Looking at Roger who suddenly became enthusiastic, Alok said: "I was just about to discuss countermeasures with you. There is no specific plan yet. It's not safe here, and those bodyguards are too close. Let's go back."

He chanted a spell softly, waved his hand in the air, and then cut the memory of this place into silver-white ribbons, threw them on the sea, and let them drift away with the wind.

The memory of this place only retained Alok's laughter. Then it naturally transitioned to the sentence "Let's go back."

Afterwards, Alok led Roger back to his cabin, closed the door and lay comfortably on the sofa, poured himself a cup of tea, and then continued:

"I don't plan to let him die on the ship. First, this will increase our risk and make us suspects, which is not conducive to escape. Second, it is not easy to operate. In such an environment, the number of people is too dense, and it is easy to leave some evidence."

"There are three general plans. The first is to pretend to be suicide. This is easier to get out. But the disadvantage is that it is not easy to operate. You can use the prelude of the dead to barely manipulate the living and pretend to be suicide. But it is easy to find the influence of extraordinary factors. And And I haven't tried it. "

"The second is to disguise myself as a victim. I haven't figured out how to do it yet. But I need a scapegoat."

"The third is to find an alibi, but I haven't figured out how to find it."

After Roger listened carefully to Alok's plan, he frowned slightly, thought for a few seconds and said:

"As far as I know, the Overture of the Dead does not have such a strong manipulation ability. It can manipulate the dead because of the characteristics of the dead. The direct control effect on the will is not ideal. As for the scapegoat, it's not that easy to find. It can't be me."

"Wouldn't it be better to use the third method directly? You can also be on the ship."

"The captain doesn't want him to die on the ship. I don't want to either." Alok explained directly. "So I think we can make him break the rules on the ship and force him to get off the ship. This will not only clear the captain's name, but also clear the suspicion of other people on the ship."

Nodding his head in understanding, Roger understood the concerns. This should be a deal between the captain of the Drol and Alok. Then, he said:

"The first question now is how to get him off the ship."

He thought for a while and said:

"I am quite familiar with the route from Drol City to Damia. I have been there several times before. As far as I know, there are several large ports on the way. The Drol will definitely stop for supplies. This is a good opportunity."

"It's the same as I thought." Alok nodded in agreement. "What do you think of creating an atmosphere of fear and letting him know that someone on the ship wants to kill him. Let him escape from the ship. How about this idea?"

After thinking for a moment, Roger said, "We can give it a try."

"Maybe, we need the cooperation of the righteous captain." Alok smiled strangely and said.

He got up from the sofa, took a sip of black tea, and said:

"Go to the second class cabin first and spread the news. A thief sneaked into the ship, someone was robbed and went to the first class cabin. The thief came from the third class cabin. Then change your clothes and go to the third class cabin to spread the news. There is a stowaway on the ship. Arouse the opposition of those who spent a huge amount of money to buy tickets..."

"Be careful, don't leave any traces. Don't let people know that it was you who said it."

Although Roger didn't know what Alok meant, he felt it was powerful. He nodded seriously and said:

"I'm good at this. I guarantee that there will be no traces."

"What about you, Captain?" he asked doubtfully.

"Me? I'm spreading rumors here in the first class cabin." Alok smiled mysteriously.

"Let's go now."

He asked Roger to go out and say nothing was false. Nick was the stowaway he said. And he really stole the property of a gentleman in the second class cabin.

But this is not the key. The important thing is the rumors he spreads.

Then, Roger and Alok went out at the same time, but one went to the left and the other to the right.

Alok stood in front of the door, straightened his clothes, adjusted his bowler hat, and walked towards the ball.

It was a little late now, and there were not too many people at the ball.

But he still saw Florian. He did not continue to participate in the task of protecting the scene, but hugged an unknown woman. Dancing with the beautiful but slow music.

The woman was like a doll in his hands. Alok did not disturb Florian's good mood, but found a corner to sit down and wait for the dance to end.

Count Edward's family had long disappeared, and Miss Mason, Nick and Frank also disappeared. As the last note of the music fell, the ball came to an end.

Florian also stopped dancing, holding the little hand of the unknown woman and walked out.

Fortunately, Alok was close to the door, he sat astride on the chair and waved to Florian.

Although it's not good to disturb my friend's mood, at least I have waited for a dance.

"Florian." Alok shouted loudly.

Florian was a little at a loss after hearing Alok's voice. He looked at the beautiful woman, then looked at Alok, and reluctantly pulled the woman over. He sighed and said:

"It must be something bad. Tell me."

"Who said that? It's true." Alok said with a smile. He looked at the woman and signaled Florian to send her away and talk about business.

But obviously, Florian didn't want to do this, and said directly: "Just tell me."

"Okay. It's not a big problem." Alok responded.

Then, he really ignored the woman and said directly:

"Go tell Captain Peel. There is an assassin aboard the ship, and his target is Earl Edward."

"How do you know?" Florian asked in surprise.

"Don't doubt professionals." Alok said mysteriously.

He secretly praised Florian's cooperation. Although he knew that he really didn't want to cooperate, it didn't matter.

One witness is enough.

With Earl Edward's knowledge of the incident, he would only believe that I was the assassin. Besides, I had a quarrel with him today.

And based on what Pierre and Florian know about me, they also know that I am the one who wants to kill Baron Edward. But they will never tell anyone.

Also, Pierre would never let such an assassination happen on the ship. This would greatly affect his reputation and the reputation of Archduke Dror.

Of course, he must also know that I will not do anything on the boat. Because I already told him "There's an assassin on board."

Coupled with the presence of a witness, he will definitely strengthen the protection of the earl instead of turning a blind eye.

For the sake of his own reputation, Peel would never let the count disembark. If he is driven away like this, I'm afraid he is also responsible.

I believe he will tell the noble gentlemen. There is danger, protect yourself. He would also pat his chest and promise: Don't worry, I will protect your safety and will never let the assassin succeed.

I will also tell others that I am not an assassin. But professionals.

No one would believe that I was the assassin, especially with Captain Peel's words. Everyone knew that Peele was righteous.

Plus Roger went and spread the word. When combined, it becomes a true rumor. A stowaway successfully boarded a ship and stole a gentleman's belongings in order to assassinate the earl.

In this way, the Earl will not be allowed to disembark even when the ship docks. But strict protection. Otherwise, if something goes wrong during this period, Pierre will definitely be held responsible.

A rule emerged that prohibited disembarkation.

And if he breaks this rule and gets off the ship, we will have no responsibility.

As for how to get him off the ship.

It would be nice to actually assassinate him once.

Gradually eat away at his bodyguard, and preferably kill his sons. I don't believe that he alone has anything to do with anti-will.

This fear is enough.

It will be easier once we get off the boat.

I have ten thousand ways to kill him without any clues.

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