He came to the magic-binding formation, closed his eyes, and silently recited the incantation.

Wilson waited silently, not disturbing his colleagues' spellcasting. Jason on the side was still carefully observing the debris on the table and on the material shelf next to it.

He picked up the quill and rubbed it slightly. Then put it to the tip of your nose and smell it lightly.

Just used it. The ink is still wet.

Walk to the bookshelf and look for clues. With the help of the weak light of the oil lamp, I finally picked up the unevenly placed balance.

Wilson behind him saw Ron gradually clenching his fists, with a ferocious expression, and his hands and feet dancing wildly.

He was at a loss. What happened? how so?

After hearing the sound, Jason quickly put down the scale in his hand, turned around and stepped forward to interrupt his spellcasting, and shook his body to signal Wilson to hold him down.

He asked with concern: "Is it okay? What happened."

After three full minutes, Ron gradually stopped struggling and was sweating profusely, but finally opened his eyes and woke up.

Seeing Ron like this, Jason breathed a sigh of relief. Asked again:

"what happened?"

Ron's lips turned white. The experience must have been uncomfortable. He lay in Jason's arms and said in a weak tone:

"I tried to look back, but I could only see part of it. It was a magic ritual. I couldn't see the person's face clearly, and I couldn't hear what he said clearly."

He stopped talking and took a few breaths. As if recalling a painful experience, his expression was slightly ferocious, and he said again:

"His voice was completely covered up by the noise. The more I wanted to listen, the deeper I got, and I ended up being affected by the noisy ambient sound."

There was a brief silence between the three people.

"Don't think about it. Forget about the noise," Jason said.

Then, Jason concluded.

"Although it is a magic ritual, it is very strange that it cannot be traced back."

He pondered for a moment and said:

"Perhaps the ceremony itself was obscured."

Looking around, as if there was a fatal danger hidden in the surrounding darkness, Jason said cautiously:

"Let's get out of here. Ron, you can rest after you go back. It's too dangerous here."

"Then here?" Wilson said doubtfully.

Jason glanced at Wilson: "Here? Don't worry about it, this is not today's goal. You may be able to catch other big fish in the future."


It was getting dark and the alley became completely dark.

It was a narrow alley that could only accommodate one person. When two people met, they had to go sideways. There were low walls on both sides, and the ground was littered with broken glass, gravel and other debris. There are also personal problems over there that I don’t know who solved them. Dirty, stinky, like a sewer.

A tricolor tabby cat and a fat orange cat suddenly appeared in this alley. The tricolor cihuali cat also holds a huge mouse in its mouth.

There are two lines of plum blossom footprints printed on the ground in the alley.

It can be seen that the footprints at the back are a little heavier than the ones at the front.

When he reached the end of the alley, the orange cat jumped two steps, and suddenly a meow came from the silent alley:

"Meow~~ (Go to your house!)"

El looked at the orange cat in surprise and thought: Are you sick? Why are you meowing? This seems stupid.

Put down the Elok in your mouth. Also followed: "Meow~~~ (Speak in human language.)"

The screams one after another echoed in the alley, but fortunately no screams were made.

He didn't know what they were calling, and why did Alok feel that the two of them were quarreling. Damn, these two are crazy. A good person should not be treated like an animal.

So, Alok decided that he didn't understand and asked:


El and Lorna were a little confused by the strange meow. What does this mean? Why don't you understand?

He turned back to look at the innocent Alok.

El raised a cat's paw and tapped his head. Stupid brother!

She meowed to the orange cat again: "Meow~~~ (This is not a good place to talk, go back to my house first.)" Then she picked up Alok in her mouth and led the way.

The orange cat had a ferocious expression, opened its big mouth and laughed silently, and staggered to keep up with the pace.

It took thirty minutes to walk all the way to Elok's house, walking in a dark corner without encountering any emergencies. El led Lorna through the garden fence behind the house. He put down Alok, who was a little dizzy after a bumpy ride, and turned him into a human form. The two climbed to the window sill of El's room on the second floor.

There, Pawpaw had returned a long time ago, bringing with him a blue-haired seagull. Seems to get along well.

Alok was caught off guard by suddenly turning into a human. He hurriedly got up from the ground and patted the dirt on his body. sighed:

"Ah~ It's better to go home. What kind of pirate do you want to be? A free pirate. I almost got killed. But these two days are so exciting! Hey~"

Looking at his own house. Number plate at the door

77 Heaton Street, Black Quarter

A smile appears on your face. I believe my father is already anxious.

The lights in the room were turned on, and Alok smiled slightly. Walking slowly towards the front door. I wanted to take out the key from my waist, but found nothing.

Alok shrugged easily, okay, the knife is gone and the key is gone too.

Knocked on the door. No one asked who it was, and they saw Richie wearing trousers, a white shirt, and slippers on his corners. He was dressed in a homely style, but he still had the white wig on his head and appeared at the door. He exclaimed:

"Oh! Dear Alok, you're back. That's too bad."

Seeing Alok's face becoming somewhat gloomy, he said again: "Sorry, I mean, it's great."

Giving way, Richie nodded with a smile, "Come in quickly. You must be very hungry."

"No, I ate something. I'm a little thirsty." Alok replied. He walked quickly to the table. He picked up Richie's teacup on the table and took a big sip.

This water doesn't quench my thirst. Another cup.

Seeing Alok drinking, Richie smiled helplessly. Sitting on the small sofa beside the coffee table, he said: "Where is your sister?"

Pointing upstairs, Alok said vaguely: "She came back with me, upstairs. And Rona."

"That's good, that's good, dinner is settled. Otherwise, I'll have to eat damn bread again." Hearing this, Richie slumped on the sofa and completely relaxed.

Put down the teapot made by Rona in his hand. Alok found that he thought too much. His father didn't care about what happened to him at all. He was still most concerned about Il.

I heard Richie say again: "Where's my one-handed sword?"

Shrugged helplessly again. "Lost it."

"Huh? Where's the jacket?"


"Where's the hat?"


"Then you're really lucky to be back." Richie nodded slightly, as if he was very pleased and praised.

"That's right, I almost couldn't come back." Alok spread his hands.

Looking at the salt stains on Alok's clothes after they dried. Richie asked doubtfully: "Going out to sea?"

Seeing Alok nodded, he asked again: "Kidnapped by pirates?"

I was kidnapped, right? I didn't volunteer. I was just joking.

Not knowing how to answer, Alok showed a complicated expression on his face. In the end, he nodded in agreement.

"Then how did you come back." Richie widened his eyes.

It's hard to explain. I can't say that I made up a lie and really became a pirate. I made up another lie and encountered the evil god temple. I picked up a dagger at random, which is the key. Finally, he was vomited on the sea, and then he was rescued by Ir and came back alive. Especially because I was rescued by Ir, I can't say it.

Hey? Where is my dagger? Suddenly I realized that it was stuck in the box.

"It's a long story. Anyway, I encountered a heavy fog when I went out to sea, and then the ship sank, the pirates died, and I came back."

Seeing Richie's distrustful and somewhat surprised eyes. Alok confirmed again: "This is true."

After a few seconds, it seemed to be considering whether it was true or not.

"Okay, even if what you said is true! You are really lucky." Richie said with a tone of distrust.

Glancing at Alok again, Richie said: "Go take a shower first. Change clothes. Isn't it uncomfortable to be covered in salt?"

"Right away."

Seeing Alok agreed, he no longer paid attention, half lying on the sofa, picked up the newspaper and read it. He hummed unknown drama lines. His feet were still shaking.

He got up and walked to the bathroom upstairs. He took off the clothes that had been soaked in sea water for a day. Turn on the shower faucet.

As the hot water that had been on the roof for a day washed down, his spirit gradually relaxed from the tension. Alok even felt a little sleepy, but there was still one thing in his heart that he couldn't let go.

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