.

This is so handsome. I wish I had a brother like this.


I used to laugh at Ivel and said that they were two infamous brothers and sisters.

Now, their brother is a knight.

This is too bad for me.

No, in order to borrow this knight in the future, I have to build a good relationship.

Can I just recognize a brother?

It's safer.

Ahem, no, no.

She shook her head violently, woke up from her daydream, cleared her throat to cover up her embarrassment. She said:

"Brother Alok. This is so handsome."

Huh? Oh my god, what's going on.

He's calling me a brother. I only have one sister.

He looked at Rona's eyes again.

Damn, he's not interested in me.

He didn't continue the topic like a gentleman. He looked at Il for help, indicating that it was her turn.

I understood what Alok meant in a second.

Although I didn't know why my brother's protection today was so effective. But Ir still suppressed his surprised expression and said to Rona as if it was normal:

"What's so cool about being so cool? You can only act cool. Oh no, you can get beaten."

"I've been learning supernatural for half a year, but I didn't know how to attack the enemy in front of me yesterday. Humph. Stupid Alok."

"Oh, Ivel. Don't say that. Alok has only been learning supernatural for half a year. Much less than you." She secretly glanced at Alok, who looked a little lonely. She said.

"Besides, when his skills are complete, he will be both offensive and defensive. Isn't that the knight of dreams? Think about the novel "Protect My Princess" a few days ago. Ah~~ I'm almost drunk." Rona hugged her chest.

"That also needs to wait until his skills are complete. Who knows when the skills will be complete." Ir said with disdain. "Do you have any skills here?"

She spread her hands pitifully and looked at Alok, who looked even more pitiful. Rona said:

"I should ask you about the skills. Your father has been a transcendent for many years and has many skills. You don't have any, so how can I, the only one, have them? You sold all my skills to me."

Il sighed with some regret and said angrily:

"That's right. But it's really hard to find knight skills."

After she finished speaking, she paused for a few seconds. No one spoke. It seemed that no one could respond to this sad topic.

After a few seconds, Il said:

"So I plan to buy a weapon, an offensive one."

She looked at Rona and continued:

"By the way, do you have it here? Aren't you an alchemist?"

"Huh? Ha." Lorna didn't know what to say. After holding it in for a long time, he said:

"Yes, there is. It was originally my weapon."

She looked at El, "You know, the musket."

Seeing Lorna's eyes, El looked at Lorna and said:

"I know, except for that one. That's what you use. I mean other extraordinary items. Even ones that are only offensive and not activated."

He paused, looked at Lorna expectantly, and added again:

"I know that activation requires a magic binding circle, or a magic binding master. But didn't you have a magic binding circle before? Moreover, even if it is not activated, it will only be enchanted. It will at least have some attack power."

After thinking for a while, Lorna frowned, finally sighed and said:

"You know, Yvel. The materials are too hard to find. Even if it is not activated, it still requires a piece of crystal, or an equivalent extraordinary material. Activation requires a crystal of the astral body. This is too rare."

Sighing helplessly, El said:

"Yes, that's true. But don't worry. When I find the materials, I'll show you. Can you help me make one?"

"No problem at all."

Hearing this, she glanced at Alok strangely, and drew her thumb under the table with her hand.

Nodding in his mind, Alok suddenly interjected:

"Hey. Wait. I have a crystal."

Looking at Alok, Lorna said in surprise:

"Oh? Let me take a look and make one for you if I can."

Then he looked at El. He smiled and said, "It's free."

However, El's eyes widened slightly with a complaining expression, and he said in an annoyed tone:

"Elok, where did you find the crystal? You didn't even tell me. You will hide it from me now."

Regardless of what Il said, I know this is just acting. So Alok grinned and took out the small tea box from his pocket.

Open it slightly to reveal the slightly larger crystals inside. Place it on the coffee table and hand it to Lorna.

Pick up the tea box and look at it carefully. Lorna frowned and said:

"No, this crystal is contaminated. I can't deal with it. If you want to use it to make extraordinary items, you must at least find a binder. And the extraordinary items produced will also have obvious side effects. They may even directly corrode the owner."

She picked up the crystal she got from El, put it on the table, pointed it out to Alok, and said:

"If it is like this, or if it is purely transparent, it is OK. But this area is contaminated."

Seeing the crystal, the three people seemed to think of something at the same time, and looked at each other in confusion.

Finally, Yi Er said:

"What did you buy this crystal for?"

Lorna stared at the crystal and replied:

"Create a supernatural weapon with activated witch skills."

"Then is your weapon still useful?" El was still looking at the crystal blankly.

"No need." Lorna looked at El.

El's eyes just moved to Lorna.

"Then sell it to me."

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