the next day.

Alok woke up a little early, which was rare.

Of course, just a little bit.

Sebas seemed to be aware of Alok's daily routine, and in the following days, he could no longer hear the sound of the piano early in the morning.

"Let's go out today." Alok stood at the top of the stairs and said while changing his clothes.

He took out two one-deben notes from his breast pocket and handed them to Sebas. continued:

"Your salary for last week. It will be paid on Wednesday. If I forget, remind me. I like Wednesday."

"Thank you, boss. You are truly the most promise-abiding boss I have ever seen." Sebas said sincerely.

He didn't want to remind his boss to pay wages, that was not a good choice.

He took the two banknotes and happily put them in his pocket. He continued in a good mood:

"What are we doing today?"

After getting dressed, Alok didn't answer, but asked:

"I remember you once said that you joined a detective club when you were in college?"

"Um? Why do you suddenly ask this? I have indeed joined, but it is not the same as Chaofan." Sebas replied with some surprise.

"We'll go there today. You have to make full use of your professional knowledge." Alok looked at Sebas and smiled.

"Hurry up and get ready, we're leaving now."

"I remember our business is~~~~" Sebastian originally wanted to ask, but thought about it and canceled the plan. The silent ones were also neatly dressed.

"I think the house has been cleaned. Did auntie come yesterday afternoon?" Alok asked casually.

Sebas replied easily: "Yes, she also said that our home is quite well maintained, and there is no kitchen waste."

"Hahaha, she made a good joke. Don't let him go to my bedroom in the future." Alok laughed a few times, and then ordered nonchalantly.

Then, Alok began to explain:

"The existence of extraordinary beings is inherently dangerous, including some of the things they possess. Activated items and the like. Therefore, try to keep ordinary people away from those things."

Of course, most importantly, there were some things that Elok didn't want others to see.

Including those books, and the "Book of the Prophets".

"Okay, I understand." Sebas nodded and agreed seriously.

"You have to pay attention to yourself in the future." Alok said finally.

Seeing that Sebas was also ready, he picked up the cane next to the bear and pressed the bowler hat on his head.

After opening the door, I looked at the weather outside. It was cloudless.

Hmm~ What a great day to carry ‘Calame’s Tempest’.

"Do you know where that club is?" Alok asked as he walked.

His pace seemed like a walk, but his eyes were still scanning the surrounding environment, looking for possible clues.

Although such a chance is slim, we cannot let go of any possibility.

"Of course. I used to go there often," Sebas replied.

He didn't wait for Alok to speak, and took the initiative to walk half a step ahead of Alok. While introducing the situation of the club to Alok, he shared some interesting stories about Damia.

When passing by a blacksmith shop, Elok stopped slightly.

I bought a wooden scabbard with a metal edge for my dagger. Then he hung it on his waist.

Although it doesn't look suitable for this outfit, Alok still likes it very much.

While playing with the new scabbard, as if he had found a fresh toy, he asked Sebas:

"You just said that the level gap in that club is very obvious? And there are some well-known detectives? I don't know who they are? I hope there is no one named Conan."

"It is true that the gap is huge. I am one of the worst among them. As for great detectives, they rarely appear. They have their own agencies. But there are also many people who are not so famous but have good abilities." Sebas explained in detail.

"As for the name Conan, I have never heard of it. Does Mr. Phasma know him?"

"No, no, no, I don't know him, don't talk nonsense." Alok quickly waved his hand and said.

I don't want anything to do with the name Conan.

If I knew him, I'm afraid I would be the next to die.

"Okay." Sebastian rubbed his brow helplessly, and then continued along with the previous topic:

"I can introduce you, boss, to a few people who are good but less well-known."

"Hmm~~Why are their skills good, but their popularity is a little less? Is it because they are young? Inexperienced. Or is it because they don't have the right connections?" Alok asked, looking at Sebas in front of him.

"Of course it's because it doesn't matter. The relationship in the police station is not strong enough. There are few connections, so the reputation is not big enough." Sebastian explained with an unhappy expression.

"Okay. I guess so." Alok shrugged.

Less than a moment.

They walked to a main road, and the roadside was full of sunflowers in bloom, facing the noon sun.

The quaint stone-paved streets and sunflowers on the streets. Alok, who was here for the first time, couldn't help but praise him.

"This is Damia. It's so~~~~"

He didn't know how to express it. He had no choice but to cough twice to cover up his embarrassment, and then continued moving forward in silence.

Sebas also looked at the sea of ​​flowers in front of him, pointed to a house in front and explained to Alok:

"It's just ahead. The club is at 23 Sunflower Street. This is the place closest to Kafka District in Elizabeth District. The organizer of the club is a baron. He has a property here, so he uses it as a club."

"It's so happy to live here. There are melon seeds to eat in autumn." Alok laughed.

"Uh~~~" Sebastian held back the rest of the words. He scratched his head awkwardly.

If you weren't my boss, I would definitely admire your unique ideas.

Alok took the initiative to pass Sebastian and walked towards the villa that Sebastian pointed to.

The structure of the villa is full of pastoral style. Compared with the gorgeous Damian style, it has a little more natural flavor.

There is even a small windmill on the top, which is the window of the attic.

It is very artistic.

The door was open, and the lobby on the first floor became the reception room. A dozing young woman sat behind the front desk.

Alok walked up and tapped the table a few times. He waited until the beautiful woman at the front desk suddenly woke up, and then coughed twice.

"Ah, hello. Sorry, I didn't notice you." The waitress said quickly.

"Excuse me, is there anything you need?"

She wiped her eyes, then sat up straight, and saw Sebastian behind Alok, and said in surprise:


She paused, and continued: "I thought you were back to Eton."

"No, Celine. I plan to develop in Damia." Sebastian took the initiative to step forward and said.

With a slight smile, he explained to Alok: "I used to come here often."

Then he looked at the waitress at the front desk and introduced: "This is my boss. I hope to find a detective. He has a commission."

"Of course, welcome. Whether you want to join the detective industry or seek detective services, we are professional." The beautiful woman at the front desk showed a somewhat smart smile. It seemed much more sincere.

"Okay. Miss Celine. Any recommendations?" Alok asked casually.

Celine looked at Alok. With a somewhat funny smile, he answered the question irrelevantly:

"Well~~There is Eton black tea, Shengshi coffee from the East Continent, Yunshang green tea from the northernmost Kingdom Alliance, alcohol, and red wine from Reeds Manor~~"

This is also a small routine, a small routine to keep customers, so that they can slowly drink tea, so that the business will not slip away.

"Okay. A cup of Eton black tea." Alok said with a smile. "But actually I want to ask if there are any detectives to recommend."

"Hehe, then please wait in the reception room for a while, I will get the 'menu' for you two." Serin said with a funny smile.

Alok smiled, nodded, and followed Serin's instructions to the small reception room on the side of the first floor hall.

Not long after, Serin walked into the reception room with two cups of steaming black tea on the so-called 'menu'.

Alok, who was sitting on the sofa in the reception room, thanked him and asked:

"Same question. Any recommendations?"

"Unfortunately, my answer has changed this time. I won't fool you. After all, Sebastian is a person who knows this place very well."

Then, Celine sat down opposite Alok. She opened the hardcover book that was originally propped up by the teacup. She continued:

"I recommend Detective Albert Durham to you."

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