The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 115 The long history of sewers (Please recommend!!)

"Captain Jack. Someone is looking for you." Mrs. Harry's voice sounded as if she was still asleep.

Alok, who was half lying on the sofa in the bar, instantly became energetic when he heard Mrs. Harry's voice. He shouted:

"Mrs. Harry, you are finally up. Give me a tomato beef brisket pot. A larger portion, no carrots, more beef."

"I know. You have to wait a while. Really, the bar is now selling lunch." Mrs. Harry complained.

Then, she pointed at Alok and said to the skinny man in a hood and cloak in front of her:

"See, the one over there is the person you are looking for."

Hearing this, the man looked at Alok. He turned around after a quick look, and didn't care about Mrs. Harry, and went directly to sit opposite Alok. He said:

"Captain Jack?"

"Yeah. What's the matter?" Alok asked listlessly.

"I'm looking for Miss Witch." He said bluntly without any emotion in his language.

Oh? Is this the commission of Il?

Glancing at the skinny man, he turned on the astral vision.

Sure enough, judging from his appearance and astral body, it was indeed the necromancer at the party.

So, he nodded and said:

"I see. I'll go find Miss Witch in a while. You wait here for a while."

"It's urgent. I don't know~~" the necromancer said with a slight hesitation.

Looking at the still lowered head, Alok said helplessly:

"Okay, okay. Miss Witch will be here soon. Don't worry. I have to eat now."

He yawned, and then gently touched his right hand with his left hand. He left a message to Il without being serious:

Your commission is here. Sanhe Bar is waiting for you.

After that, the necromancer sitting opposite Alok never said a word again. This made Alok a little embarrassed. He didn't know whether to start a conversation or just stay like this?

Forget it, just wait for the food to come up. By then, it won't be me who is embarrassed.


After the storm, Il's figure just appeared at the door of the bar.

Alok recognized her at a glance.

She was wearing a dress in the style of Celanese. A short cape was draped over her upper body, and a hood that only exposed her chin was attached to the cape.

He greeted Il and said to the necromancer in front of him:

"The witch lady you are looking for is here."

Then, he stood up and walked towards Il, ready to say a few polite words. Praise Il for her mysterious outfit today, and so on.

But he saw that Il didn't seem to want to pay attention to him, and looked at him calmly. There was no intention to greet him at all. So Alok instantly lost interest in being polite.

When passing by, he looked back at Il's petite body and found that Il had no intention of turning back and smiling.

Finally, he shrugged his shoulders angrily and straightened the tricorn hat on his head. He patted his leather coat. To ease the embarrassment.

It seems that Il does not intend to reveal that he is familiar with Captain Jack.

In this case, let her do the commission herself. If they need me, they will come to me.

As for me?

I'll go find my bullets.

Oh no, find Rona.


Back to the familiar 77 Heaton Street again.

Alok opened the door and looked at his father and Professor Palmer in the living room in surprise.

They each wore a straw hat, a cool shirt, and half pants.

He took off his tricorn hat and hung it on the hanger at the door, and Alok asked:

"Father? You're still at home. Haven't you gone to Lake Sitoli to fish~~~research?"

"Aha, yes. We were planning to go. Don't you think so, Palmer?" Richie was a little embarrassed, scratched his wig and laughed.

"Why did you come back? Ir just left, and I was about to leave." Richie asked curiously.

"Change clothes and go out. Do some heavy physical labor." Alok shrugged and said casually.

"Oh, then you should be careful. If you get hurt, don't get hurt too badly." Richie said.

Hey~ What do you mean by don't get hurt too badly? Shouldn't it be "Be careful, don't get hurt?"

"I know. Don't worry. You won't get hurt." Alok said unhappily.

Then, he shook his head and walked upstairs to his bedroom.

But just as he reached the stairs, he suddenly stopped and frowned slightly as if he remembered something. Turning around, he asked:

"Father, are you going to Lake Sitoli?"

Rich looked at Alok in surprise, not understanding why Alok suddenly asked this, and said casually:

"Yes. What's wrong? The fish there, oh no. The 'Ren' there is very good."

Thinking carefully about what Roger had said about the fog two days ago, Alok continued to ask:

"Is there fog over Lake Sitoli? It's very big fog, the kind that can even block the sun."

Hearing this, Rich and Professor Palmer, who was sitting on the sofa and smoking silently, looked at each other, and then said:

"Yes, there is, but it's not that big. We won't go there, the 'Ren' there is not easy to adjust. What's wrong?"

"Well~~I heard that the fog covered the entire city of Dror. From Lake Sitoli to the asbestos mine. So you should pay attention to safety." Alok said with a forced smile.

"It's okay, Alok. Don't listen to those people's scaremongering. There's no danger. It's okay if we go every time." Richie waved his hand arrogantly.

"This is best. The main thing is to remind father of you." Alok said with a wry smile.

He suddenly thought that since his father knew about the mist, was it possible that his father, as a government employee, had the blueprints of the sewers in Dror City?

It seems unlikely.

But it’s a big deal if there are dates or not. Right.

"By the way. Father, do you know the drawings of the sewers in Delor City?" Elok asked.

"Ha, what do you want that thing for?" Richie asked in surprise.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just very interested in the huge sewer system in Drol City. I didn't expect that a sewer could be built so wide. I wonder if the government is stupid." Elok explained.

Richie seemed to have suddenly become interested. He was planning to leave home, but suddenly he sat on the sofa. said:

"Hey? Are you interested in this? The municipal government should have the sewer drawings. The military should also have them. I don't have them. But if you are interested in sewers, I can tell you about them."

"Oh? Okay. I am indeed a little interested." Alok was very surprised and said while sitting on the sofa.

Hearing this, Richie asked like an old professor:

"Do you know why I know about the sewer system in Dror City?"

Then, without waiting for Elok's answer, he asked and answered himself:

"Because the sewers in Dror City have a lot of history. This is my area of ​​expertise."

"The sewer system of Dror City was built at the end of the last era. It has a history of at least 1,000 years. At that time, Dror City still believed in Troy, the god of war. This is Naviste State. The traditional source of martial arts.”

"During that period, due to the influence of the architectural style of the Church of the God of War, all buildings were built very huge, including sewers. The current sewer system in Dror City benefited from the construction during that period. Therefore, this is also That’s why even if it rains heavily, Dror City is still not flooded.”

Then he spread his hands and said with a regretful expression:

"But it is a pity that Troy fell later. His temple also sank and the city of Dror was destroyed. Only the sewer system remained in the world. After the reconstruction, the city of Dror still used the sewers of the previous era. . And the current Gangcheng District is built on the Temple of the God of War.”

ah? Unexpectedly, the most historic thing in Delor City is actually the wide sewer.

No wonder I always thought it was impossible for the government to build such wide sewers. The relationship didn't cost a penny, it was used for the last era.

By the way, the quality of this sewer is really good. It hasn't broken after a thousand years of use.

The quality of the products from Ares Church is still good.

Well~~ By the way, the Church of the God of War.

Alok, who lowered his head and sighed, was stunned for a moment.

Ares Temple?

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