"That's really great. Lilia is considering what profession to become. She is undecided. I wonder what Knight Phasma has to say?" Elizabeth tilted her head and said.

After thinking for a few seconds, Alok said:

"I think it is more appropriate to choose a career that is safer and more stable. Alchemists, historians, psychologists, meteorologists, prophets, and artists are better. What do you think? Of course, life priests are also good. "

He selected several extraordinary professions that Heipi considered to be less threatening to society and suitable for women to learn, and provided them with reference advice. Such a career is safer.

"Wow. I didn't expect Mr. Phasma to be knowledgeable." Obviously, the two novices were a little surprised and praised in surprise.

Even Lorna was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Alok would be able to provide reference opinions quickly.

He looked at Lorna again and said teasingly:

"It seems that you are selling a secret spell to them."

"Tch. Take care of yourself first. You are a stupid knight who can only protect you." Lorna glanced at Elok and mocked again.

"Hahaha. No problem, you can say whatever you want." Alok laughed.

He looked at Lilia and Elizabeth again and asked:

"What profession do these two ladies want to be? Maybe I can help Lorna introduce it to you. Apart from psychologists and prophets, which I don't know much about, I can also give you some advice on others."

"I think we can roughly understand something from the name of the profession. I think we need to think about it first." Elizabeth continued. "Maybe you could make that deal."

"Of course, if you have any questions, you can ask me." Alok said with a smile.

He put his right hand into his coat, took out the pistol from his left waist, and placed it on the table. There was a "pop" sound.

The one-handed sword that was originally hung on the left side was abandoned by him in the captain's cabin because it did not match his fighting style.

He was obviously startled when he saw Elizabeth and Lilia, looking at him nervously. Alok smiled and said:

"I'm more dangerous than this gun here. Don't worry."

Then, he pushed the pistol towards Lorna and said:

"A four-shot pistol. Enchant it for me. Seeing as you are already at Level 2, it would be best if you could enchant it at Level 2."

Seeing this, Lorna glanced at it, but did not take it or say anything.

It wasn't until she saw Alok taking out a mixed gray and green crystal from her pocket that her eyes shone brightly. She grabbed the crystal and took a closer look in front of her eyes.

He nodded and praised:

"Nice crystallization. From the Undead Scholar?"

Shrugging helplessly, Alok replied: "That's right. This is enough."

"Of course, it's just right." Lorna's eyes were shining.

Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on Alok's face, and he thought: That's not just right. Don't know how much is exceeded.

He shook his head and continued:

"By the way, I found that the bullets I had were not suitable for this pistol. Can you modify them?"

Lorna opened the bullet chamber of the pistol, took a closer look, shook her head and said, "The bullets cannot be modified, the pistol can. But modifying the pistol may affect its power. Are you sure?"

After thinking about it for a moment, Alok shook his head and said:

"Forget it. Then make some bullets for me. Let's use this as a partner. How about it?"

"Okay. Bullets are not worth anything." Lorna replied with a smile.

"It can enchant two positions. What type of enchantment do you want? Powerful? Accurate? Special effects? Such as magic arrows?" She asked again.

After thinking for a few seconds, Alok replied:

"Someone can increase the control effect, and some can enhance the power. Is that okay?"

"Hmm~~~" Rona pondered for a moment, nodded, and said with a strange smile: "Okay. Give me two hours."

Then, she stood up and said to Elizabeth: "You guys chat first. Let him introduce you to the characteristics of his profession. He has more experience than me."

"But I still recommend that you choose the alchemist."

"Of course. Lorna. We'll have a great time," Elizabeth said with a smile. "Go and do your business."

"Thank you, Lorna." Alok said gratefully with a smile.

"Of course. Have a nice day." Lorna said with a smile, then turned and walked towards the bathroom in the bedroom.

When Lorna turned her head, her face instantly turned gloomy, she gritted her teeth and thought viciously: I hope you can still laugh after a while. You put me in solitary confinement and you dare to steal my business.

"She's gone. Can you introduce me to those professions?" Elizabeth asked with a smile.

"Of course, of course it's no problem." Alok said.

"Alchemist, believe me, there is no need to say it. You should have heard what Lorna said. The only disadvantage of this profession is that it is too expensive. The materials are very expensive, and in the early stage when the skill proficiency is relatively low, these materials will be very expensive. money."

"Lona didn't tell us about this." Elizabeth said immediately.

"Of course, this is just a small disadvantage. The advantage is of course that you can also make money. Help others to enchant and earn material fees. For example, the crystal I gave to Lorna just now." Elok added.

"Historians are masters of memory. They are very popular in the police department and the government. The biggest advantage of being a historian is that you will never forget things. All your experiences will be engraved in your mind. As long as you want to look them up, you will never forget them."

Before Elizabeth asked, Alok continued humorously: "Become a meteorologist. You will never wear the wrong clothes. Because you can predict what the weather will be like tomorrow. You can also blow strong winds and use attacks with little power. It is more comprehensive."

"As for artists, I don't know much. But I have a friend who is an artist. According to him, artists need an extraordinary musical instrument as their weapon. Otherwise, they will not be able to play their professional value."

"As for life priests, they can heal injuries. Learned in the Temple of the Goddess of Life."

Alok finished speaking in one go, not caring whether the two ladies could remember it. Anyway, I finished speaking and introducing it.

"What do you think? What profession do you think is good?" Elizabeth did not consider it, but asked directly after Alok finished speaking.

Hearing this, he smiled and told his insights over the past month:

"Me? I can only say that every profession has its own characteristics. As long as you find the right route for this profession, all professions are good. This requires you to weigh it according to your own situation. Different people have different suitable professions."

He smiled and looked at Elizabeth.

There were several obvious freckles on her face, and there was a little light of thought in her sky-blue eyes.

"I want to be a psychologist." A weak voice suddenly sounded.

This was the first time Lilia spoke, and she had made a decision unexpectedly.

The ordinary appearance seemed a little ordinary compared to Elizabeth next to her, making it hard to remember her all of a sudden. Her usual brown pupils also seemed a little dim.

Alok thought this lady was a shy and follow-the-flow girl, but she was more decisive and opinionated than Elizabeth.

He was stunned for a moment, looked at Lilia, and asked, "Oh? Why?"

"Don't you think it's interesting to study other people's psychology? For example, you and Rona just now. There must be no scandals that others have said. I can see it from your eyes. Also, maybe you should be careful of Rona later, he may retaliate against you." Lilia said with a smile.

"It seems that you have a talent as a psychologist." Alok was a little amused.

Huh? What scandals do Rona and I have? ? ?

Why do you girls know all this?

Also, what disadvantages will Rona have on me? ?

"Thank you. Also, although I don't know what your profession is, you are not a knight." Lilia said again.

Okay, although you see through it, it's your fault to say it out. How can you let me pretend like this? Oh no, it's a disguise! He shook his head and continued:

"Maybe you should really become a psychologist. Although I don't know much about this profession and don't know what the secret spell is, I know that this profession was called a dreamer or hypnotist in ancient times. There is a skill called hypnosis. It is a powerful control skill."

"Also, I have to remind you. When you don't know whether others are good or bad, it's best not to expose their shortcomings. Don't expose their disguises." Alok finally reminded.

"Hehe, you won't hurt anyone present. I can see that." Lilia said again.

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