He held a large plate in his left hand, on which a small mountain of various things were piled. His right hand was still adding more.

"Florian." Alok walked to the big guy, patted him on the shoulder and said.

Florian was obviously startled by the sudden sound, and almost dropped the plate in his hand. His hand habitually touched his waist on the right side.

"Don't be so nervous. It's me." Alok was amused by this scene, and held down his hand that was about to draw the gun, comforting him.

When Florian saw Alok, who was almost a head shorter than him, behind him, his nerves relaxed. He breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"I was scared to death. Jack."

Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he looked at Alok in surprise and asked puzzledly:

"Why did you get on the Dror?"

"I was just about to ask you. I plan to go to Damia to broaden my horizons." Alok explained.

"So that's how it is. Damia is indeed a good place. Speaking of which, I went to Damia thanks to you. Didn't I tell you that I would go to Damia for a while?" Florian picked up the last steak and put it on the top of the plate.

"Oh? So soon?" Alok asked, adding a small piece of fried fish and a little sauce.

He smiled and said mysteriously: "The sooner the better."

Of course, the sooner the better. Secondment means preparing for promotion. Who doesn't want to be faster?

Then, the two came to Alok's dining table and sat down facing the sea.

"Then I want to congratulate you first." Alok said with a smile.

"Where do you live?" Alok looked at Florian, then spread his hands and continued: "You know. The ship will be sailing for a whole month. It's too boring. Maybe I can play cards with you."

The card game he mentioned is a tabletop game popular in the Hutt Empire. It's called playing cards, but it's actually a bit like mahjong.

"406. You can go there to find me." Florian said while eating. "But if we're just playing cards, forget it. I still have a mission."

"Oh? Mission?" Alok asked in surprise.

"That's right. Because I went to Dameia, I also accepted the mission to protect the safety of the Drol." Florian hesitated a little.

"The fourth floor is where the captain, security, and some necessary staff are."

"Where do you live? In fact, I feel more at ease with you here. Maybe I can ask you for help with something. You won't refuse, will you?" Florian looked up at Alok and said.

"Of course. As long as there is money." Alok said without hesitation. "312."

Knowing Alok's rules, it's easier to get things done with money. Florian also likes such people, and they are reliable and professional enough. In case of any emergency, this will be a powerful help. Although there are not many such things.

So he answered readily: "Hahaha. No problem. I took the initiative to assign you a commissioned task. But it can only be settled after landing. I believe the police in Dameia are willing to pay this fee."

"No problem, no rush." ​​Alok replied.

Alok was also happy to earn some extra money. Of course, if there was any.

Hearing this, Florian excitedly raised his beer glass and said to Alok:

"Then let's toast."

To be honest, Alok was really surprised to see Florian on the ship, and he was very happy. After all, humans are social animals, and if there is a trustworthy friend around, they will lose a lot of troubles.

He also raised his glass and said:


Florian laughed heartily, then drank a whole glass of beer, sighed, and continued:

"By the way. When we arrive in Damia, maybe we can have further cooperation. I wonder where I can find you?"

Alok thought about it, but he hadn't figured out how to stay in Damia, so he told the truth:

"Well~~~ I haven't thought about it yet. I'll go and see the situation before making a decision."

He changed the subject and said:

"Will you go to the dance tonight?"

Florian nodded and said: "Of course. This is an important part of security work. It's also an important part of socializing. I didn't expect to find beautiful ladies here. It's so lucky." He seemed to be fantasizing about something, raised his head slightly, and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

After hearing Florian's argument again, Alok looked helplessly. So this is security work.

To be honest, I think I am more suitable for security work. After all, not everyone has astral vision. If there is really any problem, astral vision can also find it in the first time.

Through repeated use of astral vision, Alok gradually discovered the characteristics of astral vision.

The field of view is about 100 meters, and it can penetrate walls.

This seems to perfectly match the characteristics of the security of the Drol. The Drol is a full 120 meters, just within the field of view of astral vision.

It can also see the aura of extraordinary weapons, which is different from the astral body, but it is also conspicuous enough.

Well~~ There are a few shortcomings. The detection of the traitor profession will be interfered with to varying degrees. For example, the teleportation array interfered with me.

Therefore, you can't blindly trust astral vision. There must be a way to evade detection.

"What are you thinking about?"

Florian's voice suddenly came in front of him. Alok came back to his senses and smiled: "Nothing. I was thinking that you must be thinking about the graceful figures of those ladies."

"Hahaha. You have become humorous. Captain Jack." Florian laughed.

When he stopped laughing, he picked up another fried pork chop, stuffed it into his mouth and said casually:

"By the way. Do you have a knight's second-level skill? If you do, sell me one."

"What? You upgraded?" Alok asked in surprise.

Florian didn't mean to hide it at all, and said directly: "Of course. How can you be a sheriff at the first level? You can only be a working minion. Do you have it?"

"I don't know much about the profession of knight. I am a 'lord'." He deliberately emphasized the word lord.

Believe in your own information. The police should not know everything. I pretended to be a knight, but as Florian who has the most contact with me, how could he not know? Wouldn't he be a fool? ? ?

Although he is a little stupid, he will definitely not be unable to see this.

As long as he could still cooperate and didn't show hostility. The black man was willing to help him hide his identity. Pretend to be a knight.

This was also a tacit understanding between the two parties.

Florian didn't have much hope, so he didn't feel frustrated. He said, "Okay. Lord Phasma. Please pay attention to it when you have a chance. It feels bad to have only one courage skill after upgrading."

"Of course no problem, but remember to pay." Alok responded with a smile.

"Hahaha. Money is not a problem."

This is what Florian said when he first met Alok.

Alok also felt very relaxed, and the meal began in such a pleasant atmosphere.

Compared with the nobles around them, Alok and Florian ate the most. Even Roger beside them was much more gentlemanly than the two.

When the two were full, lunch was coming to an end. Fortunately, Alok went to Florian's cabin to recognize the door, and then returned to his cabin to take a nap. Make up for the lack of sleep caused by getting up early in the morning.


At dusk, the sun gradually slanted westward towards the distant sea level. The haze at noon has disappeared, and the sea is calm and the scenery is beautiful. The calm sea surface is shining with golden waves, like a golden road connecting the gradually sinking sunset in the distance.

Surrounded by seagulls, some follow the Drol or fly around the Drol. There is also a pure black raven mixed in. Although it is a bit inconsistent, no one cares about these trivial matters.

Alok stood on the huge balcony outside the living room and looked at the sunset outside the window, sighing.

He looked at the sunset and saw the gray-haired Viscount Mason moving a lounge chair and watching the sunset on the balcony. Behind him was her daughter. It looked quite peaceful.

He cherished this scenery and did not disturb them. Quietly waiting for the sunset to sink completely into the sea.

When a bright red fire cloud appeared in the sky, Viscount Mason sighed, stood up from his chair with difficulty, looked back at Alok, and sighed across the gap between the balconies:

"It seems that I am not the only one who likes the sunset. Seeing such a scene is like seeing myself."

"After the sunset, there is a bright starry sky." Alok smiled and comforted.

"Hahaha, I like you." Viscount Mason suddenly laughed and said while holding the balcony railing.

"We are going to the ball? In fact, it has already started. But I really can't bear to miss this view."

"This is a courtesy to the organizer of the ball." Alok responded again.

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