Hearing this, Alok was slightly startled, showing an expression of disbelief. Surprised:


"Yes, a wild undead witch. People call her Apothecary Heather. I don't know how long she has been dead." El explained with an unchanged expression.

Thinking about it, Elok recalled the content about the life of the will body, looked at El and asked:

"Are these the will-body beings you mentioned?"

Seeing El nodded, he didn't answer. Asked again:

"What caused it? Mage Binding? Or Necromancer?"

Hearing this, Il looked at Alok with a somewhat uncertain tone and said:

"It should be formed naturally."

She touched her chin and added with an even more uncertain tone than before:

"If there is a strong unfinished will before death, and the crystallization of the will body after death is not taken away and used, it is indeed possible for the undead to form naturally."

"Crystalization of will body." Alok chewed on this word.

Seeing Elok's puzzled look, Elok patiently gave an explanation:

"Yes, after the death of an extraordinary person, crystals of the will body will precipitate. Sometimes there will even be crystals of the astral body."

"The will body represents the sum of his mental power and his memory, which will be crystallized after death. The astral body represents his extraordinary path, his skills and level. But we must use A special way to get it.”

"You mean, this crystal is actually a human body?" Alok asked in surprise.

Nodding, El agreed: "That's right. However, not everyone will precipitate the astral body crystals after death. Only a part of them will precipitate the astral body crystals. And most of them are incomplete. Only the most skilled people can do it. Precipitate. Under normal circumstances, it will mix with the will body crystals and form various colored crystals that are as bright as gems.

She looked at Alok and continued:

"Its most common use is to be sold to necromancers and binders."

"Will body crystals and astral body crystals are materials commonly used by binding mages. They use them to make extraordinary items. Undead scholars will use them to make undead."

Having said this, Alok suddenly understood why it was said that El said might have formed spontaneously.

If it was a binding mage, it would definitely be used to make extraordinary items. If it's an undead scholar, it's definitely not wild.

Hey~ These two professions are so evil. Much more evil than pirates.

After thinking for a moment, Alok looked at El and asked again:

"Does the undead witch still retain the skills she had in life?"

"If it is called an undead witch, and not just undead, then it will definitely retain its skills. But there shouldn't be many." She paused for a moment and continued:

"Moreover, if it is such an undead, the probability of crystallization of star bodies will be much higher."

There seemed to be a twinkle in her eyes. Alok looked confused.

When I heard Il's last words. Alok suddenly felt that his world view had collapsed.

"This is much more expensive than pure will body crystallization."

What a pitiful undead creature.

"Okay, dear Miss Phasma, the witch. I have one last question." Elok said helplessly.

"Tell me." El said casually as his attention was not on this issue.

"How come there are clues for divination here?" Ai Luoke expressed his doubts.

El said as he walked towards the back room:

"I heard that she used to be a witch who helped poor people perform fortune-telling in the Wilk District."

With a wordless curl of his lips, Elok took off his cloak. He handed it to El, who had already walked into the back room and extended a hand.

Another five long minutes passed. Alok saw El come out of the back room, holding a small umbrella in his left hand. Putting his right hand on the back of the corset, he shouted:

"Quick, help me."

Shrugging helplessly, Alok walked around behind El and tied the corset straps behind El's back slightly loosely like tying shoelaces.

He really didn't understand why women's clothes were so complicated.

Is it just to look good?

This is really difficult. Where are my shorts and shirt.

Walking on the slightly noisy street, Alok blended in perfectly. Surrounded by people dressed similarly, El looked out of place.

It's like a princess arriving in the country.

There were many curious looks around.

Leaning close to El's ear, who was walking on the right, Alok asked:

"Why don't we wear cloaks."

This attracted a surprised look from El. After turning his head and continuing to look at the road ahead, El explained expressionlessly:

"Because wearing a cloak will get you arrested and taken to the police station."

Alok couldn't deny his sister's nonsensical explanation.

It's really weird to wear a cloak in broad daylight when it's so hot. But it's not always possible to grab the police station.

But now the looks from the people around him made him even more unhappy.

He frowned. Keep up with El.

She said softly:

"We're almost there. Then we'll first ask her if she has any divination spells. We'll see how to exchange them."

"Huh? Why don't you just start the fight?"

After hearing what El said just now, Alok thought that he was going to fight directly and that the crystal was going to be precipitated.

With disbelief in his eyes, El looked at Alok, frowned slightly, widened his eyes, and criticized:

"Elok, this is really rude. Too reckless. Don't you know that she is an undead witch with extraordinary power? Not to mention that she also has the skills of a witch, and the natural skills of the undead are not something we can bear. Why should we? Why not communicate first?”

Okay, I thought we'd just start the fight.

In the extraordinary world, shouldn't it be possible to start things off at the slightest disagreement?

Hum~ Look at me punching the sea of ​​spiritual power, stepping on the star realm, breaking the damn world, and shattering this lawless sky.

This is so middle-of-the-road.

Amused by his own thoughts, Alok chuckled.

This made El's face look caring for the mentally retarded again.

She ignored Elok and walked towards a shabby street. The streets are full of shack-like houses, which may not be called houses, but just shacks.

Broken wood, fallen palm leaves, and some random garbage were scattered on the road.

Looking at the crooked sign, it vaguely indicated that the way ahead was 'Left Wilke Lane 15'.

She turned around and waved to Alok, who was pretending to look out for the wind with her back to him, and said helplessly:

"Alok, let's go, we're here."

His sister's voice caught Alok's attention. He turned back to look at Lane 15, Wilk Street on the left, and asked:

"Let's go? Right over there?"

El nodded slightly.

I saw several hurried workers passing by. They were wearing gray peaked caps and were shirtless.

Pointing to the street, El said softly:

"It's on this street, but we still have to ask for directions."

Elok volunteered and patted his chest:

"I'll do it this time, keep it on me."

Alok led the way with his head held high.

An old woman on the street caught his attention. She was wearing a thick gray sweater in summer and her eyes were a bit difficult to open. Wrinkles crowded her face. My hands are busy knitting another sweater.

Alok slowed down and looked back at El, who was standing on the opposite side of the street pretending to be nothing. Then he walked towards the old lady and said softly:


Seeing that the old woman remained silent, Alok raised his voice and said:


The movements of her hands did not stop, she raised her eyes and glanced at Alok without making a sound.

Seeing this, Alok leaned over and asked bluntly:

"Where does Heather, the pharmacist, live? Do you know her?"

"Oh~, young man. Please don't interrupt my work. This woolen handbag of mine is worth 1 kate. It will be finished soon."

Is that a handbag? I thought it was a sweater.

Standing upright with a helpless expression, Alok took out a shining silver coin from his pocket.

He waved it in front of the old woman and asked again:

"Where does Heather the Apothecary live?"

A more excited but hoarse voice came from her mouth:

"Oh, young man, thank you so much."

But she didn't get the silver coin. He had no choice but to put down what he was doing and pointed to the more decent-looking townhouse in front of Alok.

"There, No. 157."

Then, she accurately caught the silver coin handed to her by Alok.

"Thank you, young man."

Then Alok snatched the woolen handbag from his hand.

Alok observed it carefully, and sure enough, it was completed quickly.

Gently took off the needle and handed it to the old woman. He walked towards El with puzzled eyes.

Handing the loot in his hand to El, Elok said:

"Look, I bought you a gift."

He held an umbrella in one hand and an unfinished handbag in the other. Although it was not finished yet and the color was not very nice, when he thought that it was a gift from Alok, he still held it in his hand happily. said:

"How about it?"

With a toothy smile, Alok replied:

"It went very well. It seems that Heather is very famous here. No. 157." He pointed to the townhouse in front.

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