The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 25 Extraordinary People Gathering

It must be said that the sewers in Dror City are not very dirty.

Even in the lower city. Perhaps it is because the annual rainfall here is really huge. If the sewers are not repaired well, they will definitely flood the upper city.

I don’t know which genius built it. The sewer is more than two meters high. It is not round, but an inverted convex shape.

This gives Alok and Il a lot of convenient space. You can walk on a relatively clean platform.

What a genius, the one who repaired the sewer is not a wild extraordinary person.

Climb up a ladder, quietly open a gap, and Il slowly climb up.

Alok was on guard below until Il’s light call came from above. Alok put down and slowly climbed up with the weak light.

The two appeared in a secluded alley. There was a little call from next door. The ground of the alley was a little muddy.

Alok looked around. Finally, he followed Il into the depths of the alley.

They came to a broken wooden door, which even had two large cracks on it.

Without knocking, Il pushed it open and walked in.

Alok, who was following behind, was a little surprised. He thought he needed some kind of secret code.

He followed Il in front.

Alok thought that she might not be much different with or without disguise.

After all, her height was there. A little kid who was not yet an adult. One meter and a half?

Even if she was disguised, others could tell at a glance.

As they continued to walk forward, noise came from the front. It was obvious that this was a bar.

Because from a distance, Alok could hear loud boasting.

It was only afternoon. That's it? How idle are people in this world?

The two did not go to the front desk, and put on their hoods in tacit understanding. They came to a door.

Following Il's example, they gave the waiter at the door two silver coins and three copper coins.

They knocked on the door and went in directly without stopping. The two came to the room one after another.

He took Alok to a seat that was relatively far back but not remote and sat down.

Alok looked around habitually.

There was a large wooden table in front of him, about five meters long and two meters wide. There were many chairs placed around it.

There were already five people sitting on the chairs.

Four of them wore hoods, and were dressed similarly to himself.

One was petite, probably a woman. She lowered her head and her face could not be seen clearly. She sat at the top.

One of them wore a hood that could not cover her face, and was tall. The exposed chin looked square. She sat opposite Alan.

The other two had no obvious features.

The last one wore a white mask that covered his face. He sat right above.

He sat there very impartially. He looked very majestic.

Alok thought he was the host.

But he didn't expect that he came so early.

Aren't the big guys usually the last to appear?

When Alok looked at him, the host also looked at Alok.

Although he didn't reveal his expression. But Alok still felt that he was recognized.

It was a mysterious feeling.

Could this person know me?

I didn't recognize him anyway.

I'm just here to hang out. Yi'er brought me here to see him.

Who cares?

I waited silently for about twenty minutes.

Then only one person came in.

No one complained about the long waiting time. The host above took out a silver pocket watch with a gold rim. After checking, he said in a low voice:

"It seems that everyone has arrived. There are obviously fewer people today."

After a moment of silence. The man with a square chin said:

"Mr. 'Judgment'. You know, the black skins have been going out more frequently recently. No one dares to go out."

He deliberately emphasized the word black skin, which made Alok notice him.

Nodding, Mr. ‘Judgment’ did not answer, but continued in a low voice:

“Then let’s get started.”

Then he paused, and said slowly in a slightly softer tone:

“Today we have two new companions.” He looked around at everyone, “Who will explain the rules to him?”

Everyone’s eyes focused on Alok, and then looked at the petite person at the top.

Isn’t this a secret party? Don’t everyone know each other? There is also this link?

The square-chinned man sitting opposite Alok answered again:

“Let me do it.” He looked at Alok and said:

“The party is divided into two parts. The first one is that everyone takes turns to put forward their own needs. Complete the transaction. The demand can be anything in the extraordinary field. The items can be handed over to Mr. Judgment to help identify the authenticity. Here we trust him. The second is the entrustment link. Here you can entrust others to help you complete something. As long as the price provided is in place.”

It’s not detailed enough, but I understand it.

He nodded slightly to express his gratitude. Then he looked at the table in front of him, as if there was something that attracted him there.

Seeing the newcomer like this. Mr. Judge at the top of the table straightened his eyes.

The party had already started, so he didn't need to say it a second time.

After a moment, the square-chinned man looked around at everyone and spoke first:

"I still want the second-level spell of the warrior profession, and the charge skill."

He crossed his arms, looking very burly. He lay on the table, feeling a little impatient.

"Money is not a problem." He added.

A knight, Alok gave his judgment.

He was about to reach level 2, but he still had no skills. This made him a little anxious.

He silently noted it in his heart.

He had the skill of Knight's Guardian, but he probably didn't need it.

And it would not be good to act rich when he first came to the party.

em~~~ Although I am poor.

Really poor, I looked through my trouser pockets and found that there were only five silver coins left from the room.

No one spoke.

After a few seconds, Il said:

"I have a charge. But no spell."

The man looked at Il suddenly. He showed a very happy expression, and the hood could hardly cover the upper half of his face, and said:

"Really? This is great. Miss Witch."

Il said in a cold tone:

"100 gold coins."

Why did you become so cold? This is not like Il. Disguise?

Okay. This must be a disguise.

After hesitating for a while, the man softened his tone and said:

"This seems to be a bit overpriced."

A cold voice came from under Ir's hood again:

"You have to know that being a witch is a very expensive profession."

This is really an impeccable reason, and he did not hide the fact that he raised the price just for money.

Taking a deep breath, the man couldn't find anything to say, and said helplessly:

"Okay, Miss Witch, this is really an irrefutable reason."

Hearing this, Ir nodded and took out a parchment scroll from under his cloak. Throw it to Mr. Judgment above.

Mr. Judgment took it silently and put it in front of him.

Without doing anything else, he nodded and threw the scroll to Ir.

Seeing the nod of Judgment above, the man obviously breathed a sigh of relief and took out two bags of jingling gold coins from his cloak.

Obviously reluctantly handed it to Ir on the opposite side, and exchanged it for the small parchment from her.

It's really small, it feels like a toy in my hand. It's the size of a palm.

Tsk tsk tsk~ It's so expensive.

My living expenses in high school are only two gold coins a month. This parchment is exactly 100?

Then what I learned in the past two days is worth at least 500 gold coins.

Each gold coin is worth about 1,000 RMB, so I'm almost a millionaire.

Extraordinary is really expensive~

Silently sighing, Alok returned to reality.

I only heard the hooded man sitting at the bottom of the long table laugh eerily and said:

"Miss Witch is really rich."

He was inconspicuous. Alok was here when he came, the two people with no features, always sitting in the shadows.

Now he said this in a hoarse voice, accompanied by a little eerie smile, which made people shudder.

After taking the bag of gold coins, Ir continued to speak in a cold tone:

"I said, witch is a costly profession."

The gloomy man did not continue to talk about this topic, but said hoarsely:

"I need the assassin's second-level spell."

An assassin, Alok made another judgment, which almost did not require any brainpower.

When making the judgment, Alok felt that his inspiration was slightly touched, making him feel like he was being watched.

Silently, he focused the energy of his will on his eyes and opened his astral vision.

Looking at the position of the gloomy man just now.

A shadow appeared in front of him.

This made Alok feel very familiar.

The eyes in the hood suddenly widened. 、

That is.


No, no, no, Lepton's shadow is bigger than his.

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