The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 18: First entry into the extraordinary

After dinner, Alok's room.

El actively moved a chair and sat next to Alok. That expression was very much like a Chinese teacher tutoring students.

She saw that Alok was holding the meditation card and was troubled, and said:

"The first meditation is very simple. First, sink into consciousness, relax your mind, and think about the endless sea of ​​stars. Then you become one of the stars. Pay attention to the unity of body, mind and soul, that is, your body, will body, The astral body is unified. The specific manifestation is that in your perception, you become a shining star, which is your astral body. A small ocean appears under your feet, which is the spiritual sea. "

At this point, Yi paused. This gave Alok time to think. He closed his eyes.

Then I have succeeded. Since yesterday's dream, in my perception, it is already a star emitting white light.

He was convinced again.

The sea and starry sky seen through astral vision are the spiritual sea and star realm.

Il's light voice came to my ears again:

"At this time, the critical step has been reached. The consciousness sinks into its own stars, chants the meditation method to open the secret mantra, and enters the state of meditation. After entering meditation for the first time, there is no need to chant it again next time, just Consciousness sinks into it. It's like a key."

"Let me see what the pirate's secret spell is. Generally speaking, a sentence is recited in a special cipher text as the opening spell." El took the parchment that was placed on Elok's desk.

He frowned and glanced at Alok in surprise:

"The secret spell of the Free Pirates is that you can use any language. This is so freeing."

She saw Alok with his eyes closed and his expression calm, and asked doubtfully: "Are you in the state, three in one?"

Seeing Alok nodding, El showed an expression of disbelief.

It’s impossible. It was my first time to meditate, and it took me three days to find the feeling just trying to enter the state of three-in-one.

Just Alok? I've been talking for a while and it's over?

too fast! This is too fast!

However, Elok still believed that Alok would not lie to him, after all, it was meaningless. In order not to let this opportunity disappear, El said eagerly:

"Quick, say after me. 'I want to be a free pirate.' Say it firmly."

Alok said in what he thought was a firm tone:

"I want to be a free pirate!"

Why? Something doesn't feel right. Did I say this.

At this time, Alok was still thinking about when he said this.

Suddenly, a wisp of soft white light floated from the sea in front of him, wrapping around the star representing Elok like a ribbon. Eventually blended together.

Feeling relieved. This is really indescribable beauty!

Alok was intoxicated by this wonderful feeling and moaned out of nowhere.

Hearing this made El's skin crawl.

The corners of his mouth twitched, with a bit of envy and jealousy, and Yi said sourly:

"Didn't meditation succeed? As for that. Tsk. It's so disgusting."

Knowing that he had lost his composure, Alok sat upright. Continue to meditate in this ocean.

His consciousness sank into his own star, and only soft white light remained in front of his eyes. Thoughts are ethereal. The fatigue was gone.

Wisps of ribbon surrounded him and eventually merged into his consciousness. This comfortable feeling is like a mother's embrace. A warm quilt in winter.

Oh, sorry, Alok hasn't felt it. There is never a winter in Drol City.

After an unknown amount of time, Alok was shaken awake. He raised his eyes and looked at El behind him, frowned and asked stiffly:

"What are you doing? I'm having a great time."

El quickly comforted:

"Okay, okay. Stop meditating. If you meditate too much, you will easily collapse."

Is this why, isn’t meditation something that extraordinary people must do? Shouldn’t it be that the more meditation, the better? Will it collapse?

Seeing Alok's expression, Elro tilted his head and explained:

"In the extraordinary realm, nothing can be overdone. It is better to do less and slower than to do it too hastily."

"The essence of meditation is to absorb spiritual power from the sea of ​​spiritual power to strengthen oneself. This is indeed very comfortable, but it is also very dangerous. Don't forget, what is the greatest danger of transcendence?"

After thinking about what his father said just now, Alok replied:

"The erosion of the spiritual sea."

"This erosion is not painful, it is silent and even comfortable, allowing you to immerse yourself in it."

"It's like boiling a frog in warm water. In the end, when quantitative change turns into qualitative change. After absorbing too much spiritual power that does not belong to you, your will body will gradually be assimilated into the sea of ​​spiritual power. What's more serious, you will even be directly conscious. Collapse, the body becomes a monster until it dies.”

El reached out his finger and pointed at the tip of Elok's nose:

"So, exercise restraint."

Alok swallowed, feeling frightened for a while. Wouldn't it be if I immersed myself in it and did what I wanted.

Fortunately, I have a sister, and fortunately my family understands this. This feeling is so good.

Alok breathed a sigh of relief.

This is really unimaginable. I thought that the more diligent I was, the faster I would level up.

Smiling slightly, El said terrifying words:

"Many superhumans who don't know about it died on the first day. They were so immersed in meditation that they couldn't extricate themselves. When they found that they could no longer control themselves, it was too late. They had already turned into monsters and lunatics. This happens a lot every year. And even people who have entered the superhuman world for many years still make this mistake."

Hearing this, Alok asked, "Why didn't I find out?"

"Because the special departments of the temple and the government are responsible for handling these issues. Because of this, the government and the temple have strict management of superhumans and adopt naturalization management. In theory, every superhuman must register with the government. But you and I going to register is equivalent to seeking death. And most superhumans don't like being monitored."

Sitting up straight, Ir didn't continue the topic and said:

"I give myself a maximum of two hours a day to meditate. Usually before going to bed, and then rest to digest the spiritual power I have gained. During the day, I delve into superhuman knowledge, or practice skills, or go out to do things."

"You have meditated long enough today, and now it's time to rest. I will teach you other knowledge tomorrow during the day. Essential knowledge."

She looked at Alok and smiled. She got up and left Alok's bedroom.

After leaving the house, she looked back at Alok who looked back and saw her off:

"Wish you a good dream."

"You too."

Hearing the door close gently, Alok shook his head secretly and smiled unconsciously.

Turning around, he thought about what he had learned today. More than what he had learned in the previous six months.

With a silent sigh, he lay down on his chair.

The extraordinary world is really fascinating, and I am somewhat yearning for those passionate battles.

But why, I think of those pirates.

Am I destined to be a pirate?

He lay on the wooden table with a camellia carving.

He picked up the feather pen inserted in the ink bottle and kept stroking it.

I couldn't help but think:

"It's great to have a sister!"

"I will enter the stage of learning in the future. Although my sister is teaching me. But I am not ashamed to ask questions. Great learning spirit."

"I don't know what the pirate's skills are. There is nothing on the parchment. There is only one sentence. Is this called meditation? Are you kidding me? It turns out to be a secret spell."

"From what my father said, skills need to be bought. And they are not cheap. I guess my father must buy them for Il first."

"I heard that pirates can freely learn the skills of any profession. This may save a lot of money. It must be powerful if the skills are well matched. Watch me smash this world. Ha!!!"

"Well~ Maybe I can wait for Il to grow up and hug her thighs. This is more reliable."

A mysterious smile appeared on his face.

Stretched, got up with a little smile, and walked to the bathroom.


The next morning.

Alok got up early and looked at the sunrise outside the window of the room. The morning sun slowly rose from the horizon with golden edges.

He stretched. He chanted:

"I am a superhuman now!"

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