The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 226: Gambling still has agents? ?

What? ? What? ? What? ?

Is there any trust in gambling?

For such a big place, we need to hire someone to act as a caretaker?

Moreover, he was entrusted by a transcendent person. Bright World is really wealthy.

Alok opened his mouth in surprise, glanced at Brady Condy, shook his head, and sighed:

"You hide it so well."

"I can't believe it. This can be regarded as a business method. It can also make customers have more fun. Logically speaking, we should balance the wins and losses, but I always let myself win a little more to subsidize my economy." Lady Candy explained, shaking her glass.

"The only thing that surprises me is how you can spot my unusualness in the crowd." Brady Condy asked with a slight frown.

Alok didn't know how to answer this question, so he smiled, pointed at the wine glass in front of him, and said:

"This is probably a fateful encounter."

"A fateful encounter? Hahaha~~" Brady Condy seemed to laugh easily. He patted his thigh and continued:

"I like this sentence the most. A fateful encounter. You never know what fate's next move will be."

After hearing Brady Candy's words, Alok glanced at his astral body again and got a rough idea of ​​his profession.

Someone who likes fate, coupled with his ability to change other people's luck.

And there is only one profession that I haven't seen yet.


"What? You like this sentence too?" Brady Condy asked.

"I really like it." Alok nodded in agreement, and then said:

"But I prefer to be in control of my own destiny."

"Although I know that it is difficult to control one's own destiny, working hard is always a hundred times better than doing nothing and waiting for fate to favor you. This can also be regarded as a kind of struggle against fate." Alok said with emotion. .

He seemed to mean something.

But it seemed that Brady Condy had a different opinion. He raised his head, looked into Alok's eyes, and said:

"We also have to respect fate. Maybe your fight against fate is also part of your destiny."

Alok thought about Brady Condy's words, nodded seriously and replied: "That makes sense."

"That's why I say, you never know where your destiny will go next." Brady Condy laughed.

"Can't you see it?" Alok asked doubtfully.

Brady Candy showed a somewhat surprised look, glanced at Alok, and said, not sure whether he agreed or denied:

“Only seeing the possibilities.”

You can only see the possibilities!

What a great answer. Maybe this is what those astrologers say.

Always in the clouds. I don't like such a boring profession.

But Brady Cundey is still a good person, at least he doesn't disgust me.

Sooner or later it will be useful to know such a person.

At least it can be used now.

You can take me to the inner circle and look for clues about drugs and anti-will.

However, from the look on his face, he seemed completely unaware of counter-will. Can such a person really help me find him?

Moreover, as a third-level transcendent, he cannot be said to be at the top, but he is definitely a core member.

If we don’t know about anti-will yet, maybe there really is no relevant issue here.

Moreover, for such a luxurious entertainment city to be built here, the priests, government, and nobles of the temple must have participated in it. It is probably in the hands of someone among them.

There is definitely news about drugs, but in terms of anti-will, there may not really be any.

It's too close to the temple.

Too dangerous.

Alok smiled and looked down at his shoes. To avoid being left in the cold, he continued what Brady Condie said above and said:

"Even like this, you can predict some things in advance. You can also advance some of your luck."

"That's right. This is what I rely on for a living." Brady Candy sipped the champagne and swung his legs.

After a moment of silence, Alok said hesitantly:

"There's a question I don't know if I should ask."

The purpose of saying this is of course to ask, not because I really don’t know whether I should ask.

If I really didn't know if I could ask, I wouldn't have said such a thing. This is just a courtesy.

Brady Condy was very knowledgeable and nodded with his eyes closed as if he was enjoying it.

"In a place like the Bright World, why are there no people from Pink Heaven?" Alok asked bluntly.

Hearing this, Brady Condi suddenly opened his eyes, seeming to have heard something very interesting, and said:

"Oh? It seems that you are an expert. You know the beauty of indulgent homes. But unfortunately, this is the property of the temple. In order to prevent the evil cult from sneaking in to detect information, indulgent homes are not allowed in."

"Wouldn't this mean that porn-related industries are not as good as other places?" Alok asked doubtfully.

Brady Condie smiles mysteriously again, which seems to be some of the bad habits of astrologers.

"But safe enough," he replied.

"If you want a pampered home, you can keep one at home, or you can look for it elsewhere, but there is none here."

"Safe enough? This is really a unique sales plan." Alok said helplessly, shaking his head.

"You have to understand. It's hard for a normal man to keep a secret in front of a dissolute family." Brady Condy said with a smile. "And the ladies here are always of high quality, and they won't ask for that kind of information."

"So. People who have secrets in their hearts and want to indulge will come here to experience it. Not outside."

"It is indeed a pretty good market. These people are all wealthy people." Alok finally nodded in agreement.

He suddenly sighed and said: "It seems that the censorship of cults here is very strict. I thought there would be the best nightingales in all of Deltaia here."

"There is indeed a Nightingale, and it is the best in Damia." Brady Condi said mysteriously again.

"What?" Alok asked doubtfully.

"Nightingale." Brady Candy repeated, then smiled softly and said:

"You'll know later. I'll take you there later."

Another betrayal. I hate selling out.

Damn it.

But since you agreed to take me there, I will temporarily forgive you.

nightingale. . .

Um. . . . . It's really confusing.

"When?" Alok asked distressedly.

"For a while, for a while. I know men are always so anxious, but you have to pay a little time as a price. Just like you paid a bottle of wine as a price." Brady Condi said shaking his head.

In response, Alok had no choice but to shake his head and said, "Okay. We can enjoy it during this period."

"Enjoy some high-end champagne," he added to avoid being misunderstood.

"You can also enjoy free high-end services. If you gamble here, you can enjoy it for free." Brady Condi suggested. "This is also a marketing ploy. After all, gambling is more profitable than women."

"Indeed. Gambling is more profitable than women, and drugs are more profitable than gambling." Alok sighed in a low voice.

"I don't know if there is a more profitable business like drugs here. I remember my brother was a drug addict, and I hate drugs."

Brady Cundy glanced at Alok with a smile on his face, as if he knew Alok's intention, and said regretfully:

"Drugs are not something allowed by the God of Order. I'm sorry to tell you that we don't participate in such a more profitable business here. But if the guests bring them themselves, we usually don't interfere. You can bring them to smoke, but You can’t buy it here.”

"Is that so? It seems that the management is a little lax." Alok asked in surprise.

Brady Condie explains:

"The Bright World is a place for people's entertainment. We don't pay attention to what the guests do in the private rooms. As long as you don't do anything immoral in a public place, we won't care about you at all."

"Is this the so-called freedom under order?" Alok asked with some confusion.

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