After lunch, Ir was still waiting anxiously. Even the practice that he had never fallen behind was suspended.

Not long after, a raven fluttered and landed on the windowsill of Alok's house. It first combed its feathers that had become messy due to the long-distance flight, and then straightened its chest. It looked quite gentlemanly.

Finally, it humanely tapped the transparent glass of the window with its beak.

Bang~ Bang~ Bang~

Hearing the sound, Ir hurriedly turned his head and put down the teacup that he had been holding for a long time. The black tea in it had become warm.

Walking to the window, he saw that it was his pet Claw Claw, and opened the window for it.

Gently stroked its black feathers and let it stand on his right arm.

In order to avoid scratching Ir with its sharp claws, Claw Claw opened its bird claws and slowly moved to Ir's shoulder.

Without too much communication, it leaned close to Ir's right ear and whispered a few words.

Hearing this, Ir's face changed again and again. Finally, it turned into a cyan color.

After a long time, as if he had made up his mind, Yier combed the feathers for Claw again. He said:

"I have to trouble you to lead the way for me."

Claw stretched out his wings and flapped a few times. He called "Wow~Wow" a few times.

Hearing these calls, Yier obviously looked happier, smiled, and said, "No problem, extra food."

He blinked at Claw again

"Wait for me. Go upstairs and wait for me."

Spreading his wings, he flew from outside the house to the landing place specially set up for him by Alok's family on the second floor, the windowsill of Yier's room, and Claw called twice in a low voice waiting for Yier.

Yier smiled slightly, turned around and walked towards his room upstairs.

He picked up his broom from the pile of debris at the door, took out a big hat from the closet in the bedroom and put it on, ready to go. As if he was considering it again, he turned back and put on the magic wand he had just bought.

She chanted the spell softly and pointed the magic wand at herself.

A white seagull appeared in front of him.

She tried to fly around the room to get used to her wings. Finally, she landed on the windowsill and walked out of the window that Claw had just opened for her like a gentleman.

Watching Claw gently close the window: "It's a good habit to remember to close the door when you go out." Ir nodded and signaled Claw to lead the way.

Although the combination of one black and one white is quite strange, it is much better than riding a broom out in broad daylight.

Ir followed Claw to the sea.

According to Claw, its younger brother found Alok who fell into the sea near Leyte Island southeast of Drol City.

He almost drowned. It sounds very miserable.

Ir was almost angry to death when he heard the news. After careful consideration, he decided to save his brother. Otherwise, what if he really died. After all, he is his only brother.

After more than half an hour of flying, Ir circled the wood that Alok was holding in the sky for several times before he was sure. This is really the stupid brother.

So she and Claw landed on the wood.

As soon as he came down, he heard the blue-haired man behind him say, "Alok, if you dare to scare it away again, you will be my dinner."

Seeing a raven also landed on the mast. Alok tilted his head. There are ravens on the sea?

Hmm? Why do I seem to have seen this bird before.

He seemed to suddenly understand. He must be hungry and blurry. That's right...

Maybe I should sleep for a while. It can save energy.

He closed his eyes. In addition to the blue and white stars representing Roger, there was another star with a white base and colorful light on the surface.

Hmm? What is this? That bird? Raven? Extraordinary creature?


He suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "Roger, don't do it, we are one."

The two birds, one black and one white, seemed to be frightened by Alok's shouting, and flew up and began to circle in the air.

This just made Roger's wind blade miss.

He glared at him, "Damn Alok. Just wait, I'll eat you tonight."

But Alok only stared at the raven in the sky and shouted:

"Claw, is that you? Call Il to save me. I'll give you a snack tonight. Really, I mean it."

"I'll open your favorite coconut for you. And coconut crab."

Roger frowned and stopped the wind blade that was ready to hit Alok's head.

A minute passed and nothing happened. The air seemed to be a little condensed. Alok tried to shout again:

"Claw? Il?"

I only saw the white seagull flying to a place not far from Alok and circling.

With a babbling sound, a cloud of mist blocked Alok's sight, and the white seagull in front of him turned into a girl wearing a witch hat and riding a broomstick floating in the air.

It was the witch Il.

"Well. Dear brother? What's the matter?"

It feels so good to find relatives. I thought I was going to die. It's really great to have an extraordinary sister.

With a sigh of relief, Alok smiled: "Dear Il. This is really great."

"Alok. What are you doing here?" Il asked in a puzzled manner. To be honest, she was a little angry. Who made Alok run around last night? As a result, he was really captured by pirates.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, and Alok was a little embarrassed. He laughed and said:

"Ah ha? Dear Il, look, I'm taking a bath here. Yes, that's right, taking a bath."

Seeing that Alok was still alive and well, not in a hurry at all, and even laughing with her. Il was a little angry again. Resist the urge to curse her unladylike.

She changed from riding on the broom to sitting sideways on the broom, pouting slightly and thinking:

"Hmm~~How's it going?"

"What's going on?" Alok asked.

"Take a bath, how was your bath?"

"Ahem, it's not bad, it's not bad." It was so embarrassing to ask my sister to save me, and Ailok continued to fight haha.

Roger looked behind, as if he was anxious about something. How long has it been and you are still talking about home affairs?

Let your sister take us away quickly.

Yier was so angry that he couldn't help but nodded, "Well, that's okay. Remember to go back tonight. You didn't go home yesterday, and dad thought you went out to find a woman, so he was very worried about you. I'll go back and talk to you first. Dad said you're fine. You're taking a bath."

She waved.

Alok was anxious, he was anxious.

How can this be possible? How can I go back if you leave?

He said hurriedly: "No, sister. Take me."

Elle sat astride the broom instead, "Aren't you taking a bath? I think you're doing well too."

Alok, who seemed to realize his mistake, but actually had no regrets at all, shouted with a sad face, "I was wrong, I was really wrong."

Elok, who was well aware of Alok's temper, rolled his eyes disdainfully, "Tsk, a man won't shed tears until he sees the coffin."

"Remember what you just said, give Pawpaw extra food." She added.

Seeing his sister say this, Alok shouted:

"No problem, no problem. Just be at ease."

"Hold on to my broom, let's fly back. Don't continue soaking in the sea water. It will attract sharks. You will also catch a cold." El suddenly said with concern.

"Okay, okay. Ha, sister, you are so good." Alok cheered.

An inappropriate sound suddenly came from behind El. "You seem to have forgotten something."

After hearing this, he slowly looked back and saw that it was the blue hair who wanted to eat him. El pointed at Roger and asked, "Who is this blue hair?"

Shrugging habitually, Alok looked for words to explain.

"Roger, an unlucky stranger."

"In other words, he is a pirate." Il also shrugged like Elok. "That's no problem, let's go."

Roger was anxious, he was anxious. shouted:

"Alok, you thought I saved you, but you left me alone. You didn't think I was your friend."

Hearing that Roger started to slander him, Alok coughed twice to relieve his embarrassment.

But it seemed that Roger said there was nothing wrong with saving him, so he said in a low voice:

He smiled awkwardly but politely:

"How about we save him?"

"You are my brother, and he is not. He is just a pirate." Elok was a little angry when he heard Elok's sympathetic words. "Besides, my broom can only be used by two people. I have already seen that you are my brother." Save face.”

Roger is indeed a good pirate, so he saved me. After all, Roger killed the captain. If it hadn't been for this, I probably wouldn't be able to get out now.

Then I saved Roger's life. If I hadn't inserted the dagger, I wouldn't be able to get out now.

"I'm a good pirate. Really. I've never gone ashore to kill anyone, and I've never robbed anything. I was forced to be a pirate because I was helpless. Wuwu~~" Roger looked longingly at Il, the great savior. There were tears in his eyes.

El felt sick at the sight.

"I can't take you away again, what do you want me to do?"

Roger crawled towards El, barely hugging his thighs, and shouted: "Master Witch, please save me. I promise to change my mind and never be a pirate again."

A burst of light suddenly lit up in his eyes, and El smiled strangely, and said in a rather brisk tone:

"I can save you, it depends on the price you pay."

He blinked and stretched out a finger to pretend to look casually. El feels that this has become clear.

Roger was pounding in his heart and tried to say: "1 gold coin?"

"1 gold coin? Is your life worth 1 gold coin?"

Stretching his finger towards Roger, El said loudly: "One thousand gold coins!"

(Please collect it!!!)

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