The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 22: The Book of the Prophets

"The first is the body. Needless to say, the body will upgrade with the upgrade of the extraordinary level. It is spontaneous. We don't have to worry about it. The performance of each profession is different. Some only increase the life span. Some will strengthen the body and make it more durable. Have power and speed.”

"Then comes the will body. The sea of ​​mental power is layered. The stronger the will body, the deeper we can explore the sea of ​​mental power. When we continue to meditate and the strength of the will body meets the requirements, we can step into a deeper level. A sea of ​​spiritual power. At this time we can upgrade.”

"The last is the astral body. We don't know what the structure of the astral realm is, and humans haven't explored it clearly yet. But the astral body is divided into nine inner and outer layers, like a cocoon wrapped layer by layer. At the first level, we The innermost part of the astral body is used.”

"Every time we acquire a skill, the traces of that skill will be engraved on the corresponding layer of the Astral Spirit Body. The more proficient we are in using the skill, the deeper the traces will be. This will also strengthen our Astral Spirit Body. As we continue to become proficient in skills, the Astral Spirit Body will If the strength meets the requirements, we can try to upgrade.”

At this point, El suddenly paused, and then said in a very serious tone:

"The process of upgrading is to take the lead in stepping into the deeper sea of ​​spiritual power, and use this step to upgrade the astral body and body."

"But. It's never a lack of meditation that has troubled extraordinary people's upgrades."

"It's just that the skills are not enough and the astral body is not up to standard."

"Relying on just one skill, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible for the astral body to reach the standard. It is best to collect all the skills and master them all so that the corresponding marks on the astral body cannot be deep. Only then can you have a higher level If you only have incomplete skills, you may be able to succeed, but every time you miss one, the chance of failure in promotion will be greatly increased.”

Then, she stopped talking and looked at Ai Luo with very solemn eyes. This also made Alok realize that there were more important words below.

I only heard El say:

"And the most important thing is that the next level of spiritual power opens the secret spell."

Hearing this, Alok put down the quill in his hand and showed a surprised expression: "Isn't the meditation method the secret spell?"

El's face looked a little gloomy and he said calmly:

"That's just the first step."


Doesn't this mean buying both skills and secret spells?

That would cost a lot.

After saying that, El immediately stood up. He showed a faint smile and said:

"That's it for today's class, see you tomorrow."

Then, she said enviously:

"It's great not to have to learn Azeraven. It saves a lot of time."

"I'm going to feed Pawpaw later. He complained to me in the morning that you lied to him. In fact, I forgot to feed him. Although I usually don't care about him, since he said he would have extra food, we still have to keep our promise."

Suddenly showing a witty smile, Alok replied:


Unexpectedly, this bird has a pretty good memory.

Why? Speaking of birds, where’s Roger?

Forget it, ignore him, he is just a passerby. The fate is over.

Seeing El walking out of the room, Alok turned around and stretched. I stretched my waist all morning. Click click click.

Hey~ I learned so much today. If Il hadn't said important content every time and basic content that must be mastered, I would have stopped.

Can I digest it all after learning so much in one morning?

Fortunately, I wrote it down. A good memory is not as good as a bad writing.

The ancients never deceived me.

He looked at the notes in front of him. Several pages full.

It doesn’t seem like much, it’s far worse than in high school.

Close the notebook and set it aside. I looked back and saw that the door was closed.

I got up and went to the bookshelf, but I didn't seem to feel reassured. Slowly walked to the door and closed the latch of the door.

He came to the bookshelf again and pulled out a simple bronze book from the corner where no one was paying attention.

"Book of the Prophets"

He looked at the book carefully and rubbed it a few times.

He was chanting, Azerra, Prophet, Azeraven. While walking towards the chair that was already heated by sitting on my butt.

After moving his sister El's chair, Alok sat down at the desk.

Place the book in your hand flat in front of you.

As if he had done it many times, he rubbed the pattern on the surface. Open the first page of the book.

Seeing the parchment still empty.

Take a deep breath and calm down your irritable heart.

What a waste of time, still. I'm furious.

As expected, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Just finished writing in the notebook. This is my notebook.

From now on, don’t call it the Book of the Prophet, call it Alok’s Diary.

No. Also called the Book of the Prophets. I am a prophet.

He suddenly picked up the quill pen and wrote his name gracefully on the title page of the book:

Alok Phasma

The sky seemed to have changed and became dark. Alok could hardly see clearly.

His pupils dilated slightly, and Alok looked out the window in surprise.

Isn't this the big sun?

Something suddenly occurred to me.

Damn it, it can’t be the fog like that day again. I have a psychological shadow. Stop it.

Turning his head to look at the room, it seemed as if the sunlight couldn't shine in.

On the desk, in the "Book of the Prophet", there is a faint golden light around the words of Elok Phasma.

The last few words were embedded deeply into the parchment.

The whole book is simple and shabby, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

Eluoke opened his mouth and looked there in shock.


When the light gradually dissipated. Elok came back to his senses from the shock just now.

He hurriedly picked up the Book of the Prophet with both hands. He stroked its cover and title page like a treasure.

His right hand trembled as he turned the first page. The name deeply engraved on the parchment on the title page reminded Elok that this was not a dream.

He rubbed it for a while and felt the deeply embedded name.

It turned out that I didn't know how to use it.

If I had known, I would have written the name directly before.

Why am I so stupid?

At first, I soaked it in water and heated it with candlelight.

He knocked his head in frustration. He picked up a piece of parchment and turned it back.

On the next page, it was written in Azeroth:

"Chapter of Freedom"

I searched the world

Just for freedom

Roaming freely on the boundless sea

Wandering recklessly in the vast sea of ​​stars

Not caring about the mockery of the world

Not succumbing to the darkness of reality

No persecution or intimidation can destroy my will to be free

After so many hardships in the world

Witnessing so many bloody storms

Life sublimated into a noble spirit in the constant battle

Fight for freedom!

I, a free pirate..."

This book wants to know my profession, and the first page is this poem?

Continue to flip back, the flashy poem turned into plain language.

"Elok Phasma-Free Pirate"

This~~really knows my profession. Is this book so magical?

"This is not a good profession. The consequence of being rampant in the sea of ​​spiritual power is that it is easier to be swallowed by the sea of ​​spiritual power. Being reckless in the star realm can easily lead to the erosion of the star realm."

"Except for Irelia, I have never seen a high-level free pirate."

Free pirates have such a big risk? I thought it was just a little more than a normal profession, but after reading the content of this book, it says that there are no higher-level free pirates.

Who is Irelia? How did he resist the erosion?

With doubts, Alok continued to read.

"But according to my exploration of the mystery. There is a way to effectively reduce this erosion and swallowing."

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