"Okay, Mr. Brand. I'm Roger. This is Jack." Roger pointed at Elok and introduced. But no last names were given.

One is that he simply forgot what his last name was when Alok said his pseudonym. Moreover, he did not want his last name to be revealed.

However, the coachman was not surprised by this. There were many passengers like this.

He suggested with a smile:

"When should we set off. My suggestion is early tomorrow morning. That way we can reach the next city in the evening for our rest."

"No, let's go now." Alok said in a low voice.

The coachman was a little surprised by this request, but he still agreed.

"Well, the customer has the final say. In that case we would have to arrive in the middle of the night, or just rest in the wilderness. But that would be very tiring."

Roger was not surprised. After all, he had just told Alok about the information about anti-will and pink heaven.

Plus the intelligence agent from Pink Paradise whom I just met in the tavern.

The prudent approach is to leave immediately.

And it must be completely contrary to the exposed information.

"Are you sure?" Brand asked again.

Alok said again: "Yes, the sooner the better."

"Okay. Get in the car now. You look like you're in a hurry. I'll speed up. Maybe I can get to the next city in the middle of the night. But then I'll have to work my precious horses." Brand continued. nagging and complaining.

However, his movements were very fast. Invite the two distinguished guests into the carriage, and then trot the two horses to the front of the carriage. After getting all the reins and other things in place, he climbed onto the cab at the front of the carriage.

The carriage quickly started and slowly drove out of the station. But the people around him were indifferent,

Even Brand felt there was something unusual. Because no one shunned his broad carriage.

Fortunately, the station was relatively deserted at this time, so it didn't take much effort for him to get the carriage on the right track.

The most important thing is that I didn't hit anyone.

This is the effect of the reappearance of yesterday cast by Elok, but it can only confuse ordinary people.

Once an extraordinary person tracks it down, it will be easy to see through. It would be even more troublesome if there were traitor historians or the like.

He did not feel at all that the news of his disembarkation in Lucca Port was a secret, nor did he feel that his whereabouts had not been exposed just now.

In such a small city, all kinds of intelligence information can fly all over the sky. It is expected to spread throughout the country soon.

Therefore, he also interfered a little bit, cutting out a small piece of memory and then shaping it into a small ball and playing with it in his hand.

Although his interference level still needs to be improved, it is enough to prevent some of the pursuit.

If a higher-level transcendent comes to trouble you, it doesn't matter whether you do it or not.

Well,,, I can also ask my father, Rich, to help me. .

This is still reliable.

After pondering for a while, he thought about this idea again, and then removed the backed up memory.

He patted the little bear on the head and asked him to take out his luggage.

After a moment, the little bear's eyes suddenly brightened, and after hearing Alok's request, he opened his chest without stopping. He took out a suitcase and handed it to Alok.

Alok ignored Roger's puzzled look and found a glass bottle similar to a drift bottle but smaller in the corner of the suitcase.

There was also an oak stopper stuck on the bottle. Alok pulled it out and stuffed the small ball of his memory in his hand into the bottle.

He nodded with satisfaction and returned the bottle to its original state. Then he made a wish: I hope Richie can see him soon. Stop fishing.

The bottle suddenly emitted a soft white light. Ordinary incandescent lamps with poor contact generally flicker for a few times and then eventually go out. The ball in the bottle eventually disappeared.

Um~~...Is this a success? Or failed?


Hope it's more reliable.

Roger expressed great surprise. After watching Airok's operation for a long time, I still didn't understand what he was doing. Seeing the bottle suddenly extinguished, he finally couldn't help but ask:

"Captain. What are you doing?"

Alok was very disdainful of this ignorance, glanced at Roger and replied:

"Huh? Don't you know that you have to delete the history? I am just interfering. If you have done bad things, you have to erase the traces. You don't understand this. How do you survive today without being beaten to death by your father when you were a child? "

"Um. Captain, you are getting weirder and weirder. I didn't understand a word except for the phrase "eliminate interference." Roger frowned and scratched his head.

Sure enough, people of different generations cannot communicate at all. Elok gave up the plan.

Give the suitcase to the bear again. Close your eyes and say:

"I'm sleepy. Let's take a rest. Don't sleep. Pay attention to your surroundings. Also, don't let the coachman trick us."

Roger's face changed very quickly, and he responded fiercely:

"I understand, Captain. You have really given full play to a captain's commanding abilities."

"You are such a good second officer." Alok praised without hesitation.

"Now it's time for you to show your ability to lead the way. Don't forget to perform when you are given the opportunity."

In the bar at Lucca Marina, there were only Shaina and a muscular man in the room on the second floor.

"Miss Shaina. Those two people are missing."

"Didn't you say they would be your boat, Dirk?" Shayna was wearing revealing clothes, and her expression was gloomy and terrifying.

Dirk was suddenly terrified by Shayna's change of expression, and lowered his head and explained eagerly: "That was just what the man said. I was deceived. I sent a few people to follow them during the day, but they haven't come back yet."

"But I know that if they don't go by water, they must have rented a carriage. We can wait for them at the carriage station."

Some anger and madness suddenly appeared on Shayna's face, and she cursed: "Stupid, they have already run away. Go and find Noland."

"Yes, yes." Dirk responded hurriedly.

He staggered out of the room.

After a while, he brought a well-mannered young man with round-framed glasses to Shayna's room.

"What's wrong? Beautiful, sexy and lovely Miss Shayna." Noland smiled, looking at the half-dressed Shayna, and said politely with a little impatience.

"Come with me. Find the traces of those two people. Aren't you looking for those two people?" Shayna has no intention of moving now.

Hearing this, Noland suddenly showed an excited expression, looking at Shayna and said excitedly: "You found it? That's right, they will definitely come out from the dock, and it's normal to pass by Miss Shayna's bar. What do you need me to do?"

"Aren't you a historian? Of course, I want to find their traces." Shayna said with a gloomy face.

She didn't have Noland's calmness. If she missed it even though she had found it. Then what was waiting for her was probably getting lost in desire.

That was a punishment more terrible than death.

You completely lost your self-awareness, and your consciousness was completely occupied by something called "desire".

You also complacently thought that the Mother Goddess favored you. You thought you knew the nature of desire and that you could control desire.

In fact, you had died a long time ago.

She didn't want this, although she heard the men and women in heaven always say how good it was. But the more this happened, the more terrified Shayna felt.

She also felt sorry for them.

"Derke, lead the way." She instructed in a low voice.

It was already dark. Shayna was even more anxious.

Without saying a word, she followed Dirk to the square in front of the city hall, and then followed his instructions to the station.

"Noland. Is there anything unusual?"

She stood outside the station and looked around the simple station. She was hit by the smell of horse manure and covered her nose. Therefore, her voice was mixed with the smell of horse manure.

After waiting for a while, Noland still did not speak, frowning.

After a while, he shook his head helplessly and said, "One is wearing a black dress, and the other is wearing a leather coat. It is obvious, but there is no trace of them."

"Maybe we should ask those drivers to see if they left today." Dirk suggested with a forced smile.

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