"Police! Open the door!"

A loud voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this, Rona was slightly surprised and turned back to give Ir a look. But she did not waste time, but said in a panic:

"Police, Mr. Police. Please, please, please wait a moment."

As if he understood Rona's look, Ir gently waved to Alok, motioning him to follow, and walked back. Entering a side door.

This was not the binding laboratory that Ir went to just now, it seemed to be Rona's lounge or something like that.

Rona walked lightly to the high windowsill next to the small bed in the room. There was just a view of the ground of a dark and narrow alley. She motioned to Alok to open the window, and she put Roger in her hand on the bed.

Seemingly realizing that something was wrong, Roger closed his wings and eyes as if he was dead. He looked like a dead chicken.

Taking out the wand from his arms again, Ir rubbed it. He silently chanted a spell to Alok and himself.

A three-color tabby cat and a huge gray mouse appeared in the room. The three-color tabby cat grabbed the mouse in one bite and suddenly jumped onto the windowsill where Alok had opened the window just now.


Wilson is a policeman in Drol City, or to be more precise. He is a supernatural policeman. He is employed by the Supernatural Affairs Committee's Supernatural Affairs Handling Department. Although he is not a real supernatural, he has some supernatural experience.

It is very dangerous to handle supernatural events when you are not a supernatural. Usually, you just sit in the office and pour coffee, handle documents, etc.

Only real supernaturals can handle supernatural events.

But since the port of Drol City was attacked by pirates yesterday, Wilson began to accept an outbound mission to guard the port of Drol due to a shortage of manpower.

In the afternoon, the Temple of Justice also came. This gave Wilson a bad premonition. This often means - evil gods and pagans.

The police began to be alert. Even a large-scale extraordinary item for detecting spell fluctuations was used.

It can detect spell fluctuations in the entire Port of Drol and the port city area.

And just now, fluctuations occurred in the area where Wilson was located. Although the specific location is unknown, there is still a range.

This is the third door he knocked on.

A sweet and somewhat nervous and frightened voice came from the door, and he smiled slightly. "How could such a nice voice be related to the evil god?"

After waiting outside the door, the door was opened. A girl in a gray robe with a gray face appeared in front of her. Her lake blue eyes were bright and wide, and her hands were still nervously grasping the clothes in front of her belly.

Seeing Wilson, the girl still stuttered and said:

"Long, long wait. Just, just cleaned up the house, it's too messy."

Wilson nodded slightly and pointed to the room. Motioned her to go in.

Follow the girl into the room and look around. The dim oil lamp emits a faint light, reflecting the shabby low table in front. There was a plate on the table, but unfortunately there was nothing on it.

There were two small wooden stools beside the table. They were only about 20 centimeters high.

The simple interior was empty. It was in line with the life of the people in this place. Generally, there was a small bed, and the better ones would be separated.

Not finding anything suspicious, he casually asked:

"What's your name?"

"Rona, Officer."

Rona seemed less nervous, but her hands still grabbed the clothes in front of her.

Wilson nodded:

"Where are your parents?"

"Dead." Rona showed a sad expression.

It was really pitiful, but before Wilson could show a sympathetic expression.

There was a slight sound from the small door on the side of the room. Normal people would not feel anything, or even hear it. But Wilson turned his head and looked over there and asked:

"What is that place over there."

He made a slightly trembling voice again:

"Officer, Officer, it's, it's my bedroom." Rona lowered her head shyly.

"Go and have a look." Wilson pointed over there, saying sparingly.

He passed Rona and strode towards the bedroom.

He opened the door directly and saw a three-color cat standing on the windowsill holding a huge mouse, and a seagull lying straight on the bed.

The cat seemed to be frightened and ran away like a fly.

Rona hurried over and said more shyly:

"Officer, you know, there are always a lot of mice here." There was even some crying in her tone.

Wilson didn't say anything. He looked around, stepped hard on the floor and knocked on the wall.

He didn't find anything wrong.

Then he walked out of the door without looking back, and finally looked back at Rona:

"Be careful."

Rona nodded and sent Wilson to the door, biting her lips lightly.

Seeing Wilson continue to walk forward. Rona closed the door, contrary to her previous expression. Her face was a little gloomy.

She hurried to the bedroom window sill. The three-color tabby cat was still waiting for her, revealing half of its head. The seagulls were gone.

She hurriedly climbed onto the bed, and without saying much, Ir turned her into an orange cat. She jumped onto the windowsill.

She spoke in human language:

"Let's go, it's not safe here."

Ir didn't say a word, and picked up Alok again. He walked along the corner of the alley towards Heaton Street.

At the end of the alley, he met Wilson again, who was coming out of a family's house.

Wilson was stunned when he saw the cat. He frowned.

At this moment, the police badge suddenly vibrated. This is an emergency assembly order. Wilson did not dare to neglect, touched the police badge lightly, and walked hurriedly towards the port.

But on the road, he happened to meet Captain Jason and Ron who were also walking towards him in a hurry.

Seeing Jason walking towards him, Wilson hurriedly rushed over, saluted, and said:

"team leader."

Unexpectedly, Jason replied:

"Are you OK."

Some were confused, but Wilson didn’t feel anything was wrong and replied:

"It's okay, Captain Jason."

Nodding and looking at Wilson carefully, Jason took off the pipe from his mouth, blew out a puff of smoke and said:

"There is another extraordinary fluctuation coming from your side. This time it is accurately located. Follow me."

Taking out something similar to a compass from his pocket, Jason glanced at it and motioned for Wilson to follow.

Arriving outside Lorna's room door again, Wilson frowned and said in a low tone:

"Sheriff, I've been here."

Seeing Jason look at him, he added: "Just now. But I didn't find anything wrong."

He lowered his head, looking a little frustrated.

"You're lucky! It's not your fault." Jason comforted briefly.

Without saying anything else, Jason stepped forward and knocked lightly on the door. There was no sound from inside. He seemed to be saying to himself:

"The people are gone. But beware of traps."

Wilson knew that this was Jason reminding him. He nodded silently.

Kicking open the door, Jason rushed in first. This doesn't sound like caution at all.

Following the guidance of the compass, Jason came to the bedroom just now. With the help of the faint light brought by the sky that has not completely turned dark, what I see is an empty room and a quietly open window.

Not many words. Walking out of the bedroom with an unchanged expression, Jason began to search in the room.

Finally found the secret door disguised behind the curtain. Lift the curtains, go to the secret door at the back, and then slowly reveal the secret tunnel entrance on the floor.

Jason bent over and slowly climbed into the tunnel. Ron and Wilson looked at each other and climbed in one after the other.

Sure enough, the captain is still experienced.

When the fire was lit, the figures of three people gradually appeared in the dark basement.

Seeing the magic-binding formation in front of him, Jason didn't show any different expressions. Instead, Ron behind him exclaimed:

"The altar of the evil god?"

Without turning his head, Jason picked up the oil lamp that had just been lit next to him and observed it carefully.

After a while, Ana Shen said:

"Not an altar. A binding circle." He lowered the oil lamp in his hand so that Ron and Wilson could see what the circle looked like.

Ron nodded with understanding and said:

"So, he's a mage binder?"

"Don't jump to conclusions too early." Jason looked around again as he raised the oil lamp.

Various materials come into view, plus the ink bottle on the table. Jason thought about it for a moment and said:

"Maybe a binder. Ron, please backtrack."

Ron, who was behind him, nodded and replied: "No problem, Captain."

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