No way, brother! I made up the story!

Elok looked calm on the surface, as if he had expected it. But the way his eyes moved back and forth gave him away. His palms were a little sweaty, he held the torch in his right hand, and held his sword tightly in his left hand.

Looking at the eyes around him looking at him, Elok's Adam's apple trembled, and he pretended to be calm and said loudly:

"I was not like this last time, not so dark."

After listening carefully to the weak voice coming from the other side, Repton pondered for a moment and murmured to himself in a voice that no one could hear:

"Is it because the fog is too heavy? It's impossible. How can it be so thick that it's even dark?"

Squinting his eyes, he thought carefully.

"No, this must be the mist treasure." He widened his eyes and raised his head suddenly.

Otherwise, how could there be a silent effect? ​​There must be extraordinary factors in it.

Only shoals and rocks can allow ships to run aground. Based on Roger's knowledge of this area, there was no way he would encounter rocks and shoals. The place where they were stranded must be an island that suddenly appeared, just like what the kid said.

With a wave of his hand, Repton loudly directed everyone,

"Get off the boat."

Disembark? I don’t really think this is a treasure place.

I made it up, Captain.

But Alok didn't dare to say it. If he said it directly, he was afraid that everyone would be killed. I had no choice but to follow the others and get off the boat through the ladder on the side of the boat.

Holding a torch and observing carefully around his ship, Repton murmured:

"Sure enough, sure enough. This must be the treasure. I have never encountered such a weird thing in my life." The eyes revealed naked greed and madness.

He looked at the group of people who were disembarking from the boat, pointed at a few casually, and said loudly: "You guys go explore the surroundings." Then he pointed at Alok, "You. Lead the way for me."

He believed that there must be something wrong with this kid. Otherwise, it would be impossible to encounter this place while going to sea. Things that have not happened for decades suddenly happened. If you say that there is no such thing as this kid who suddenly appeared, no one will believe you.

Especially since this kid has been to the Mist Treasure twice.

Now Lapton really believes that Alok has been to the place where the mist treasure is. Otherwise it makes no sense.

Elok is really suffering and can't tell.

Although I traveled back in time and lived in a seaside city, this was really my first time going to sea. I never expected to encounter such a strange thing. I'm really unlucky today.

I just made up two lies, and no one knew they would come true. Who should I talk to to reason with this? Never make up lies again.

He covered his face and walked in front, leading the way helplessly. Although he didn't know where to go, he found a random direction where no pirates had yet explored.

The thin shirt couldn't withstand the moisture and cold here. He hadn't eaten since last night, which made Elok's steps a little hesitant.

But don’t bring up the issue of eating now. In such a weird place.

Being used to the darkness, and having another kind of vision with closed eyes, made Elok's fear much less. Although he has not fully adapted to the convenience that extra vision brings to him.

In another vision, there was no light in the ocean in front of Airok, and there was not a single star in the sky. It's like it's blocked. Only then did he react.

There is weirdness. But I just found a random way. Forget it, let’s go.

In the darkness, everyone's torches gradually illuminated a larger area, and the fog dispersed a lot.

Underfoot, gray floor tiles paved a path leading straight ahead. The floor tiles were also covered with a layer of moss, as if no one had walked on them for years.

There was darkness at the end of the road ahead, and the light of the torches could not illuminate it. It looks like there's still some way to go.

There was no sound around, only the footsteps of everyone echoed throughout the space.

Repton was still muttering to himself:

"Sure enough, this guy knows the way."

Airok turned around after hearing this, "What did you say, Captain."

Raising his head, Repton was a little surprised. There was no silence effect here?

"Lead the way and don't talk."

Alok shrugged ungentlemanly, turned around and continued moving forward.

Some broken stone statues appeared one after another on both sides. The moss attached to the surface made them unrecognizable, and it was impossible to tell what they were carved on. Elok picked up a small stone statue, held it in his hand and rubbed it.

A dagger.

Um? Quite beautiful.

There is a broken human hand on top.


Elok was discarded casually on the roadside. Picked up by Repton behind him. He raised his eyes and glanced at Alok in front of him, then looked back and forth carefully at the statue in his hand, and finally put it in his arms to preserve it.

This guy is a little superstitious about Alok now. As long as this kid has touched and seen everything, he will find it useful. Until... I can't let it go in my arms.

"I say, boy."

"Huh? What's wrong, Captain?" Alok turned around and asked in confusion when he heard the captain's voice.

"I said, can you stop picking up stones? I can't get them anymore." Repton said, holding two large stones in his hands and four or five small stones in his arms. Repton put down all the stones in his hand, except for the first one.

Spreading his hands, Elok said helplessly: "Okay, it's up to you, Captain." Then he inserted the last statue in his hand into his waist and stopped throwing it away.

It was a complete stone dagger, without any damage. The black surface was smooth, with a strange green light. Holding it in the hand was like a real dagger.

Alok liked it very much and planned to take it home as a souvenir for his sister. How could you go to a place without bringing souvenirs?

He was very open-minded.

The group had walked together for a long time without encountering any danger, and they could speak after the fog dissipated, which made Alok relax his vigilance and walk forward with a swagger. Complete statues and a huge stone pillar began to appear on both sides.

The stone pillars depicted murals with some exotic characteristics, which seemed to be scenes of life and sacrifices. Alok was attracted by these murals and stopped to watch.

The people on it were quite strange, with slender figures and pointed ears.

Could it be an elf? Well~ it could also be a dramatic expression of art.

This place looks like a hall, not a place where there is any treasure.

Alok was still thinking, but Repton was not in a hurry. Standing in the back waiting, it seemed as if Alok was the captain and he was just a follower.

Until Roger behind him whispered in his ear:

"Captain, Sorok is missing."

Frowning slightly, Repton thought about it and nodded:

"Well, I haven't seen him."

He glanced at Alok who was still looking at the mural and said:

"Let's go, don't worry about him."

Following Repton's footsteps, everyone passed Alok and continued to move forward.

At this time, Alok was attracted by the mural. It's not that he was too fascinated, but a mysterious power made him intoxicated. Seeing the mural is like experiencing a story.

A half-blood elf in the story, his father is the prince of the human empire, and his mother is the princess of the elves.

Later, the empire went to war, and the elves were also involved, and the situation was quite difficult. The protagonist's mother had to return to the elves' hometown to help the elves resist the war. On the battlefield, the protagonist's father killed her mother with his own hands, which made the protagonist hate his father.

After that, the protagonist believed in the "Goddess of Vengeance" and gained power from her to take revenge on her father.

In the end, she killed her father, completed her revenge, and became a hero of the elves.

What a magical mural, it can express the meaning just like that. Or does it involve extraordinary power?

The story is so moving. Alok nodded and was quite satisfied with the mural.

Can I knock it down, take it home, and give it to my sister? Hmm~~~ I'll try it when I come back. But this is too heavy. It would be nice if I had a camera. Oh~~~

I won't pay attention to these anymore. Alok turned around and planned to continue leading the way.

The empty hall. The dense darkness enveloped Alok. The light of the torches seemed particularly dim.

Where are the people? Damn!

He closed his eyes and took a look with extra vision, and breathed a sigh of relief. I saw that the blue and white stars and shadows were still there, but the three-color weird star was gone.

Fortunately, it was okay. If I were alone, I would be scared to death. I was probably too fascinated by the murals, so they left first.

Walking forward quickly, Alok heard footsteps behind him.

Damn, how come it's like a horror movie.

He ran quickly in fear, and it would be fine when he found everyone.

Don't look back, don't look back.

The light of the torch flickered because of Alok's running, and Alok's figure was reflected on the stone pillars that appeared more and more frequently on both sides.

Listening to the heavy breathing and faster and faster footsteps behind him. Alok ran faster and faster. Seeing the light in front of him. He used his remaining strength to run at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

Finally, he lay down in front of Roger, and the torch was also thrown to the ground by him.

"What are you doing, Alok?" Roger asked Alok, who was running out of breath.

"Is someone chasing you?"

Lying on the ground, panting, and stroking his chest. Alok replied:

"Yes, yes, there is someone behind me."

Hearing this, everyone was as if they were facing a great enemy. Repton drew his sword, and everyone formed a circle around him, leaving Alok outside. Hmm~outside.

Too ruthless.

When Alok finally caught his breath, no one noticed anything unusual, and the atmosphere was a little weird. Repton asked, "What's following you?"

"No, I don't know." Alok said.

A faint echo echoed in the air.

Emmmm~~ Could it be an echo?

He hurriedly continued:

"Anyway, it's very dangerous here, especially in the dark. Everyone be careful and don't act alone."

"Yeah, that's right." Roger nodded in agreement, "This place is too weird, and I don't know where it is?"

Repton said with an unchanged expression. Then he turned and walked forward. Repton's voice came from the air:

"It's a temple."

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